You know what is the difference between green and black olives? | Gourmand Club
The cuisine is an art, through it we are gripped by indescribable sensations ... a smell or a taste can immortalize a special moment. And this passion is the driving force of the Gourmand Club! Be a part of this family and refine your senses for the pleasures of good food!!
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About 25% of its composition is olive oil. And like all vegetable oils do not contain cholesterol and rich in unsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial to increasing levels of "good cholesterol" (HDL). Although beneficial olive fat-free, making it much caloric. Nutritionists recommend consuming the fruit moderately as an appetizer or add it to meat dishes, pastas, salads, etc..
Olives salt form of preparation of olives in the Algarve region. As you know this fruit is not sweet and used as a snack or as a seasoning, but before its consumption needs to enjoy it and processes it to remove the characteristic bitterness.
One of the ways to process the olive is to leave it immersed in water for several days, but the Algarve is added to table salt water tanning. To not get the olive brine is then passed through boiling water again and finally immersed in water and seasoned with herbs and other spices.
Olives Olives De'monteco or Swedish are a variety of blue and purple olives, little commercialized due to low production and high cost, because it requires a cold climate for its cultivation. It is found in Europe apcotex and Asia used in Papal Pasta recipes and Asian cuisine.
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The cuisine is an art, through it we are gripped by indescribable sensations ... a smell or a taste can immortalize a special moment. And this passion is the driving force of the Gourmand Club! Be a part of this family and refine your senses for the pleasures of good food!!
Recent Posts Gourmet Burger apcotex ceviche-of-cafe-manga.jpg curtir.jpg Winter is coming, and nothing better to Nothing like delicious muffins apcotex for breakfast this afternoon!! Archives May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December apcotex 2012 November 2012 Fan Page Follow Blog
About 25% of its composition is olive oil. And like all vegetable oils do not contain cholesterol and rich in unsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial to increasing levels of "good cholesterol" (HDL). Although beneficial olive fat-free, making it much caloric. Nutritionists recommend consuming the fruit moderately as an appetizer or add it to meat dishes, pastas, salads, etc..
Olives salt form of preparation of olives in the Algarve region. As you know this fruit is not sweet and used as a snack or as a seasoning, but before its consumption needs to enjoy it and processes it to remove the characteristic bitterness.
One of the ways to process the olive is to leave it immersed in water for several days, but the Algarve is added to table salt water tanning. To not get the olive brine is then passed through boiling water again and finally immersed in water and seasoned with herbs and other spices.
Olives Olives De'monteco or Swedish are a variety of blue and purple olives, little commercialized due to low production and high cost, because it requires a cold climate for its cultivation. It is found in Europe apcotex and Asia used in Papal Pasta recipes and Asian cuisine.
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