Friday, February 28, 2014

Perhaps to keep the milk in the period. Mother

Hot Promotion!!! Products sunmum milk cooler bag. Underwear for handfree pumping bra nursing bra seamless nursing bra. Breast pumps Rumble tuff Unimom forte to know ... breast milk. How to Buy Payment About Us Maps Contact Us.
It can be seen that the temperature difference will be made at the store breast milk varies accordingly. If you Planned to use the milk within 2-3 days, then frozen for later freeze it. Because freezing will destroy the substance. To help prevent infections that are present in milk in. However, although some substances in milk, may be destroyed by freezing, but the baby feeding breast milk to frozen still useful and nutrients. sugar factory paris las vegas I needed more than milk
Use a sterile container. Recommend the use of a plastic bottle or milk storage bag, especially for container glass is not advice. Because white blood cells in the breast milk helps prevent infection may be infected. With a glass container.
But if you want to add milk into the milk that has been 'frozen' in mother's milk that will be sure to add it to the new. Must be frozen for at least one hour and it will be added to the amount of milk that is not more than the amount of milk available here.
Perhaps to keep the milk in the period. Mother's milk may be seen that the secession of a part of the water and wax floating on top, which is common to occur. Just shake the milk and mix well It can be used then.
If you want to freeze milk pump. Should be completed immediately after the pump too. Do not pump the container until it is full. Should be left blank For because the milk will expand when frozen up again. If you use the bags for storing milk. Do not forget to look around a bag with me that a leak or not, when taken out of water, it should be thawed milk bags fell on them.
Frozen milk should be thawed by putting it in the fridge too. It can store up to 24 hours and not allowed to freeze again, the mothers should not breast milk in the microwave to melt it. If desired, sugar factory paris las vegas melt milk soon, take a dip in cold water, milk containers. Then soaked in warm water. Finally, let the tap water run through it. And do not forget to wipe Around the container to dry before activating them.
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Digital, dial, or instant-read food thermometers and appliance thermometers will help you know if th

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If you are in Bangkok, you probably know about the current flooding situation that’s affecting the whole country. I did a search on the internet on food safety and came across an interesting article on food safety in an emergency on the United States Department of Agriculture ‘s website. Please take a look below, I think it’s very useful to know.
Did you know that a flood, fire, national disaster, or the loss of power from high winds, snow, or ice could jeopardize the safety of your food? Knowing how to determine if food is safe and how to keep food safe will help minimize the potential loss of food and reduce the risk of foodborne illness. This fact sheet will help you make the right decisions for keeping your family safe during an emergency.
Keep the refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible to maintain the cold temperature. The refrigerator will keep food safely cold for about 4 hours if it is unopened. A full freezer will hold the temperature for approximately 48 hours (24 hours if it is half full) if the door remains conagra ice skating closed. Obtain dry or block ice to keep your refrigerator as cold as possible if the power is going to be out for a prolonged period of time. Fifty pounds of dry ice should hold an 18-cubic foot full freezer for 2 days. Plan ahead and know where dry ice and block ice can be purchased.
… by having items on hand that don t require refrigeration conagra ice skating and can be eaten cold or heated on the outdoor conagra ice skating grill. Shelf-stable food, boxed or canned milk, water, and canned goods should conagra ice skating be part of a planned conagra ice skating emergency food supply. Make sure you have ready-to-use baby formula for infants and pet food. Remember to use these items and replace them from time to time. Be sure to keep a hand-held can opener for an emergency.
Consider conagra ice skating what you can do ahead of time to store your food safely in an emergency. If you live in a location that could be affected by a flood, plan your food storage on shelves that will be safely out of the way of contaminated water. conagra ice skating Coolers are a great help for keeping food cold if the power will be out for more than 4 hours have a couple on hand along with frozen gel packs. When your freezer is not full, keep items close together conagra ice skating this helps the food stay cold longer.
Digital, dial, or instant-read food thermometers and appliance thermometers will help you know if the food is at safe temperatures. Keep appliance thermometers in the refrigerator and freezer at all times. conagra ice skating When the power is out, an appliance thermometer will always indicate conagra ice skating the temperature in the refrigerator and freezer no matter how long the power has been out. The refrigerator temperature should be 40 F or below; the freezer, 0 F or lower. If you re not sure a particular food is cold enough, take its temperature with a food thermometer.
Discard any food that is not in a waterproof container if there is any chance that it has come into contact with flood water. Food containers that are not waterproof conagra ice skating include those with screw-caps, snap lids, pull tops, and crimped caps. Also, discard cardboard juice/milk/baby formula boxes and home canned foods if they have come in contact with flood water, conagra ice skating because they cannot be effectively cleaned and sanitized.
Inspect canned foods and discard any food in damaged cans. Can damage is shown by swelling, leakage, punctures, holes, fractures, extensive deep rusting, conagra ice skating or crushing/denting severe enough to prevent normal stacking or opening with a manual, wheel-type can opener.
Food in reconditioned cans or retort pouches should be used as soon as possible, thereafte

Thursday, February 27, 2014

If it is decided that scoop to feed your baby breast milk storage I need. Before even starting to w

Web healthy pregnant feeding beverage technology baby food to children, the elderly mothers.
Home food with pregnancy I need to supplement the mother. Coffee affects the mother caught fire. Effects of drugs on babies Rheumatoid suspected pregnancy Prepared using the little shopping. beverage technology Bob I like or dislike. When soil ball first The mother's milk How often to breastfeed Long time But why not let the milk feeding. Breast milk storage and preparation beverage technology of frozen breast milk. Select Baby Choosing the finished diapers Selection, powdered milk for children age appropriate. Selection formula to suit your health and good for the baby bottle nipple milk nipple size.
If it is decided that scoop to feed your baby breast milk storage I need. Before even starting to work. You can start collecting milk, but 7 days after birth. It will be the first full milk. And able to increase production. By the baby frequently, frequently, even though the pump will not have them. If the pump To feed their children with Further, it would have to pump milk 4-10 oz once. When petrol was poured into milk storage bags to iron out remaining air out a little air to prevent breast growth beverage technology time was frozen. If the air conditioning comes out or put too much milk can cause periodontal cyst.
Milk storage bag with a storage solution follows - if it is a 2 door fridge freezer with conventional cooling channels separately will be kept for three months because the freezer is disturbed less. A little off - 1 door refrigerator will keep for 1 month because you lose a lot of milk from the refrigerator when opened, if both are used to put a normal beverage technology temperature. Or water to dissolve, then leave it at room temperature for 6 hours - keep milk in the refrigerator to keep the normal temperature for 48 hours and put a 6 s - after stamping done. Do not keep putting it at room temperature for 6 h, but not to store any of the foregoing. If children do not eat out because of the time required to empty the breasts will swell to diarrhea. The common cold is a freezer with frozen milk to cap the refrigerator. Because the temperature is not constant Duration of storage of milk are shorter than stated. How to store the breast milk that is simple, convenient and reliable way is to store it in the refrigerator. For the other channels that do not mix. Will keep for about 5 days if stored in a plain, but with the other mixed with the collected 1-2 days stored in the freezer for about one month, but if the house is a refrigerator door freezer separately. gate Stored in the freezer without contamination with other foods will keep for up to 3 months if the victuals.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014 0 xiF 83 hyx 0 to make herbal mccain oven chips compress. To discharge student Ph

