Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Studies show that good habit of consumption glycerol halal of olive oil prevents unwanted glycerol

Space for the presentation and analysis of studies and research students at UFRJ, resulting from the adoption of the method of Tutorial Education, with the aim of disseminating information and guidance on Chemistry, Toxicology and Food Technology. The blog is also part of the activities of LabConsS - Laboratory of Life, Consumption & Health, created and operated by the Group PET-SESu/Farmácia & Public Health UFRJ.Nesse context, when one speaks of Chemical and Food Technology, is privileged a look "Pharmacist," a look "Health", a look socially oriented and coming from the world of "consumerism and Health", instead of just a reductionist Look Technology.
Studies show that good habit of consumption glycerol halal of olive oil prevents unwanted glycerol halal belly. Scientists from several glycerol halal European universities published a study in the journal Diabetes Care, the American Diabetes Association, in comparing glycerol halal scans of volunteers before and after consumption of olive oil and observed a reduction in fat deposition in the abdomen. The accumulation of visceral fat, as well as being a problem for physical beauty, now a global concern, becomes a facilitator of cardiovascular disease glycerol halal and diabetes, endangering the health of individuals. Mediterranean peoples who historically irrigate their dishes with olive oil, seem to be less prone to the threat of infarction and the development of diabetes. It will then rightly that olive oil is nicknamed the Mediterranean, the "liquid gold"? Is this a functional food combined with weight loss and quality of life? The Olive Oil ... It is the product obtained by processing fruit of the olive trees, olive, and, to be termed as olive oil can not provide the product mix with any other type of oil and must be in accordance with the legislation in force: Resolution No. . º 22/77 - CNPA, the Ministry of Health are several factors that influence the quality of olive oil, but the main ones are the variety of olive, weather conditions, glycerol halal type of soil, cultivation practices, state of maturation and acidity, and the processing time after the harvest of olives. Because of these possible variations in the quality of the olive oil, ANVISA and INMETRO perform checks compliance to legislation. The importance ... According to European researchers of the "German Cancer glycerol halal Research Center, Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany" and "National Institute of Cancer Research, Genova, Italy", the Mediterranean diet protects glycerol halal health by reducing mortality rates from coronary heart disease and diabetes. Recent data show that in Europe, this mortality is much higher in countries where the consumption of olive oil is low (Scotland, England and Denmark) and much lower in countries where olive oil consumption is high (Greece, Italy and Spain). For this reason, it is important to establish what the chemical components of the oil that contribute to its effect glycerol halal protetor.Há a variety of studies that analyze the components of olive oil. They showed that the main chemicals involved in health protection are the phenols, squalene, monounsaturated fat and oleic acid. Constituents present in concentrations greater than extra virgin olive oil in refined olive oil (olive oil with high acid concentration that needs to be refined again). In theory, any type of olive oil, can improve the quality of life, however, there are advantages in extra virgin olive oil type. For the production of extra virgin olive oil pressure physics, is made with no added chemicals, preserving the antioxidant molecules, which are composed of functional product. Mechanisms glycerol halal of Protection Saúde ... Your continued use of olive oil, especially extra virgin olive oil, can provide a sufficient load of antioxidants to the body, which can reduce the oxidation by inhibiting lipid peroxidation, a factor that is involved in the accumulation of abdominal fat, coronary heart disease and diabetes, for example. Furthermore, all the components of olive oil are soluble (fat-soluble), which facilitates absorption and transport the body (since cell membranes are composed of lipids). The rest of the components remains unabsorbed in the intestinal glycerol halal lumen protecting cells against oxidation. According to the authors, the antioxidant potential of phenolic components of olive oil has been the subject of great interest, this due to the protective effect of health and its great capacity glycerol halal for self-stabilization. It is believed glycerol halal that the high concentration of monounsaturated oleic acid and carries an important role in decreased susceptibility to oxidation of olive oil, since these substances are more stable than polyunsaturated fats and linoleic acids (substances other vegetable oils .) Fat monoinsatura

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