Thursday, April 17, 2014

The main source of protein from animal sources are meat, fish, milk, dairy products and eggs. Prote

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All food items that make up our food does not contain substances that are equally necessary for our organism, therefore it is very important that we eat a diverse, combining protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and water. Proteins
Proteins horizon agrotech (proteins) form the basis of all living cells: horizon agrotech muscle, skin, hair, blood cells, all body tissues are composed of protein. They create a protective substances that protect the body from disease, transmitted by water in the body and are a source of energy.
The main source of protein from animal sources are meat, fish, milk, dairy products and eggs. Proteins from animal sources contain the essential ingredients necessary body and have a higher biological value than proteins of vegetable origin. It is easier to weld and better utilized by the plant b
The main sources of vegetable protein grains and their products, potatoes, legumes. Man can not stockpile protein as it can with fat, because it is necessary to take every day. If you are not taken, the body utilizes its own supplies of proteins, or proteins that are an integral part of the tissue of the body.
Lack of protein causes growth retardation and development, reducing horizon agrotech the body's resistance to disease, reduction of red blood cells which results horizon agrotech in anemia, a decrease in body weight, fatigue. Adults need to bring 1 g protein per 1 kg of body weight, while the children are 2-3 times more, as well as pregnant women, nursing mothers, chronically ill, people horizon agrotech who perform heavy physical labor. Fats
In human nutrition fats represent a valuable source of body heat and energy. In each work the body consumes a certain amount of energy horizon agrotech and to the renewed man should enter fats, proteins and carbohydrates. * In the combustion of 1 g fat develops energy 9.3 calories natural source of fat in the plant world is the germ of seeds and fatty fruits (olives, nuts)
Created horizon agrotech and the carbohydrates in the case when the entries in greater quantity than we need. Stavaru fat reserves in the body, unlike proteins, and entering larger amounts leads to their accumulation in the body and unwanted obesity
Sources of carbohydrates: glucose (sugar fastest absorbed into the body. Has it in various horizon agrotech fruits and honey.), Sucrose (sugar that is extracted from sugar beet or cane. This sugar is not desirable in large quantities because it affects the metabolism of fat) lactose (milk sugar) is found only in milk and dairy products. horizon agrotech This sugar is used to create a minimum of body fat. Starch is found in grains, legumes and potatoes. The body breaks horizon agrotech down the slowest.
Carbohydrates are mainly components of plant foods: Cereals, flour and bread, potatoes, beans, peas, cabbage, celery, radishes, beets, carrots, tomatoes, horizon agrotech green beans, apples, pears, cherries, cherry, plum, apricot and orange.
The largest part of the energy required to operate we get just from carbohydrates. Among the carbohydrate cellulose (prunes) is one who can not use as an energy source, but because it is a good regulator of intestinal operation, because swell in the process of digestion, and its increased displacement performed mechanical irritation to the intestinal walls.
Daily human needs for carbohydrates depends on the weight of the work that we perform and the average is around 400 grams. The energy of matter, sagorevajući in the body, releases the heat which is measured in calories. One calorie is the amount of heat that is needed to get one kg of water to warm up to one degree Celsius, the so-called big calories. Vitamins
Vitamins horizon agrotech are found in foods in small amounts that are quite sufficient for the proper functioning of the body, if you handle them properly. Various procedures for the processing, cooking, canning and storing food can damage the vitamins horizon agrotech in it.
Each of them has a particular role in our oraganizmu and therefore if one lacks symptoms will begin to warn that lack. But also there and excessive intake of vitamins that also has resulted in a variety of disorders in the body.
Natural horizon agrotech sources: Most liver (calf), fish oil, carrots, spinach, turnip, egg yolk, cold pressed vegetable oil, potato, melon, dandelion, cabbage, parsley, peaches, apricots, plums, milk products
Lack of causes: poor night vision; dry, rough or chapped skin; dry mucous membranes; slow wound healing, nerve damage, impaired horizon agrotech sense of taste, horizon agrotech hearing horizon agrotech and smell; inability sweating; reduced resistance to respiratory infections
When excessive intake causes: nausea and upset stomach; horizon agrotech headache,

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