Live compress the
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If interested in making a fresh compress. Visit our Web site at Live demonstrations compress Faculty of Pharmacy University 0 xiF 83 hyx 0 to make herbal mccain oven chips compress. To discharge student Phayao go to the website.
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How to compress 1. Put hot compress is steamed in an autoclave. Steaming takes about 15-20 minutes. 2 To compress the pack to get hot in a patient with symptoms. Switching compress. 3 such as positioning the patient to lie supine Ta cockle depends on the position to be assuaged.
Herbs 4. Put a heat compress to the area to compress and compress.
(Test the heat of the compress. Tap the underside or back of the hand). 5 to put a compress on the skin of patients directly in the beginning. To do with speed
Not dwelling long Because patients are not very heat tolerant. 6 compress cool down, it can compress a ball instead.
Herbs used once and can be stored for 3-5 days after use to dry in the hot, dry bag or container mccain oven chips tightly closed. Keep refrigerated for up to 7 days to observe if the fungus appears to compress and smells rancid. Or yellow fade Show that the drug was
Quality should not be used anymore. It will not work Herbal Help Students visit the website.
Herbal Compress, part 1 Herbal Compress, part 2
More information midwifery Thailand The advantage to using the compress storage mccain oven chips precautions diabetes symptoms and treatment methods, the biology professor Dr. Mark Gold Exchange servant. What sounds are in the ear wink of vegetables, herbs, vitamin therapy. Midwifery Times

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

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Of the major world famous for it. They have a great way of keeping trained staff to take a look at

Today, organizations Trying to find a way to keep good employees working in the organization for as long as possible. I understand and know that. This is a group of employees to build a great contribution to the organization in the long run. But when it's time to have to figure out a way to retain employees, companies also tend to think in terms of wages and salaries. And Welfare, which actually is the main two factors that affect employee engagement. And retention of staff is very little.
Of the major world famous for it. They have a great way of keeping trained staff to take a look at the statistics for the resignation of its great people. Less than the average rate of the same business, that is what Google pt malindo feedmill company was the top companies to work with most of the top 5 Fortune magazine for many years. Google's turnover rate is at 2.7% which is less than the average rate of companies in the same business. Most of the people around. Also want to work here because a lot of policies pt malindo feedmill that allow employees to have fun at work. For example, a policy that notably include free in many films such as free meals, medical expenses, dental haircut free doctor companies pt malindo feedmill to retain staff, laundry access, and the other is nap pods is that the employee can be laid to rest. during the work day if tired. Then resumed SAS is a company that is positioned pt malindo feedmill to work with most of the Fortune magazine as the company now has a turnover rate averaged 3.7% and never goes to 5% for more than 10 years. employee retention policy pt malindo feedmill here is similar to the Google like unlimited sick leave. A place to raise children and mentor employees well. The free medical care to the family. Food and refreshments
Although we are not big. Equivalent to the above It does not mean we can not have a policy of keeping employees. Every company can do as well is that we pay more attention to keeping pt malindo feedmill good employees these or not. Many companies say Themselves as a school to train their employees to competitors it has. Translation that we are unable to retain trained employees, we intend to create works for the company.
However, all companies are able to retain the employee. Is that really want to keep it or not from the study of global policies and employee retention. Most will look And consists of the following organizations. Create a climate and culture at work on the works. The freedom to create their own works fully. And connect the system works on the reward system linked to the works really. Not to link up with other matters such seniority system or feeling. Create an atmosphere of fun in the workplace. pt malindo feedmill And make employees feel that they have contributed to the success of an organization is always there to Recognition and Management of head always. Make employees feel Organizations to focus on their Also, it is easier said Employees in the organization is growing. Enable employees to see their own career advancement. Organizations can retain good hand to have it. Is there a way to create a career for employees. Makes employees feel that they have the opportunity to progress in your career while working at the company. No one, it works the same. And do not see how they can grow does. With the development staff continued. When we hired a great staff to work now. What to have on it. Development of Employees To have the ability to constantly increase pt malindo feedmill the big companies retain staff is great, it has a very clear policy on staff development. What does each position must be developed each year. The creation of a course in the long run. So that employees have the skills and abilities more steadily. These organizations are not as big in terms of staff development, but rather as if we are going to develop employees. Employees will feel the dedication and willingness of the organization to make him better. Employees themselves would feel bound. pt malindo feedmill And will not go away. Compensation and benefits system is updated regularly. Organizations treat their employees very well. Compensation system will be updated. And welfare is always Not high paying Rather, it is appropriate to improve pt malindo feedmill and meet the needs of the employees within the company. Have conducted a survey of the employees that currently need. This is what is popular or what must change to keep pace with events in the present. To make employees feel The organization intends pt malindo feedmill to make good things. Employee Work-Life Balance system really indispensable in this era. If we want to keep good employees to work. What is known as the Work-Life Balance, sure enough, but this one employee. In each organization, it will not be the same. Therefore, organizations that want to build this system. It must inquiry And surveys of employees that want to take it to work. And personal life balance
When we have all these factors simultaneously. What you have to do is strict. Performance management systems pt malindo feedmill that focus on staff really works. I do a good job. And who do not work well. Create a compensation system And a corporate culture that focuses on the creation of good performance over a long time.
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Recent Prakal HR community managers with a great Coach coaching to improve performance (Coaching for Performance) do it at the highest levels of the organization. This is not about just me or. Employee contributions will be good or bad. The sources of HR for line managers (ending) the binding section.

Monday, February 24, 2014

We are experts in the production and distributor the best product pounds different methods of food

We are experts in the production and distributor the best product pounds different methods of food preservation pork, pork jerky to world wide. Only you have requirement. We can provide international export for all the customer. If you want to pounds different methods of food preservation pork, pork jerky please think of us. "PP Pound Pork Thailand" *** Contact Channel *** Name: Mr.Silapachai Tratngam (A) Name: Mrs.Prapun Tratngam (PP) Mobile Phone: +6689-5294087.
Mr. Wong acting. Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (Rev.), Ministry of Science and Technology. They explained that Rev. Food Technology. Was successful in the service of science and technology. To the food industry under the research program to extend shelf life. Pork products To solve the problem of rancid pork products, which will happen quickly. And is a major problem affecting the business of the operator. In both domestic sales and exports to foreign countries. The major cause of the rancid pork products. Oxygen in the atmosphere due to the position of the double bonds of unsaturated fatty acids. Make up the terminals of peroxide compounds with an aldehyde, ketones and acids released material cause rancidity. Pork by-products are packaged in containers with residual oxygen within it. And a type that can not prevent the penetration of oxygen gas well. Have a shelf life shorter than 5 weeks, which is an obstacle in the distribution of entrepreneurs, researchers from the Department of Food Technology TISTR. Has experimented with plastic bags packing pork sandwich type Ted Paul Oriente tryptophan Lee. John / Lowe Park City Paul ethylene (Oriented Polypropylene / Low Density Polyethylen: OPP / LDPE) and packed with oxygen absorber that can help prevent and slow down the reaction between oxygen and has a good fat. Make the rancid pork products slowly. Help extend the shelf life of at least 4 months at room temperature. This allows the operator pork. Provides storage products for both domestic different methods of food preservation and international life and health safety of consumers. The dried pork is one of the most popular hits of consumers different methods of food preservation of all ages. Most products are made from pork fat along the hip ligaments and fascia is then cut into thick strips along the length of the muscle fibers. Fermented condiments such as soy sauce, sugar, salt, spices and herbs may have. Then dried by the sun or other energy sources. Then cooked. Then beat until fluffy muscle different methods of food preservation rupture. In making pork dry with the water freed up until the 0.6 specification.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

2014 (8) February (5) the value of the fish. What fish eats a fish restaurant district, Pathumt

