Friday, April 11, 2014

Save preserves in my case means - Cook cherries and apricots. Everything else may or may not. Sour

Save preserves in my case means - Cook cherries and apricots. Everything else may or may not. Sour cherries are with me out of each category and have no competition, and apricot valson thampu jam is my second favorite valson thampu one. There is no better jam pancakes for him, buns can not be with anything valson thampu else, vanilice Sacher and I will not even begin to right that if you do not have homemade jam, and for ordinary anointing of the bread is great. About cherries another time and now ... Memories The plot, in a small village valson thampu in the Banat, my parents valson thampu had apricot, wonderfully large and fragrant fruit, which was the only source of raw materials for jam, since I can remember for myself to pre couple years. And not only is being supplied valson thampu us with jam, but a couple of families from the neighborhood. While it is not simply collapsed from old age, and gave birth to the last day. It has now to pay one young tree, from which last year was not enough fruit for internal valson thampu purposes annually, but this year gave birth to her apricot zero. It's not her fault, but probably some frost, and in all that end no apricots this summer has not given birth. And that is, that source has become unsafe. My given plot and house for sale, are old and can no longer there-over here any minute, complain no longer drives and sold the car ... lump in my throat when I start to think about it, but the reality is such that even sister nor I can maintain 100 km distant plot of 30 acres and a house 100 years old, which is sweet in its patina, but is in his third season and constantly seeks his. So, if you ever encountered a buyer, apricot and went with him.
While the old apricot was alive, preparing for cooking jam at our place mainly so that nothing is harvested, valson thampu but gather the fruits that fall to the ground. So, use only those apricots that are really mature and that they themselves have decided to fall. Attendance is played every hour or two, and it is basically a tour of the lawn under the apricot and collecting fruits. Even then, not all usable, because as soon as apricot falls to the ground it moves slowly rotting, and her Juris ants. Coarse selection would be created even under the crown. They are the fruits of that jam, gets forwarded to the great vanglu, you will eventually come on neighbor taken away and given to pigs (all eat, and I love animals). Usable fruit I wore the fountain and there fine selection rules. Some would Cut a parts who went to the dark, and the rest would go into the container, and waited for the fulfillment of quantitative and temporal conditions. To accumulate a couple of kilos of processed valson thampu fruit and healthy to get closer to evening, to stand beside the stove was bearable.
Today at the market I can buy apricots, which are the fallen, and I can, I think I should valson thampu not. Such apricot can not submit valson thampu any further storage and waiting, they must be used immediately. If you see ants in the market in which kasjijama fingering, suspect that they collected from the earth, and that they are on track to provrište, if not already. At the market should choose really ripe apricot, those very soft and somewhat "struck" the most commonly bypassed, the ones that the eye does not act exactly valson thampu the most beautiful, but which are fibrous inside, those in which the natural sugar to carry out its mission valson thampu until the end. It does not matter if you have parts that have begun to darken slightly, it is usually only on the cuticles and not below, and it is better to reject it and work with the rest of the sound, but take a hard look prelepog copies, which have no smell, no sweetness, no passion ripe apricot. valson thampu Soft and very ripe apricot coming in July, say that the second week of July pretty good time to purchase apricot. These very soft apricot are generally twice cheaper than those strong and beautiful. I paid them by 60 dinar per kilo, while those lepuškaste was 120 dinar. I mean, it's a tiny difference in the final tally, and I chose these 60 just because they are cheaper, valson thampu but they chase the softness, maturity and better in the final jam.
What is "better jam"? Well, this category varies from taste and habit. According to my good jam is one in which there is no chemistry, which has remained relatively bright colors, and that is not too thick. One variant valson thampu "turn the jar upside down, and it must stand" have me totally undesirable when it comes to jam - it's too thick and not usable as is. So much ukuvani jams are almost non-perishable, and this is probably valson thampu the main motive of all those housewives valson thampu to cook jams and density, but I will not. I want kicking. Color Earlier valson thampu we did not matter what color the jam, only to have it. But my mom is persistently insisted on the belo jam, that little by little I became an advocate of a good jam must remain bright. This means that you should not darkened to brown shades, but must keep the orange-red tone. And that means - forget the version of jam from the oven, what you might dismisses concerns about interfering valson thampu or burning, but the color of the jam has no connection with apricots. Also forget the megalomaniac projects cooking 10 + kg of fruit at once, even if you have a gigantic valson thampu pot and wooden spoon from one meter, because it significantly extends the cooking time and results in

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