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In addition to the plant roots can absorb nutrients, the leaves and young shoots of stems can absorb nutrients sprayed on their surface. This plant shoot to measure called root fertilization or external fertilization foliar fertilization. methods of preserving foods Used is called foliar fertilizer. Aboveground plant can absorb nutrients phenomenon in the 19th century to be confirmed. Some spraying water-soluble iron preparations on iron chlorosis spray piece, so that treatment of iron deficiency symptoms. In recent years, with the isotope tracing methods, confirmed nutrients applied on the blade, as short as a few minutes or as long as 1 to 2 days, in various parts of the plant can detect this nutrient. How to enter the nutrients from the leaf surface to the inside of the blade it? It must first understand the structure of the blade. Leaf surface methods of preserving foods is generally covered with a cuticle, epidermal cells below the stratum methods of preserving foods corneum, epidermis Here is mesophyll methods of preserving foods cells. On the blade, the distribution of a large number of pores under the skin, and the outside world is the leaf gas exchange and water transpiration from plants of the channel. Only nutrients into the leaf cells, in order to carry out the operation and assimilation. People think in the early foliar spraying nutrients into the leaf through the stomata inside. However, the small diameter pores, a large surface tension of water, sprayed onto the fertilizer solution to form a water film on the surface of the leaf, it is difficult to enter the inside of the blade from the pores. Nutrients methods of preserving foods can be absorbed methods of preserving foods through the vent gas outside, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen (O2), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and ammonia (NH3) and the like. Later research found that there are many fine passages on foliar cuticle, through the plasma membrane of epidermal cells, called interstitial even outside the wire, is the main channel leaves absorb nutrients. Blades connected by wire apoplastic nutrient absorption process is active absorption, selective absorption characteristics.
Foliar fertilization and root through the soil fertilization comparison has the following advantages: (a) the rapid absorption methods of preserving foods and quick with other parts of the radioisotope phosphorus (32p) track showed smear on cotton leaf phosphorus, just 5 minutes to the plants appear, especially in the root, stem and top young leaves more content. And phosphorus from the roots need 15 days and nights in order to achieve these results. Fertilizer sprayed on the leaves absorbed 50% of the time required for nitrogen fertilizer (urea) 1 - 6 hours, phosphate 1 - 5 days, potash is 1 - 4 days, zinc, manganese fertilizer is 1 - 2 days. However, calcium, boron sprayed on the leaves poor mobility, need to be sprayed calcium, boron site (usually young tissues of plants sprout and young fruit) have better results. (B) with less utilization of high concentrations of foliar application methods of preserving foods only 0.05% (borax, ammonium molybdate, copper sulfate, etc.) to 0.2% (zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate, methods of preserving foods ferrous sulfate, methods of preserving foods etc.), but the highest 1% ~ 2% (urea, superphosphate, potassium nitrate, etc.). Therefore, methods of preserving foods the amount rarely. Because of foliar applied directly to the foliage, without soil, to avoid soil adsorption and fixation, improve the utilization of fertilizers, especially phosphorus, zinc, etc. is obvious. (C) may be difficult or inconvenience of ridiculous when applied to the soil fertilization have been carried out such as when the crop root senescence difficult to absorb nutrients, or dense crop growth, soil is difficult to apply fertilizer, foliar fertilization can play its unique role. Foliar fertilization Notwithstanding the above advantages, but due with less, operating more cost labor, in addition to micronutrient fertilizers are sometimes used as a primary method of fertilization, but only as a complement and adjunct root fertilization. Preferably well in advance of a planned crop fertilization system, rather than deficiency symptoms have appeared then to make up for foliar fertilization.
Position the timing and location of foliar fertilization methods of preserving foods (a) make foliar foliar fertilization resulted in remarkable achievements, we must try to put liquid fertilizer sprayed onto the leaves, forming a film, stay on leaf at least a few hours. Under Select favorable natural conditions, into some of the spreaders in fertilizer, and prevent the loss of the phenomenon when spraying. Loss process, concentrated liquid fertilizer in crop leaf margin, will damage the leaves. 1 slow moving elements in plants should be sprayed on new leaves, the better. 2 dorsal tissue loose, sprayed on the surface of leaf, nutrient absorption faster. (B) the time to master spraying fertilizer in order to ensure the best results, do not be administered in the strong sunlight, to avoid evaporation, resulting in increased concentration and burn the foliage, but also to avoid the application of dew or rain. Spraying time to choose the most suitable high humidity day time, usually in the morning before the sun in the morning and the sun goes down in the evening to be. (C) the period of foliar fertilization is not the same because the various crops growing, vegetative and reproductive growth stages are different, it is difficult prescribe specific optimal spraying period. Average cereal crops (rice, corn) before the filling stage to seedling can be sprayed; melon, fruit crops at the beginning of the first flowers to form the physiological young fruit when young fruit enlargement, can foliar spraying. methods of preserving foods Foliar feeding trace elements allowed in any period of spraying.
Zn Zinc book before flowering and after fruit
Fruit tree
Mn Manganese Comments (0)
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