If you know how to keep fish properly to make the fish stays fresh for several days. This is done as follows: 1. Fish gills and gut purchased to cut out. Wash and pat dry to dry Bag or box off to the New. Then chill in the fridge freezer online. The typical refrigerator freezer temperature is -10 degrees Celsius will keep for up to 1 week, but if a large freezer temperature is -18 degrees Celsius will keep for up to 1 month or more. Depending del monte juice on the freshness of the fish purchased R 2. Collection of fish in the ice bucket. Starting to cut teeth and guts out. Wash the fish and then put the ice in the fish. Arrange the fish, lay the fish down on the Fir ice pick. The fish are like the end of the pool. Then fill the ice around the fish firmly. To provide cooling to help maintain freshness of the fish. The need to fill the ice and when the ice melts. The ice pick to punch a hole for the water to flow out to thaw. In order to maintain cooling in an ice bucket to cool at all. Bruising and help maintain the freshness of fish. This method is commonly used with panels that sell fish. To allow customers to see the fish 3. Taking fish fillet, cut into pieces and put the pieces of meat or fish in plastic bags or containers and store in the refrigerator, freezer, or on or immersed in ice. Should not ice directly If fish exposed to water or ice. When ice melts to wash out the taste and smell of fish is exhausted. Tips for cooking fish recipe cool. A variety of cooking fish Just choose fish for cooking various dishes the most. More fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, trevally fish eagle is perfect to grill, boil or bake the fish curry with moderate fat. Fish like tuna, sea bass, sand, cook all the way. And fatty fish such as sole or fish eyed. Oil for frying Contents of fish have structures with less fibrosis. Fish muscle fibers separated easily. So it takes less time to cook. If cooked too long, nectar, fish, meat, dried fish is gone by; Cool fish recipe book Publisher sun / January 2555
2014 (8) February (5) the value of the fish. What fish eats a fish restaurant district, Pathumthani R ... Review. Fish keeping We would like to have fresh fish for fish 2 January (3).

Three. Drug acts to inhibit the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, including Carl S. Bose an

Treatment of diabetes with the use of modern medicine |
Because diabetes is known to be a chronic disease can not be cured. The patient will be given medication for life. In the diabetic The dose may be changed in different types of drugs is going to be the same. Because some of the diabetes drug for a long time and not able to control the amount of sugar in a regular basis. It must have changed medicine. It is up to the discretion of the treating shop selling out of date food physician.
Treatment of diabetes and sugar control. Generally be divided into drugs and injections that are not insulin. Patients usually start to get drugs than eat during the initial injection. Sugar control usually requires a joint exercise combined with diet and medication. Which control and care of patients with diabetes were found to have better performance, and reduce complications. In general medicine, diabetes, current plans are divided into three groups together.
Three. Drug acts to inhibit the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, including Carl S. Bose and Bose v. Macklin is a drug that reduces the amount of sugar a little. Therefore, these drugs are taken together with other drugs as well. The drug is taken with the first dinner shop selling out of date food all 3 meals.
Groups of injections for diabetes, it is another way to reduce blood sugar. Drug is insulin injection to bring the same to the patient's body can not create or generate less. A drug that must be injected under the skin. Patients will be administered 1-4 times per day, 30 minutes before eating.
Storage of insulin to be stored in the refrigerator. But should not be immersed in the Free Church. When patients are taken out of use. Must take insulin tube similar to the drug until the temperature shop selling out of date food is at room temperature before injection. The injection of insulin, it is difficult to maintain if the patient would have to travel. Storage of insulin must be soaked in a bucket of ice on the road at all times. Insulin to prevent deterioration when exposed to heat.
Currently it is designed to keep the injection needle injections more convenient. shop selling out of date food Replacement insulin injection needles of this type can be used to replace the lamp next 7-10 days. Needle injection types are also easy to use and hassle-free portability. It also reduces pain during injection for less as well.
Treating Diabetes with Insulin Diabetes is a chronic disease caused by the imbalance of blood sugar. Stomach and the gut to digest food. Into smaller components and glucose.
Diabetes treatment methods commonly used today. Although diabetes is a disease hits people Thailand is as many as 2-4 million, but diabetes can be cured by a variety of methods, it is that which today is how to maintain diversity. ways, today we will introduce to you the same way that people today commonly done to treat the symptoms of diabetes, shop selling out of date food there is a way.
How to cure diabetes in folk wisdom. What is Diabetes? We first came to know diabetes, pre diabetes, which has long been from ancient times, which are very common in every person. shop selling out of date food Countries, diabetes is a disorder that our body's production of insulin is not enough. Or body insulin resistance itself, thus making it a source of the disease, blood sugar, which causes a disease called diabetes whose diabetes is currently the Thailand have suffered from this disease is considered. a whole lot
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Current disease, diabetes seems to have become popular. Equally early heart disease, high blood pressure and cholesterol. Diabetes is a disease that anyone can get sick. And became common Eating habits and lack of exercise today. Gives us the risk of diabetes is enormous. Although this disease is seen in society. Most people do not have the urge to feel scared or trying to prevent. May be because that is chronic shop selling out of date food but not serious. shop selling out of date food That is because we may not know the dangers and complications of serious consequences. Diabetes is a disease caused by abnormalities in the function of insulin affect the levels.

Friday, February 21, 2014

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Thursday, February 20, 2014

The melted butter trolley on toast, there is a taste that nobody knows with its deep flavor. Has th

The melted butter trolley on toast, there is a taste that nobody knows with its deep flavor. Has the oldest history as processed foods using milk, around 2000 BC, butter, is seen recording what looks like butter that has been made already in the scriptures of the old India. By the difference of the process characteristics and component types and butter, butter is divided as follows, taste and smell different. Fermentation, there is a non-use type Salted, salt to non-fermentation, respectively. In order to improve the (salted butter) flavor classification salted butter by component, to improve the storage stability, we add the salt during manufacture. Content of salt is about 1.5%. I will be used for cooking and confectionery is not in use butter main salt. People who are limiting the salt, such as illness are also available. Retention period is shorter compared to Salted olive preserving butter salt is not contained. I was saying unsalted butter once, but the revision of the law by the nutrition labeling (1996), and it was with non-use butter salt. Cream that does not classify non-fermented butter lactic acid fermentation process is the raw material, it is butter without the habit. This type is mainly used in Japan. And as it is made from fermented by lactic acid bacteria olive preserving fermentation of cream butter raw materials, there is a unique fragrance. This butter is mostly in Europe. The nutrition of butter butter, rich fat-soluble vitamins and high-quality olive preserving milk fat is included. Digestion olive preserving is good, milk fat is suitable olive preserving for the faint of stomach or baby food of babies and the elderly. Vitamin A, which is indispensable to growth to keep healthy skin and mucous membranes, strengthens the resistance to bacteria, vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium, has the effect of preventing the aging vitamin E. Cholesterol of cholesterol per 100g butter less surprising is 210mg, but it is not much to think in an amount to eat at one time. For example, 17mg in (8g) amount to paint one piece of bread, is 25mg 1 tablespoon to be used in dishes (12g). Cholesterol so on the material bile acid and cell membrane, sex hormones, vitamin D, not just take from the diet, it is an important nutrient that 1000 ~ 1500mg daily has also been made in the body. About 20% also are few compared also energy (Kcal), butter and salad oil. How about not only saute and toast, in addition to finish off people of cooking more delicious, you have to try the taste was a bit different in the butter. For example, you may add soup and miso soup, ramen usual. olive preserving Alternatively, butter softened, if Katamere in the refrigerator by mixing herbs and chopped garlic condiment, such as shallots, olive preserving and fruit and raisins, butter original can be easily. You can entwined in pasta, if topping to saute meat, of fish, you can enjoy a flavor different from usual. Want to to what was more fulfilling in the taste of butter, a dining table daily.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

