Saturday, April 19, 2014

Fruits, milk sell by date vs use by date vegetables, blender and juicer, that

Fruits, milk sell by date vs use by date vegetables, blender and juicer, that's what vegans need for a good breakfast and lunch. May Volk is one of them. I am a free man, a woman who no longer stops at the scales and raises itself from early morning question - what will that I cook today ... So says Maja Volk, playwright, screenwriter, professor, radio and television presenter, fado musician and mother of three adult children . Unusual for having her in the kitchen stove is used for the disposal of old newspapers, milk sell by date vs use by date because it is not included in the last three years. There can not be one by four white death (salt, sugar, flour, fat), no detergent for the dishwasher, or pot and dirty pots. And no coffee. - All my life I kuburila with diet, calories, grew fat, losing weight, get sick, and I never connected my life and what's happening with onimšto eat. I know that I hate vegetables from small, to me being forced to eat cooked and spoon, and that's how I became a carnivore, whose favorite food was - baking, common sense, Gibanica, bloody liver and noodles with cheese. The only thing that is somehow rescued, and I did not even know it was my worship of fruit - she says. In cities where lived and studied milk sell by date vs use by date usually had no money for restaurants milk sell by date vs use by date or a loved to cook, so he lived on fruit. That felt good, with a lot of energy, attributed to the beauties of Paris, Sydney and Stockholm, no thought to their health owes this inexpensive fruit. milk sell by date vs use by date - After all, then, no one talked about healthy food, and vegetarians were a sect, as well as the fanatical macrobiotics. True, in Australia two years ago I was healthy, my complexion was perfect, hair mercury milk sell by date vs use by date and thick, my intestines, grieved operations in childhood and used to the laxatives, once they worked alone, and I attributed all blessings of the sea and the climate. Twenty years later, my body, exhausted and drained, poorly nourished for decades, decided to shorten themselves to the Passion and death - sickened by cancer. I went through aggressive milk sell by date vs use by date and barbaric methods of medicine, milk sell by date vs use by date and when they had finished with me, I was crippled - no salivary glands, without the epiglottis, larynx iščupanog, permanent hair fell from weight loss and stress, dead skin, immune-zero, where the old lady teeth are falling out Radiation and chemotherapy and whose blood was not anything she could to improve - frankly speaking this woman. - I went, like everyone else, with the idea that I would be strong to strengthen food - I hit on mesištu, cream, cheese, bacon and liver - and made even worse chaos. He appeared milk sell by date vs use by date cholesterol and blood cells swell in millimeters ... And then, depression is broken, not on the edge, but at the bottom of a nervous breakdown, I turned to a man I know ten years ago and which is permanently healthy and getting younger, more vital every year, for whom I knew it was weird food, but I did something brought to it. I asked him to reveal his knowledge - says Maja. - That day began my transformation, a journey into a whole new world, a world of permanent health, future world, a world that has always been close at hand, the world of nature, truth, true joys of life and love of self. I never dreamed that I would change of diet changed his whole world, from thinking to the value judgments of behavior to the character.
However, she points out that it is important to know that living food diet is not just one of possible diet that will instantly help or not help. That, in her words, commitment to health and life, as opposed to illness, aging and death. - The phrase milk sell by date vs use by date "In milk sell by date vs use by date heaven there is no cooking, kettles are in hell," that my teacher Gruja said at the outset, it was a song from the heaven, in response to my long-standing internal resistance to boiling. A lack of recipes - freedom of research and listening to themselves - adds Maja Volk. Still to go in order. - First, there are only two types of food. Still fling. Cooked and dubbing. Live food is alive, because when you put boiled carrots in the ground, milk sell by date vs use by date nothing grew, and when you put the dubbing, something sprout. Eating raw foods, you can enter living plant cells, the enzymes (vitamins), which disappear and the mild heat treatment, and they are the bearers of all treasures, milk sell by date vs use by date and when there are none, your body consumes, metabolic enzymes, which are limited, when they spend, die. Simply put, eating live food, extend life - assures us. - We are the only form of life on earth that is thermally processed your food and only we are so sick. Diabetes we get when we move on to the honey processed sugar. Today, almost all the food contains milk sell by date vs use by date sugar, which is not only harmful but causes dependence (hence children can not live without ketchup) - recalls. milk sell by date vs use by date And now, a surprise for fans milk. - We are the only mammals that when they stop sucking breast milk, switch to cow teat, and the whole life! Animals do not have osteoporosis or a problem with calcium, milk sell by date vs use by date because calcium is everywhere. These diseases are caused by cow's milk, fermented for the calf, which has horns and hooves, and should increase from 40 pounds to 200 for the year ... It has casein, the matter of which is the right glue and glue ... Do you still talk? But a dairy industry, as well as a powerful axis

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