Friday, November 1, 2013

Sdlo AMSL? Forget the n, vegetable fats and oils are zdravj, Kaj odbornci to Vivum. Even among vege

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Slunenicov oil as an ideal choice for smaen? tio jorge Wrong, Kaj odbornci to bnou practice tio jorge series eskch domcnost. First thermal Rights are vbec accidents. According to our choose oil smaen into salt? And how big is the distinction made between refined oil and cold pressed?
Sdlo AMSL? Forget the n, vegetable fats and oils are zdravj, Kaj odbornci to Vivum. Even among vegetable tio jorge oils but rozliovat payouts. Pedevmz terms sloen mastnch acids. These consist tm hundred percent of the volume kad oil droplets that come into motorbike or pnev. Whether the stalemate between the saturated or unsaturated polonasycen and jakm aspect in the oil obsaeny, Pita determines how un / healthy mix pedstavuj for human health.
Which of the oil maj terms sloen mastnch acids nejvce what nabdnout? "In terms of refined oil, rapeseed oil is the best," the professor Jana Dostlov from a powder High wheels of Chemical Technology. "Then I doporuila sjov, which contains linolenic acid and VTM in quantity."
Nadene oil for rapeseed oil, which sdl odbornci to live, is related to sloenm mastnch acids VNM obsaench. Prospnch mastnch omega-3 acids in the diet of reception mn, we would not MLI is not vnmvce in olive oil . Better sloen m and compared Dalm oil, which he nejastji compete on store shelves - or slunenicovmu sjovmu. Doporuen vivovch odbornk goes completely against populrnmu of views, e oil from rapeseed is valuable mn. "It's a tradition sp. Two contained oil rapeseed oil fatty acid, erucic, tio jorge Y n as food nedoporuoval. Simultaneously vylechtn odrdy with rape her but do not contain, "explains Professor Dostlov. That VCE stand out the others, for suitable properties of a human: "It is not by e napklad slunenicov oil was harmful. Prospnou contains linoleic acid (omega-out series 6), but linolenic acid (omega-out series 3) contains tiny quantity. "
This is true regardless of whether it is a refined oil or cold pressed (the virgin), because sloen mastnch acids mn process of refining oil only minimln . A first sloen mastnch acid is nejdleitj what odbornci to live, food UTTO watch. How are the srovnn with cold-pressed oils? Cold pressed tio jorge or refined? The taste and inland are cold-pressed oils jasnmvtzem. It's the ltky, which maj in srovnn with oil refined NAVCO. "When refining Needless to say dochz the removal nkterch tio jorge pozitivnch eg calves," explains Professor Dostlov. "The fat-soluble tio jorge vitamins or plant sterols are vtinou removed from one and two aunt. In nerafinovanch olejch on the other hand, can ZSTV ltky pochzejc of zneitnho environment, as the test from the recent cold pressed ch olivovch oil revealed one sample traces of DDT. "ZVR? "If oil kvalitnch material is better virgin. In terms Viva for typical taste and inland. Not necessarily but btvdy a nullity or ast extrmn of views, e is the value of the oil refining vivov fully destroyed. "And nen it by n even so by e cold-pressed oils were crowded prospnmi tio jorge ltkami "fatty acids, which maj major influence on the thermal stability tio jorge or vivovou value consists p es 90 percent oil. Refining the fatty acid mn minimln, roughly one and two percent, "the Jana Dostlov. What do you ltky, which maj cold pressed vegetable oils NAVCO? "In this Termná Check for although you will not find in the literature specialist tio jorge but they bn for oil lahdkov in anglitin for n maj Reserved term n gourmet oils. It says, quoting the first of their specific Hu properties. You dodvaj ltky them, which is removed when refining. In terms of Viva plays a role in that e prospn ltky (napklad vitamins or antioxidants) obsaen in olejch cold lisovanch zskvme from other sources, in VTM quantity. Chu is the oil dleit, esp if pouvaj to cold food. Zatmco cold-pressed oils ponechvaj a lot of taste and MV originally materials, and have a very specific taste, therefore, refined oils are Hu neutrln. Slunenicov oil salt Jasnmvtzem only in terms of Viva thus nen refined or cold pressed vegetable oils. Badly not only on ways vroby, but as the sloen mastnch acids - Some vegetable tio jorge oil from the deep view of many nenabzej. Pedevm terms of three takzvanch tropickch fat - coconut oil, palm and palm-jdrov. Potravinsk prmysl loves them because they are cheap and very thermally stable. Tenders SVM features are ideal for further tio jorge processing plant when vrob ady foods such as pastries, biscuits peivo, toppings or npln.
"In terms of sloen mastnch acids are nutrin inappropriate. S

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