No.135 ӥ ϡ ΤäƤ ʤ ۻҤǤ Υӥ 80ǯ 1933ǯ ʾ 8ǯ 2 ޤ ӥˤ䥹 ѡ ŹƬ ˤϡ ѥå ȤȤ ˡ 㥹 ʶ Υѥå Ǥ ޤ ȯ ڥХ Х 饷 ɤ Ȥä 80 ǯ ڥ

No.135 ӥ ϡ ΤäƤ ʤ ۻҤǤ Υӥ 80ǯ 1933ǯ ʾ 8ǯ 2 ޤ ӥˤ䥹 ѡ ŹƬ ˤϡ ѥå ȤȤ ˡ 㥹 ʶ Υѥå Ǥ ޤ ȯ ڥХ Х 饷 ɤ Ȥä 80 ǯ ڥ ӥ סʼ ˤǤ ӥ Τ Τ 뤪 ۻҤǤ ޤ ǯ 徺 ǯ ǯ 嵭Ͽ ޤ ʤΥ 塼 Ϥ 줿 Ȥ 礭 褦 Ǥ 2007ǯ о줷 סʲ μ ϡ ꥳ פȡ ӥ סˤ ޤ ʤ ˤĤ Ƥϡ ǤҲ ޤ Ȥ ǡ ޤ Τ Ƥ ʤ 褦 Ǥ ӥ ˤ ݤ äƤ ޤ ѥå ξ ʡ ʬ ˤˡ ʤ ˤ䤵 ݤ 1 ġ 5 ˡפȤ ꡢ ݤ פȤ 饯 Ƥ ޤ 80 ǯ ڥ ӥ ˤϡ ʤ 2 ܤ ݤ äƤ 褦 Ǥ 衼 ȤΤ褦 ݤ Ȥä ʤ Τǡ ӥ ݤ äƤ Ƥ Ի Ĥ ʤ ޤ ӥ ݤϤ ä ħ Τ äƤ ޤ ݤϡ Bacillus coagulans ʥХ 륹 ˤȤ ζݤǡ ݡפȤ ݥ ݡפȤ ƤФ Ƥ ޤ 䤿 褯 ˤ ݡפȤϡ ϴ Ū Τ ʬ ءʳؽѡ θ ʤʤ ΤǤϤ ޤ ȤϤ ΤΡ ɤ ʶݤǤ ݤȤ Ƥ ޤäƤϺ 礭 Τǡ ݤȸƤ ݤξ ʴ ˤȤ ơ ɽ ˤޤȤ 褦 Ƥ ޤ ݤǤȤ פ ϡ Ψ50 ʾ פȤ ΤǤ ݤ ɥ 50 ʾ夬 פȤ ʪ ˤ Ѵ Ȥ ȤǤ 衼 Ȥ ħŪ ʻ ϡ ˤ ΤǤ ݡ Bacillus coagulans ˤϡ Ψ50 ʾ פȤ Ƥ ޤ ӥե ݤϤ Ƥ ޤ ݤ Ȥʤ Τϡ ɽ ˤ ҷ ʤ פȤ Ǥ ϳؽ Ū 뤤 ˡŪ ǤϤʤ Τǡ ӥե ݤ Bacillus coagulans ݤȤ ư äƤ 礭 ޤ Թ ʬ ޤ ݤ Ȥä ʤϥӥ ʤɤο ʤ ǤϤʤ ޡʰ ʡˤˤ ޤ ѥå ȡ IJ ɽ Ƥ ޤ ʤ μ ѥ 饯 ߥ ס 컰 إ 륹 ˤϡ 4.5 Ĵ 9 ˡפȤ Τǡ 80 ǯ ڥ ӥ 1 ϥѥ 饯 ߥ 1 뤳 Ȥˤʤ ޤ ݤǤ 衼 Ȥ Ǥ ʤ Τǡ ȯ ˤϤ Ȥ ɻȤ Ƥ ޤ Ǥϡ ʤ ӥ ѥ 饯 ߥ Ȥ ä ʤˤϻ Ѥ Ƥ ΤǤ 礦 Ҥ ݤϡ Ǯ ȸ Ƥ ޤ ץ Хƥ Ȥ ƹ Ѥ Ƥ Ҥ ʤ ݤ ӥե ݤ Ǯ 夤 ᡢ Ǯ ù ȼ ʤ Ѥ Ȼ Ǥ Ƥ ޤ ޤ ݤϥѥ ӥ åȤ ź ä ù Ƥ Ĺ ˤ錄 ޤ ޤ ʤɤ Ф Ƥ ᡢ ץ Х ƥ Ȥ Ƥ 줿 Ƥ ȸ ޤ ǯ1 ˡ ӥ80ǯǰ HAPPY BISCO MOOK Ǥ ޤ ӥ ˤ ͳ ʤɡ ӥ ؤ ܤ ܤǤ ߤΡ ӥ פ 5 ܤǡ ȤϤ Ĥ 㤤 ޤ ӥ Ȥä 쥷 Ԥ ܤäƤ ơ ѥ ӥ פˤ ä ޤ ޤ ӥ 1933ǯ ޤ줿 ˤϡ Ű Ҥ 䥪 Ρ 衼 뤽 Ǥ ˤʤäƤ ӥ Ȥ ʤ Ȥ Ȼפ ޤ פ Ƥߤ Ȥʤ ʤ ΤǤ 3 1 ϡ ʼ 줿 ꥸ ʥ ѥå Υӥ 륵 ӥ Ϥޤ ޤ ܤ ϡ ޥ ӥ Ȥ ѥ Ȥ ѥå 漼 줿 ΤǤ äƤߤ褦 ȻפäƤ ޤ ƤǤ ϡ ݡ Bacillus coagulans ˤˤĤ ƾܤ Ҥ ޤ Ǥ ݤ Ѥ ʤ äƤ ꥰ ꥳ 컰 إ 륹 Υ Ȥˤ ʿ פʲ ޤ ޤ ʡ Ѥ ޡʡ 饯 ꥹ-S פʤɡˤ 䤷 Ƥ ɩ إ ա Υ Ȥ ˤ Ѥ ʾ Ǻ ܤ Ƥ ޤ ε Ϣ 뵭 Ϥ Ǥ Ҥ ɤ 155 ڥ å ȥ ա ɤ ݡ 2013/12/25 129äʥ 衼 ȡ 2012/11/27 94ӥ ե ݤ ϥ ǥ ꥱ ȡ 2011/06/11 86 ݡ ӥ ե ݤ o 2011/02/10 82 ݤ ͽ ɡ2010/12/10 73 ݰ ι ݲ 2010/07/26 50 ݤ ǥ к2009/08/10 47 ץ Хƥ ȥ? ʴ ɤ ݡ 39 2009/06/26 2009/02/25
158 շ ȿ 157 ޥ 156Ĥ 155 ڥ å ȥ ա ɤ 154 ڥ å ȥ ա ɤνҤƽ 153 152 ڥ å ȥ ա ɤ 151 Ρ ʪ 150 Ρ ʪ 149 륳 ȥ ȥ å 148 vs. 147 г ȥ 륳 ȯ ڰ 146 145 פ 144 ߥ ɥ ॷ ߤ!? 143 142 ҥ 롼 Хå50ǯ 1416 Ȳ ȥ ȥ 쥹 NARABI 140 ܤ ǺǽΥ 衼 139 ޥ βΥ ե 奢 138 137 äĴѥå 136ai ڥ ץ ɡ פ ȥ å ȥ ա 135ӥ 134ư ʪ ΩΥѥ 133 ե 륨 ȥ ĥХ 132 ѥ ߴ L ץץ? 131Ŀ 130Ũư ʪ 129 äʥ 衼 128 ʪ 륮 б 127ʥΥ åǺư ʪ 126 ߥ ɤ ȩ 125ο? 124ʥ ȯ Υ 쥷 123 ڤ 衼 Ȥ ȥ ꥷ 衼 122 ʬ 뿩 121ʤΡ ɽ 120 ץ ƥ ꥫ ȹ 119Ť 118 륬 ȥ ȥ ꥦ ᥬ 3û 117 ॿ ѥ ȿ 116 礹 Υ 륳 Ծ 115ĥ ꡦ ʥ ޥ ӥ 114å ߥ 륯 ȥ ƥ 113 饯 ȥ ե ǽѥ 112ѿʤ 111 ե 륨 ͽ ɤ ȿ 110ʤ Ⱦ ɸ 109 Ҽ ʴ 108å ȥ 衼 Ȥ 107Ӥ 106 105 ܤ Ȥ β ʳ 104TPP ȿ ΰ 103 륳 ߥ ҥɥ? β 102 101 100ú 99 ݥ ƥ ȥ å ץ ȥ ȥ û 98 츫 ܤ νǥå 97 96 95 إ ǥ ڥ ץ ɤǥ !? 94ӥ ե ݤ ϥ ǥ ꥱ 93ʤΤ ˤ ᥤ 顼 ȿ 92Ŀ å ॺ 91 ʪ β 90 إ ߥ 륯 89 Ҥ ȵ 88 ܤ μ 87 ʪ ߥ ʸ פ ȥ 86 ݡ ӥ ե ݤ ץ 84 o 85 ؤ ˤ 83 ߡ פ ȡ ˤ ߡ 82 ݤ ͽ 81 Ϻ ɤΥѡ ȥ ʡ 80

