Monday, April 21, 2014

τ-time in days required furgale that the number of viral particles is reduced to 99% From Table 4 i

One such study was done in England, and scientists are engaged in examining the conditions furgale of survival of enteroviruses in food, drink and fertilizers. This study is based on the fact that the different furgale substrates (food, water, fertilizer) infect known number of virus particles, and then were infected substrates exhibited a certain period of time different conditions (temperature, humidity, pH, chemical substances). After a certain period of time by using a detection system, counted the survivors of viral particles. Based on the number of surviving viral particles, leads to the conclusion about the conditions that are suitable and which are not relived for viruses. Rzezutka and colleagues collected a large number of these studies and published them.
Food products can be infected by viruses in several furgale different ways. Raw materials can be infected during growth and development through infected furgale water for irrigation furgale or fertilizer infected. furgale If the raw material, semi-finished or finished product manipulate infected person, there is likely to be an infection. To avoid infecting food viral particles is necessary to take account of all operations from receipt of raw materials during the manufacturing of the product to product placement on the market (Rzezutka, 2004).
Freshwater river waters, lakes, ponds and streams are very favorable environment for the survival of the virus. Enteroviruses in fresh water can survive longer periods of time. Tests survival of poliovirus 1, Echo viruses 7 and coxsackievirus B3 in fresh water, were carried out at temperatures of -20.1 C to 22 C. Water samples were taken at five different places of natural and artificial lakes, small urban streams, and from small and large rivers. Average results, ie for how logarithms reduce the number of viral particles, are shown in Table (Hurst, 1989).
Table 3 Effect furgale of time and temperature to reduce the number of viral particles furgale in the fresh waters of the T ( C) TIME reducing the number of viral particles 22 C for 8 weeks from 6.5 to 7.01 log 10 1 C for 12 weeks 4-5 log 10 -20, 1 C for 12 weeks 0.4-0.8 log10
Rotavirus also can survive in fresh water for several days. In order to reduced the number of particles of rotavirus in 99% takes 10 days at 20 C and 32 days at 4 C. Enteroviruses will survive a short period of time in the water, if the water is very hard, or if it is very clean, and the turbidity of water and dissolved solids in a positive impact on the survival of virus (Rzezutka, 2004).
Drinking Water Tests survival of poliovirus, hepatitis A virus (HAV) and adenovirus (type 40 and 41) were performed in drinking water at different temperatures. In order to reduced the number of viral particles for 99% it is necessary to effect a certain temperature, a certain time period. In Table 4 shows the temperature and time periods necessary action temperature to certain viruses had reduced furgale 99% (Enriques, 1995):
Table 4 Time period enteroviruses survival at different temperatures T τ = τ 4 C to T = 15 C T = τ at 25 C. The poliovirus HAV 41 24 11 56 41 27 40 92 The adenovirus type 87 adenovirus type 60 41304124 84
τ-time in days required furgale that the number of viral particles is reduced to 99% From Table 4 it can be concluded furgale that the degree of reduction of poliovirus, hepatitis A virus (HAV) and enteric adenovirus (type 40 and 41) in drinking water increases with increasing temperature, and the adenovirus type 40 and 41 is extremely stable viruses. Have been investigated and the survival of HAV and poliovirus furgale type 1 in mineral water. It has been shown that at 4 C. Both viruses can survive up to a year, while at room temperature after 300 days, 1 poliovirus was detected, and HAV are. Scientists have come to the conclusion that a long period of survival of enteroviruses in mineral water may pose a risk to consumers (Biziagos, 1988). In hlorisanoj well water was determined furgale by the influence of the temperature of 4 and 21 C in astrovirus, and test results are shown in Table:
Table 5 Effect of temperature on survival astrovirus reduction in the number of virus particles at 4 C reduction in the number of viral particles at 21 C astrovirus (60 days) 2 log10 3.6 log10 astrovirus furgale (90 days) 3.3 log10 4.3 log10
From the results shown in Table 5 it can be concluded that astroviruses survive furgale longer period of time in hlorisanoj well water at lower temperatures. Compared to sea water and well water for drinking, astroviruses at the same temperature, preživeće longer period of time in the well water. If the sea water wells and infect the same amount of astrovirus and incubated at 20 C, the same number of viral particles being detected after 30 days in sea water, as in the well water after 60 days. Scientists believe that this difference may be caused by the presence of antiviral bacteria in seawater (Bosch, 1997).
Fruits furgale and vegetables Fruits and vegetables, as well as the products of these are foods that are daily used in human nutrition. Can be infected by viruses in several different ways, up

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