Thursday, April 3, 2014

Archive November 2012 May 2012 January 2012 my last posts not as scary as he is painted door handle

At the moment on the European continent raging crisis. High volatility in financial markets, the depreciation of the euro and the risk of collapse and the low or negative GDP growth of some members of the Union have led to the fact that ordinary citizens are increasingly wondering about the meaning of the project called "United Europe".
The cause of the problems making french fries from scratch the old continent is not as it seems at first "sight" Greece or another country of the group called. "Pigs" (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain, in short PIIGS). Analyzing the problem of the European Union would reach much deeper, namely ... the pattern of expenditure across the EU.
For years, the lion's share of the common budget absorbs Agricultural Policy. Direct payments to farmers, intervention buying of agricultural products, subsidizing exports to non-EU countries, and extensive control measures-absorb about 34% (ie 320 billion in 2007-2013) the budget of the Community. The amount of funds allocated to agriculture does not go hand in hand with its profitability. It is estimated that, in this sector across the EU economy will generate only 2.1% of GDP (2006r.) and 5.2% of employment making french fries from scratch (2010r.). Looking at these statistics comes to mind one question. Why waste so much money on a project that in such a negligible impact on the wealth of citizens? Well, just ...
If it were part of the (now do not say a whole, because making french fries from scratch I know that it is not real) of these funds has been allocated to the growth of economic making french fries from scratch innovation by increasing funding for "research and development" the situation could look completely different. Increasing the competitiveness of the economy by increasing product innovation making french fries from scratch and development of new technologies will affect the reduction of production costs, reduced prices and better position Europe making french fries from scratch in the global economy. Increased sales in global markets, in turn, would lead to a reduction in trade deficits with countries such as China, India, USA and lead to an increase in Foreign Direct Investment in the old continent. making french fries from scratch These actions will impact the growth of the size of the GDP of individual countries as well as a decrease in unemployment. making french fries from scratch Continuous development, with no changes in spending countries would result in the short term to reduce the public debt and to increase making french fries from scratch the wealth of Europe.
Currently, because European countries are in a worse situation than the importance making french fries from scratch of Asian countries and the U.S.. In developed Japan or USA-Europe loses in terms of technological development, and with developing countries such as China, India, Brazil loses in terms of labor costs.
Limitation of the Common Agricultural Policy would be another positive making french fries from scratch aspect. In fact contributed to a significant decline in food prices in the Community, by injection of cheaper products manufactured include in Africa. Today, the EU is blocking other countries access to its market by high tariffs imposed on imported goods, and subsidizing exports. The market making french fries from scratch release on the mainland has forced manufacturers to significantly lower prices.
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Archive November 2012 May 2012 January 2012 my last posts not as scary as he is painted door handle fell - working making french fries from scratch longer Strait of Hormuz battle for ... Little black! ... That's it? Polish automotive thought ... Common Agricultural Policy ... Hit or Kit? Emigrant throwing monarchy to its knees ... Categories No categories Posted on ...
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