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The CONTENTS * 00. COBO 01-0.COBO Lab. 01-1.mygurt (Maiguruto) Sales receptionist! 01-4. Apples COB

1 person rest! + Sweet sake "mygurt alive" leaven B (2 times in a row)
"To protect the body, Tsukuri-oki" preparing the mind and NEWS! 2014.2.11 body "COBO Basufizu" 2014 early spring COBO over lactococci network start! in "Roppongi Fukushima-ya", COBO Maiguruto and bread sale from January 14. "fungus moth New Year," a new year has started. Sales high quality bread, Roppongi Fukushima shop using the leaven "88PRO system"! 2014 early spring COBO lab classroom presentation! The announced classroom COBO lab early spring 2014 (! Course was added) 1! The announced classroom COBO lab early spring 2014 (! Was added course) 2! ~ Persimmon vol.2 Place make protect the body 100% natural olive tree branch fermentation "of basic Japanese in COBO" New Year you do not use the 3 2013.12.18 sugar
The CONTENTS * 00. COBO 01-0.COBO Lab. 01-1.mygurt (Maiguruto) Sales receptionist! 01-4. Apples COBO 01-12 mygurt how to use 01-13 mygurt 1g_22 recipe published! 01-14 leaven 88PRO system 01-2 Fukushima olive tree branch Mai Goult Fund 01-5. Grape COBO 04.COBO miso released! 1-1. Classroom report 100% 4-5. 2013 natural fermentation recipe program 4-6. 2013 Place 4-4. making 2013 4-3. 2013 mygurt 1g recipe recipe hospitality of 4-2. 2013 natural fermentation 4-1. 2013 natural fermentation classroom 4-9. COBO88 milk bread a. Ueda house + staff b.News 4-8. 2013 How to apply classroom 4-7. 2013 COBO miso charged candy and bread!!! c.EVENT d.MEDIA e.BOOK f. COBO climate project Kobo lab news hope

Monday, February 17, 2014

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1. ȯ ڥХ ȯ ڥХ ( ȥХ Ȥ ΥХ ) ΰ㤤 ϡ Х ϥ 㡼 ( õ 塢 ơ ޤ ΤȤ Ȥʤ륯 ȯ ڤ ƺ ä Τ ȯ ڥХ ǡ ȯ ڤΥ ( Υ ) Ȥ ƺ ä Τ ȯ ڥХ Ǥ ݤμ ȯ ھ ΰ㤤 ˤ ꡢ 줾 ΰ㤦ȯ ڥХ ˤ ޤ ( 衼 Ȥ Ĥ褦 ˡ ѤǤΣʤ 䤵 Ƥ ޤ L Ϥ 錄 ΤʤaΤǤ Τ ȯ ڥХ ˤϡ ȯ ڤ ƥ 㡼 Ȥ ȥ ǥ ʥ ˡ ˡ ΥХ ǻ 衼 Ȥ ˡ Ǻ Ƥ Τ 뤽 ꤷ ˤϸ Ƥ 뤱 ɡ Ϥ ñĴ Ȥ ɤ Τ ʤΤ ˤʤ ġ ʤǤ ˤ κ 狼 뤫 ɤ Ĵ 2. ʤ 衼 åѤǤ ȯ ڥХ ή ܤǤϤ ޤ ʤ ΤǤ Ä 馈 aѤǤΤ 衼 顣 Ρ ȯ ڡפ ʤ ΤϤ Ȥ ߤ ä ľ ʳ ϲ Ρ ȯ ڡפ ʤ Ⱦ Ǥ ( 衼 Ȥ Ǥ ) ΤϤ Ѥ 줿 ΤϤ 100ǯ äƤ ȼ ݤˤ ȯ ڤ Ƥ ޤ Ȥ ȤǤ Х ˤ ϳ 줺 ष ȯ ڥХ פ Τϻ ε Ǥ ä Ϥ Ǥ / ʿ ʸ ˤ 衼 åѤǤϿ / Ϲ ȯ ڥХ ޤ Ƥ ΤǤ ܤϤ Ϥ ޤäƤ 100ǯ Ѥ Ȥ ߤ פ ޤ ޤ Τ ä ꤷ 衼 Ȥ 餷 ( Τ Ƥ Υʥ ) Ƕ ޤǹ ޤ ʤ ä 褦 ˡ / Ϲ ȯ ʤ Ф Ƥϵ Υ Ƥ ȸ ä ɤ Ǥ 礦 ( Ƕ ʤο θ Ѥ Ť Ϥ ȯ ʡ ʥʥ 衼 ȡ ȯ ڥХ ʤ HH ޤ) ޤ Ĥ װ ϡ ܤ Ȥ 衼 åѷ ȸ ƹ Ǥ ä Ȥ 顢 ʥ饤 ʥåפ ȯ ʤ ʤ ä Ȥ 뤫 ޤ 衼 åѤǤΥ ˤ ǽ ʤϡ ƹ , ܤǤϲ ,æ ʴ ʤɤ Ƥ ޤ 椨 ȯ ʤλԾ ؤ ϸ Ū ĺǶ äǡ ȯ ʤο θ ȤʤäƤ 褦 ˤ ޤ ʡʤɡg ʤ ˤ ܤ ڤ ΤaǤ Ʀ Ѥ ʤ Ѥ ˤ ȯ ڤ Ƥ Ƥޤ Ʀ 坞 ǼƦg ȯ ڡפ Τ Ȥ Ȥϡ Ĥޤ ϡ ѤΤʤ ä Τ 顢 ι ο 夷 Ƥ Բķ ʿ ʪ äƤ ȤʤΤ ޤ Ȥ ǡ ˤĤ ơ Ǥ Ի ѤΥХ Ǥ ȯ / ȯ ڤǤ 礭 ʺ Ϥʤ ȯ ڥХ ȯ ڥ ΤǤ 뤬 Ρ ˤ äƤϤ Ѳ 뤱 ɡ 㲹 Ĥ Ƥ ꡢ / ԤȤ Ǥ 纹 ʤ Ǥ Ȥ 櫓 dz äȴ ĥ äƺ Ƥ ۻҤˤϤ ȯ ڥХ ˤ ä 㤦 Τ ޤ ? Ǥ
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The CONTENTS * 00. COBO 01-0.COBO Lab. 01-1.mygurt (Maiguruto) Sales receptionist! 01-4. Apples COB

