Saturday, April 12, 2014

The most important component of the chemical kamdhenu foods composition of fruits are: water, carbo

Contents Introduction Features General characteristics of raspberry raspberry raspberry kamdhenu foods cultivars kamdhenu foods chemical composition of fruit flavonoids Anthocyanes Pectic substances Vitamins harvest kamdhenu foods and post harvest handling of fruits Freezing Effect of freezing on mikrooorganizme in a food freezer temperature foods Freezing kamdhenu foods raspberries and devices classic kamdhenu foods tunnel fluidized tunnel freezer Conclusion References
Fruits Fruits are an important and irreplaceable source of substances that are essential in human nutrition. Regular consumption of strengthening the body's resistance kamdhenu foods and neutralize and remove harmful substances produced in the process of normal metabolism.
Raspberry fruit is low calorie and high nutritional value, medicinal and well digested. Because of all this demand for raspberry growing. In many countries, the fruit is used in scientific medicine as a means to eject fluid and treatment of eczema. The extract from the fruit of acting against the virus. In addition, it activates the pancreas to secrete insulin, thus lowering blood sugar. It is used in the food industry.
Recently, it explores the effects of raspberry malignant cells. It was found that ellagic acid, which has a lot of raspberries, prevents duplication of cancer cells. Prevention and countering the effects of a fruit and tea leaves and raspberries (
List practically used in folk medicine for rinsing the oral cavity with inflammation kamdhenu foods of the mucous membranes of her, with inflammation of the pharynx and diarrhea. Enters into the composition of numerous kamdhenu foods mixtures for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular, the stomach-bowel system, menstrual and hormonal kamdhenu foods disorders and deficiency disease. It also became part of the mix for the so-called. with spring cleaning blood. Raspberry leaf can replace some teas, such as Indian, Georgian and Russian. . Characteristics of raspberries
. Raspberry kamdhenu foods (Rubus idaeus) is a perennial shrub with erect, herbaceous tree. The leaves are compound of 3-7 leaves, pubescent. Flowers are white with long floral handles, collected at the tips of branches or in the armpit leaves in cluster blossom. The fruits are numerous drupe that are connected razraslom, juicy floral lodge red, rarely yellow. Used young, expanded leaves and upper parts of the shoots and ripe fruits. (
The fruit is usually of bright raspberry, red, dark red or yellow. Fruit weight of most precious varieties of raspberries ranges from 3 to 6 years Rigour raspberry is a very important feature, because it depends on the ability of the transport and usage. The fruits of raspberry dense plantations, especially if the government drought, are tiny (Misic, 2000).
Raspberry is a plant that requires sun. She can not stand overshadow, kamdhenu foods but not great sultriness. kamdhenu foods Malin be grown in pure plantations, and not as a subculture in other plantations of fruit trees. Raspberry under thick snow may submit kamdhenu foods up to -35 º C. Koren raspberry izmrzava the soil temperature of -12 to -14 C. Fluctuations in temperature (more than 6 C lower than -7 C) from January to April, raspberries can be caused considerable damage.
Raspberry fruit contains a lot of water, so the abundant fruit and good fruit quality required large amounts of rainfall or irrigation. And the excess water in the soil is harmful to the raspberry, because due to lack of air (oxygen) and attack pathogens hurt her roots. . Raspberry cultivars
Raspberry cultivars (red raspberries) may be of importance to the division of the following groups (Misic, 2000): 1) raspberry cultivars for production tenets: Willamette (Willamette), Meeker (Meeker), Gradina, Moling eksploit (Malling exploit); 2) raspberry varieties of local interest: kamdhenu foods Large dvorodna, Moling kamdhenu foods promis (Malling Promise), Podgorina, September, Heritidž (Heritage); 3) promising varieties of raspberries: čilkotin (Chilcotin), čilivok (Chilliwack), komoks (Comox), come (Haida), timing, (Nootka), kamdhenu foods the skin (Skeena), Titan (Titan), tjulamin (Tulameen) and masks (Matskyue) , dvorodna variety OTEM BLIS (Malling Autumn Bliss). . The chemical composition of the fruit
The most important component of the chemical kamdhenu foods composition of fruits are: water, carbohydrates, acids, dyestuffs, aromatic, minerals, vitamins, proteins, etc. Raspberries are a rich source of vitamin C (30 mg per one cup-50% of daily needs) and dietary fiber. The fruit of several ingredients, including its sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose), organic acids (malic, citric, kamdhenu foods salicylic, ellagic, etc.), essential oils, colored and tannic substances (
Water is essential for the operation of metabolism in all cells of plants, animals and humans. Depending on the species and growing conditions fruit can contain kamdhenu foods 75-93% water. The average water content in raspberry is 85%. The high water content reduces the energy, but provides a high physiological value of the fruit. Thanks to the fact that nutritionally valuable substances fruit aqueous solutions, human organism are easy to learn.
The technology is very essential content of dry matter or content of soluble (sugars, acids and other soluble substances) and insoluble matter without water (cellulose, hemicellulose, protopektin etc.). The dry matter kamdhenu foods content provides kamdhenu foods further insight into managing and directing technology

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