Ten percent increase in wheat prices on the Chicago exchange is a good excuse to draw readers' attention to interesting analytical report, which prepared Nomura. Japanese smithfield station menu investment bank predicts an increase in food prices in the coming years, which will be the main determinant of rising demand from the emerging countries. smithfield station menu Growth of that demand will have two sources - population growth and increasing wealth, which will result in a change in diet: increased caloric intake and replacement of plant and animal products.
Here you need a fundamental note: so the same amount of 1000 calories your body supplied by vegetable products, such as processed cereals (bread, pasta) smithfield station menu required to produce a much smaller amount of arable land, water, energy and labor than provided by animal products, such as slips Beef.
At this point, you need a second note: many readers will ignore the report Nomury because to a large extent is based on the extrapolation of historical smithfield station menu trends. It remains for me nothing else than to write that this method brings with it many dangers but it is the best that I currently have.
Time for two basic graphs. smithfield station menu The first graph shows the income elasticity of demand for three types of resources: grain, energy and metals in four groups of wealth (according to national income per capita). In other words, the graph shows about how to increase the demand for grain, raw materials and metals when incomes rise by 10%:
What turns out? The increase in wealth translates into a significant increase in demand for cereals in the poorest countries: low-income smithfield station menu or lower-middle-income countries. In the case of higher average income and high income, this effect is minimal and disappears - simply in the world, rich people earn so much that income growth does not float on the amount of food consumed by them or to change your diet (you can not eat the meat!)
In this case, analysts Nomura reasonably argue that the effect of increasing the wealth of the increase in demand for cereals is underestimated by the average DN per capita, which is much lower than the median. The result is that the actual people who are so poor that they increase their income significantly translate smithfield station menu into an increase in the demand for cereals is undervalued. About what? According smithfield station menu Nomury, a few hundred million.
It is clear that the richer a society that eats more meat (distinguished by Japan and Norway). smithfield station menu In most scenarios, the base is assumed to rapid growth in emerging markets and so moving to these countries from the bottom left of the chart to the right, and (according to the extrapolation of the trend) up. This will mean an increase in meat consumption, which translates into an increase in demand for cereals because something is meat before it is killed and dismembered, you have to feed - this is the thinking Nomura analysts. smithfield station menu And they support the analysis of trends such as dietary Taiwanese in order to forecast what will happen in the next decade with the Chinese diet.
I'd been so worried about the increasing acreage of grain crops, and more worry about water resources needed to "produce" meat and waste associated with such breeding. I think that now Poland has an average water stress.
Just out of curiosity. Do economically fish are included in the meat? I'm asking smithfield station menu seriously, because smithfield station menu for me (due to religious smithfield station menu beliefs) muscles of the fish is not meat. This question smithfield station menu occurred to me in the context of low consumption of meat in Norway.
Another about the river. I have a friend in Argentina (vet) - told me about the problems posed by giant farm cattle for beef. Soybeans smithfield station menu and beef destroy nature in South Am at a rapid pace. In contrast, overfishing is a topic virtually untouched on a major scale, and also worth tilt over him.
The chart shows that there are several other countries with significantly lower consumption of meat than the trend line. I wonder what countries smithfield station menu (as large). Such large deviations Japan (on the eye than China!) And Norway are rather sure that the issue of fish consumption also personally love. However, it seems to me that even more interesting is the comparison of China and India. This indicates, however, very important cultural factors.
That's right, for the Chinese people eating meat is a status symbol. Anecdata: businessman friend told me that the rich Chinese restaurant procure lots of meat and lots of rice. Then rice remains intact, and it is discarded in its entirety.
On the other hand, Japan is the island, and China has a huge land mass. It is difficult to expect that these peoples smithfield station menu ate the same fish. Such differences I see even between the Polish and the Belgium. In Poland, smithfield station menu ate a lot of freshwater fish (carp and catfish before / pike for Christmas, trout, eel) and only now (refrigerator + free + market globalization) learn to eat other fish saltwater except salted herring :) In Belgium, freshwater fish practically do not know (except węgor
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