from natural portal conagra fermentation system of candy series Ueda house and bread made of "leaven portal conagra 88 system", bread making was born. "At all, and! New," said baker, such as bread making instructor, each person than the national professional also through. Thing to experience, portal conagra the "dough fermented wheat properly" and that's be surprised! Butter and sugar, eggs, etc. Though it is not in use, moist. I'll pull out the taste Amemiya, wheat-friendly body. Without putting the burden of gluten in the intestines, it is light! Do not you learn and the creation of bread fix the body? person of the (two consecutive) beginner Pan Yama-shoku & Bageddo basic to make with "leaven 88PRO system", portal conagra if you are using a natural yeast on the market. Who went to the classroom portal conagra of bread "milk COBO88" also can learn a simple system of "leaven 88" lactococci network. In the classroom of two consecutive, I make a Yama-shoku & Bageddo rich flavor portal conagra of the flour. -Saturday, 11:00 to 15:00 on weekdays class (additional holding is!) 1) 2014 was decided 23 (Sat) 11:00 to 15:00 2) November 2, schedule weekend class 1) November I can join any (tax included) Capacity nine everyone 13,000 yen (Thursday) 11:00 to 15:00 fee February 6 (Thursday) 11:00 to 15:00 2) 2014 January 23 year. beauty of the kettle is good, pizza dough pizza to make with "leaven 88PRO System" (once), "leaven portal conagra 88" systems, I feel the taste of the powder firmly. Source and toppings of toppings, and simple to showing off the fabric. In animal food free, it is voluminous of the great satisfaction. To "pizza that is not leaning on after eating", please surprised! Wednesday, 11:00 to 14:00 (Additional held was decided!) December 25 (Thursday) 11:00 to 14:00 sold out November 7 schedule weekday class November 9th class weekend (Saturday I can join any (tax included) Capacity nine anyone 6,000 yen fee 11:00 to 14:00).
homemade apple yeast over pound cake and cookies to make with "leaven 88PRO system" (two times in a row) and apple yeast, it was possible for fermentation may become unstable and turn sour. To "leaven 88", just flip the refrigerated apple (grated), homemade apple yeast can make! In texture, lactic acid streptococci network. Candy making is also not added sugar, butter, eggs, dairy products, portal conagra baking soda and BP. Please try flavor and sweetness of natural fermentation, the dough moist. I can join any (tax included) Capacity nine everyone 13,000 yen (Tue) 11:00 to 15:00 17 fee (Tue) 11:00 to 15:00 2) December 3, weekday schedule portal conagra class 1) December .
Christmas party to make with "leaven 88" lactococci network "COBO Stollen"! The place of the (once) in the annual "New Year Course", it opens a small party in the wine and the best selection as "COBO Stollen" this year! Stollen is the preserved food by alcohol and sugar, but the challenge in the non-sugar portal conagra & COBO, this. Dried fruit of pickled COBO a must-see. I can use candy making, to bread making. Oyaki homemade sweet sake yeast 7,500 yen (Sat) 11:00 to 15:00 vacancy rates December 21 class schedule weekend (tax included) portal conagra Capacity 8 people made of "leaven 88" lactococci network (two times in a row) Even if using the "sweet sake of lactic acid bacteria" of Ueda house, even with the sweet sake commercially available. Do not use the oven in the "pot baked", moist and sticky, the "leaven 88" system. Cloth such as rice, a gentle sweetness can. Ingredients to make use of the taste of the dough, portal conagra the sandwich is gracefully, simple! January 25 (Tuesday) 11:00 to 15:00 on weekends Class 1) 2014 January 21 (Tuesday) 11:00 to 15:00 2) 2014 January 7, weekday schedule class 1) 2014 Saturday, 11:00 to 15:00, February 15 (Sat) 11:00 to 15:00 2) 2014
I can join any (tax included) Capacity nine anyone 13,000 yen fee. homemade mandarin orange yeast and brioche French toast over to make the "leaven 88" lactic acid streptococci network portal conagra (2 times in a row), "leaven 88" system, I can do with mandarin orange juice! Homemade yeast mandarin orange, I did not know until now by the action of lactic acid streptococci network, charm of mandarin orange will bloom. And rich brioche, French toast smell. Both made it with non-use portal conagra animal products sugar, eggs and butter. - 13,000 yen (Tue) 11:00 to 15:00 fee January 28 (Tuesday) portal conagra 11:00 to 15:00 2) 2014 January 14, weekday schedule class 1) 2014 (tax included) Capacity nine anyone But I can join.
"To protect the body, Tsukuri-oki" preparing the mind and NEWS! 2014.2.11 body "COBO Basufizu" 2014 early spring COBO over lactococci network start! in "Roppongi Fukushima-ya", COBO Maiguruto and bread sale from January 14. "fungus moth New Year," a new year has started. Sales high quality bread, Roppongi Fukushima shop using the leaven "88PRO system"! 2014 early spring COBO lab classroom presentation! The announced classroom COBO lab early spring 2014 (! Course was added) 1! The announced classroom COBO lab early spring 2014 (! Was added course) 2! ~ Persimmon vol.2 Place make protect the body 100% natural fermentation "of basic Japanese portal conagra in COBO" New Year you do not use the 3 2013.12.18 sugar
The CONTENTS * 00. COBO 01-0.COBO Lab. 01-1.mygurt (Maiguruto) Sales receptionist! 01-4. Apples COBO 01-12 mygurt how to use 01-13 mygurt 1g_22 recipe published! 01-14 leaven 88PRO system portal conagra 01-2 Fukushima Mai Goult Fund 01-5. Grape COBO 04.COBO miso released! 1-1. Classroom report 100% 4-5. 2013 natural fermentation recipe program 4-6. 2013 Place 4-4. making 2013 4-3. 2013 mygurt 1g recipe recipe hospitality of 4-2. 2013 natural fermentation 4-1. 2013 natural fermentation classroom 4-9. COBO88 milk bread a. Ueda house + staff b.News 4-8. 2013 How to apply classroom 4-7. 2013 COBO miso charged candy and bread!!! c.EVENT d.MEDIA e.BOOK f. COBO climate project Kobo lab news hope

Sunday, February 16, 2014

2012 65 views winery guide L

By contrast, the white wine of long aging type that made the barrel aging, you can feel the smell of incense olive tree ocean beach butter.
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Saturday, February 15, 2014

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Though it is a simple current, jesons delicious enough to fall cheek! At the same time worldly desi

Fermented butter of luxury ... whip tailoring of 380 | Pouch [porch]
The product is available for purchase at supermarkets and department stores across the country, but it seems to state that production can not be due to the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake now. According to the person in charge of Koiwai Dairy, that and "are doing our best so that it can be produced quickly." Seems to be no choice but to wait for the day when it hit the shelves again.
Tsu ~ I there is this article even more! Resort feel in Hayama the smell of delicious things Provence is not understood by anyone other than your own boiled butter soy sauce of pumpkin and green beans there is a butter shop of one hour waiting jesons even on weekdays within jesons Marunouchi, Tokyo [secret recipe of home], but when applied to rice ahead of the spring Sakura lunch Weddings (Chapel Edition) Sakura Suites, cherry cocktail - Summary of Free iPhone app to help "Sakura Fair" after the earthquake Sheraton "earthquake sickness", what department to be consulted?
Though it is a simple article of popular now, delicious enough to fall cheek! Greed and imagination Majigire to universities slump [deep anger] Ministry of Education 41 people simple dip recipe 19 election to help the case of emergency! "White class decent" "I jesons Atsumero properly student" "Do not live padding" of 24 of you 17 people House 40 Amazing volley jesons which realized at the same time stimulating, My Home of longing 31 Sen 19 people package design too beautiful / "decide in the table tennis game housework", "pirate ship in the nursery," "living sandy beach" and [epoch-making first step] Facebook has also added about 50 different jesons options of sex! 13 people ... Nail faction do it yourself rather than a salon and men and women! As 11 people Wow carefully selected self nail idea Library, the story of having gone out totally! Near to tears involuntarily "sculpture of the" 11 people dying reading enthusiast, the conductor and station staff in the typhoon under the "very thing taught me announce "in jesons the eight French, the words" Chinese version of the three found in the "first psychological testing of the topic appeared in eight foreign countries how to make good of the" pot-au-feu "in the history of the highest level! eight
Shakespeare-based director directs Jack Ryan rejuvenated latest article? Blockbuster "Agent Ryan" [latest cinema criticism] [epoch-making first step] Facebook has also added about 50 different options of sex! And men and women, though it is ... simple, delicious jesons enough to fall cheek! Stimulating at the same time worldly desires and imagination of simple dip recipe 19 election you who help the case of emergency, package design 31 election Wow too beautiful, as the story of having gone out totally! "Sculpture of this" dying to reading Favorite
Though it is a simple current, jesons delicious enough to fall cheek! At the same time worldly desires and imagination Majigire to college simple dip recipe 19 election 1 [deep anger] the Ministry of Education to help in a pinch a slump! "White class decent" "I Atsumero properly student" "Do not live padding" 2 Your 4 groundbreaking House 40 Amazing volley which realized stimulating, My Home of longing 31 Sen 3 package design too beautiful / "decide in the table tennis game housework", "pirate ship in the nursery," "living sandy beach" and first step] Facebook has also added about 50 different options of sex! 5 ... and men, women and
Unimaginable situation [Russia late hyper] is volley Majigire to university [deep anger] the Ministry of Education to sluggish week! "White class decent" "I Atsumero properly student" 1 "Do not live padding"! Sochi Olympics jesons press and players romp this way if heavy snow in the Kanto about [attendance from tomorrow] after another up in 2 "image that is in amazing thing"? heavy snow workaround people of Snow Country tells us in Twitter's jesons reference Seriously become! jesons The 5 I went to offline meeting of 5 4 twitter and "regret is told to die before the" top three nurse heard
Month snooze, I I heard bad for the body! Villain of "Disney two Japanese baby squirrel Nemurikokeru and peacefully, such as the bottom of the Kyun coffee cup Moe Secret Strategies one of seven will be able to wake up in one alarm event was designed Majigire to university hot topic! 3 [deep anger] jesons of Education, Culture, Sports, jesons Science and a slump in overseas! white class a "decent" perfume bottle "as the image of the Atsumero properly" student "and" 4 Na live "padding [ I'm sorry it is too addictive note of simplicity! Not go back to a normal curry rice if I eat this "crunch jesons baked curry" 5
Nail school year do it yourself rather than the salon! Embarrassing mistake of carefully selected self nail idea Collection 1 [Please note the New Year! Yeah - Do not write me "A Happy New Year!" 3 snooze discussion, Yo I heard bad for the body for the behavior of female office worker who said to his mother as "Could jesons you get off the train children so noisy" 2! Secret Strategies of seven will be able to wake up with one alarm event 4 revolutionary shock! It would be great If you look at the Van Gogh "Starry Night" from watching 30 seconds jesons round and round GIF animation! 5 Recommended Articles Contact drinker must see! I am glad French toast whiskey with plenty is the extremely delicious! butter of Fuwa Fu Wah comes out! talking about fact,'s easy to make overseas and "vessel grated butter" from Japan! I 'll jesons have participated in handmade bagel experience! Hottest among dieters who! Pretzels plentiful Pocky that makes you consider the arrangement cooking a week's worth of using the Seven-Eleven to "salad chicken"! Not buy [Osaka souvenir] only in Osaka "baton jesons Doll" / butter taste of the addictive!! ! wine made of a strong smell in the "Dorian", what kind of taste that? Desserts for video adult obtained by photographing the fermentation landscape of beer "Mercer's Wine Ice Cream" jesons is mean that first landing in Japan!, UU-surging and bubbles ... Wow Wow Wow [shock!] I tried to taste immediately unwind traditional jesons dishes best 17 of cute Nordic] Finland! It's deep taste with simplicity as well as personality! Yo Japan, Mie prefecture departure This is the "Pikeeito"! "Version Miko character tin-Amamiya-chan" is also on sale at 40 anniversary Now is
August (201) September 2013 October (240) 2013 November (243) 2013 December (319) 2013 January (188) 2014 in February 2014 (214) 2013 Select archive month January (247) 2013 February (247) 2013 March (239) April 2013 (240) 2013 May (232) 2013 June (242) 2013 July (217) 2013 ( June (215) 2012 July (198) 2012 August (193), 2012 September 10, 2009 (216) 2012 November (223) 2012 December 221) 2012 (226) 2012 (168 November (212) December 2011 (182) January 2011 (189) February 2012 (169) 2012 March (163) 2012 April (160), 2012 May 2012) (251) April (205) 2011 May (183) 2011 June (188) 2011 July (288) 2011 August (246) September 2011 October 2011 (244) 2011 (175) 2011 September 10, 2009 (132) 2010 November (135) 2010 December (169) January 2010 (179) February 2011 (185) 2011 March year (113) 2010 (154) 2010 (1) 2009 12 February (2) March 2010 (1) 2010 April (11) May 2010 (59) 2010 June (62) July 2010 (68) 2010 August here November (1) March 2008 (1) 2009 May (1) June 2009 (1) 2009 month (1) For the most current information

Friday, February 14, 2014

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Edible fats and oils as a raw material mainly milk and attributes antonio monte butter antonio monte production center. I write as "Gyuraku" in Chinese characters. Make it solidify fat contained in the milk. Milk of about 4.8 liters is required To make 100g. Have a long history there is a description of the ancient epic and India "Maharabata" and also "the Bible", but the exact origin is unknown. It is believed that originally hung on a tree to put the milk in a bag made of leather, antonio monte and was making it shake and hit with a stick. Mainly, it was used as such as body cream and hair dressing. Around the 9th century, it was used as food in earnest in France. In Japan, that after the Meiji Restoration, ordered the dissemination of dairy for the government to supply dairy products to foreigners widespread opportunity. India, the United States, Pakistan, the main production area, such as Germany. The Hokkaido in Japan. There is lactic acid fermentation as "cultured butter", to make as it is "non-fermented butter", it is divided is not added salt was added to the "Salted butter" and "non-use salt butter". The commercially available, if it is salted with no fermentation antonio monte in most cases. The source material and seasoning, oil fried baked or oil, butter and rice, is widely used in cooking. [Salted butter Vitamin A is contained 13 times more milk than the action of the nutrition component, or working in a fair skin and the promotion antonio monte of growth, it has a function to protect antonio monte bacteria from the nose and throat. Vitamin D K is also included in addition, to encourage the formation and maintenance of bone health. Also contains vitamin E further, to prevent oxidation in the body, the effect is expected to prevent arteriosclerosis and aging. Calcium and potassium antonio monte are also included, keeping normal cells, and is effective in the formation of strong bones and teeth. Organization is broken and melted once Notes nutrition antonio monte component lipid, protein, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin A K E D, flavor even if I cool again also mouthfeel also get worse. In addition, when left at high temperature, high humidity, the smell comes out color changes bacteria and mold, by yeast. And, easily oxidized by oxygen in the air, taste and flavor is reduced. In addition, nutrients escape and hold the sunlight. High calorie, salt and fat much so, in about 10g if paint in one bread. Since the weak point in the high temperature and oxidation, to absorb the smell of the other, then save them in the refrigerator in a sealed container. If you do not use for a while, it may be frozen and wrapped in plastic wrap in the subdivision.
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Thursday, February 13, 2014

About (creative pintxos) A. Egyptian salt and glitter paste of okra, pintxos (creative pintxos) B.

the homemade cultured butter | turkyespania2012
About (creative pintxos) A. Egyptian salt and glitter paste of okra, pintxos (creative pintxos) B. Pintxos of blue cheese (creative pintxos) C. Of quail egg and artichoke, pintxos (creative pintxos) olive tree securities D. Pintxos of Galician octopus (creative pintxos) E. Pintxos of bean paste (creative pintxos) F. Pintxos raw ham paste (creative pintxos) G. And anchovy mashed potatoes and tuna, pintxos
In Europe, cultured butter Speaking of butter. It is a thing that was allowed to ferment to put the lactic acid bacteria to fresh cream, were separated oil. Downright refreshing flavor.
As I do not dry out well as butter on the market, use as soon as possible.
Feedback of 1 to " homemade fermented the butter"
% D bloggers of people I put a "Like".

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Address Nishinomiya, Hyogo Prefecture Kawazoe-cho 4-2 | Hour 7:00 ~ 18:00 | Tel & Fax 0798-42-8544 | Mobile 090-3493-3624 casa monte Encore un matin

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

To Japan, fresh butter can, so be it is delivered in refrigerated air mail almost every week.

To Japan, fresh butter can, so be it is delivered in refrigerated air mail almost every week.
"Croissant texas home health of america Eshire Tradition," "salt-free or 50% Boolean salted croissant Eshire"
It should be noted that during the 2013/12/24 ~ 2013/12/29, to illuminate the future ~, ~ celebration of light "Tokyo Michiterasu 2013"

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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

For example, you butter milk which I am writing in the article of the hives related previous well,

Postscript on December 22 [2013: uncontrollable slightly last month, very itchy hives I have come out again. olive tree cottage It seems to have too take the dust of pepper as spice for curry garlic and ginger, and black pepper. I do not eat now, among other, (okay, however, as long as it was in germinated brown rice soaked in water for several days at room temperature) the hives of Hido-me comes out very well whenever you eat brown rice bad digestion. In addition, it continues to ingest caffeine olive tree cottage coffee or tea, green tea, chocolate, and cocoa, itchy hives always comes out also this. In my case, (and have experience was painful to dying on gastritis), and irritants those poor digestion appears this is not a good very much stomach is weak.
For example, you butter milk which I am writing in the article of the hives related previous well, but in the (fat of 3%) sour a little butter milk, even this is also the time in 2009, this is well in hives after drinking this was heard. However, at that time, it was not seen much effect to eat plain yogurt not sour. So, bacteria culture contained in the butter milk is has worked for me specially, I wonder if does not work in the yogurt? It was thought that such, but it seems to have been different.
Because, to eat day and night morning olive tree cottage slightly sour plain yogurt this time, itchy hives is because minus naturally. olive tree cottage And, I was drinking every night after a shower (1% fat) butter milk not too sour this time, I could not feel much effectiveness as compared to the previous. Say why and also, no sour too (this time, and they were on drinking butter milk with less fat, troll stomach drinking too much spring turmeric in 2012, and further, as hives measures the buttermilk of 3% a lot of fat As a result of drinking,. since become a very severe gastritis, and can not be eaten almost a month, have experience suffered)
However, it will be replaced (bad bacteria and good bacteria) (probiotics), indigenous bacteria is new fungus where it was placed in the intestinal good bacteria that live how much is not so. In addition, even if eating plain yogurt that good bacteria have ordinary, good bacteria is will die in gastric fluid as it passes through the stomach, such as he does not reach it alive. But, the corpse of the good bacteria is, since the food of good bacteria are indigenous bacteria that are in the gut, to be able good bacteria, the more it seems that it may be the it. In addition, by taking the dietary fiber and oligosaccharide is a food good bacteria, it can also increase the number of lactic acid bacteria, which also is that it is good at this.
So, by sour = even to such as after every meal and butter milk or plain yogurt that is, contains lactic acid, and to take frequent small amounts, bad bacteria that too many are killed immediately, therefore, the intestinal environment is good I think (it becomes pleasant flight) will, hives that said they going to pull it immediately. In the case of (I, I can realize the next day. However, it takes time a little more hives all the up to draw completely. Then, when it continues to it, hives is now not come out at all , also, as before, we will return to the skin that was smooth. takes time fine pigment of the skin which became brown in inflammation to return to the original.)
I want to note that (. so as not eat too much) I think it is, but who now hives, you started make yourself embittered by very itchy, it's worth it little by little, even after every meal and try to eat the sour somewhat plain yogurt I think the person's, like hives come out, but I am also, who have a weak stomach is large. So, that in acidity, such as plain yogurt, olive tree cottage with or overeating, resulting in vandalism the stomach so probable a lot, and also, little by little, etc. to room temperature the extent to which you do not eat too much, not too irritating to the gastrointestinal I think in this way, it is good and food.
First, in order to reduce the bad bacteria in the intestines, I'll put (lactic acid bacteria) bacteria culture. For this, (but - why not have seen the butter milk or will not be commercially available why was listed here in Japan) sour slightly (butter milk are sold normally, such as Canada and Europe those conditions that occur in the process of generating the butter. sour this drink. feeling that in silky sour somewhat plain yogurt is because lactic acid lactic acid bacteria has been generated, but the lactic acid seems to have worked. So I began to drink.) I think good to take about four cups teaspoon after every meal a somewhat sour plain yogurt in the Japan. (When you are future time, to take the lactic acid bacteria in vegetable olive tree cottage pickles also looks good.)
In, I went about a week now. Has the effect! In particular, lactic acid bacteria! (But the big effect was obtained by uniform one. 2 I realized later that perhaps, half-bath into which you have inserted your salt was also back up the effect greatly, it was the driving force behind the shade invisible, in my case . If you'll put it in the intestine) lactic acid bacteria, itching comes minus then) long (several tens of minutes after a while. And I no longer itchy insidiously. It's itchy or also over time for a while, but when I put it in the intestinal lactic acid bacteria each time, I feel strange, but the itching is gradually olive tree cottage pulling I have to. What a what?
Intestine plays a major role in the detox, but read the site of the reform's half-bath because was written as a way of preparing the autonomic nervous olive tree cottage system and detox method, a simple olive tree cottage addition to this, butter milk I tried to run with. It is me that you get used to this dry environment since I came to Canada, sweat comes out had been placed on rarely situation, sweat comes blown Motto If etc. to the upper body and a half-bath of the salt bath . It is happy I feel that in the body is gone become beautiful if you think that it ~ I wonder olive tree cottage I wonder have gone bad in the body comes out with sweat surely be.
Improvement olive tree cottage of the five intestinal environment now but hives - hives in eating olive tree cottage too much, raw cabbage, itching goes away almost 6 the improvement in a salt bath sitz bath and lactic acid bacteria after all hives [series] and the subsequent olive tree cottage walk the 7 It is also the cause weakness of the three gastrointestinal its relationship olive tree cottage to tap water and (itching) eczema of the skin like the four atopic induced urticaria have the most effect (half-bath of salt bath) constitution and improvement (lactic acid bacteria), And I feel the whole body hives Tea Tree Oil also work in the itch 1 It is said that suppress the itch stick to the IgE antibody, the two rice bran component how to cook brown rice cause itching - it was Kayuka~tsu to cry (still ...) this number a-days
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Monday, February 10, 2014

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