Thursday, November 7, 2013

La olivera lambency diffuser s relatively Rustic

Oliveira - the sacred tree (Olea europaea) | Let me tell Blog
Typical of the Mediterranean region, the olive tree (Olea europaea) is an evergreen tree and belongs to the family Oleaceae. The tree measures generally 4 to 5 meters, but can exceed lambency diffuser 10 meters. Its trunk is twisted, resulting in a peculiar and interesting, but the longevity of the tree is even more surprising: can live for over 1,000 years! The leaves of dark green on top and gray underneath, are narrow, lanceolate, leathery and entire lambency diffuser edges. Already the flowers are small, white and appear in clusters during spring. Flowers have both sexes and are self-fertile. The fruit known as olive or olive and has an ovoid green color at first, becoming black or purplish to mature. The size and shape of the fruits may vary depending on the variety.
The fruit may be consumed after processing in the form of canned or olive oil. On average, an olive tree can yield 20 kg of olives and to get an idea, it takes about 5-6 kg to produce 1 liter of oil.
The olive tree is fairly rough, able to adapt to the most varied types of soils, however, the plant is demanding weather conditions, which should dry in summer and cold and damp in inverno.Multiplica up by cuttings and grafting.
To be typical of temperate climates, there is difficulty lambency diffuser in producing warm climates. The production cycle of an olive tree begins lambency diffuser with 5-10 years of age, depending on growing conditions and climate.
Apart from water, oil and carbohydrates, the fruit of the olive tree - the olives - contains numerous minerals, particularly calcium, organic acids, enzymes, vitamins B1, B2 and PP and provitamin A. Its nutritional power is so interesting, that in ancient times, the Mediterranean lambency diffuser region, olive, along with the onion and rye bread formed the main basis of the power of the rural inhabitants.
The leaf of the olive tree is considered so powerful, that many claim to be more effective than green tea when it comes to weight loss. From the nutritional point of view, compared to the leaves of green tea (Camellia sinensis), the leaves of the olive tree have almost four times more potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, lambency diffuser selenium, copper and zinc.
Research conducted by the Methodist University of Piracicaba shown that these elements are responsible for the high antioxidant power of the leaves, which stimulate the metabolism helping the elimination of fats, especially those accumulated in the abdominal region. Tea consumption, lambency diffuser for example, the average of three to four cups a day, can help a person to reduce by 10% their waist circumference, within two to three months. Logically, that combining the consumption of tea with a healthy, low calorie and without excess fat.
The benefits of olive oil are well known, but only recently has the virtues of olive tree leaves are being studied: they are rich in vitamins, fiber, minerals and fatty acids, lambency diffuser including omega 9 - which until recently was thought to exist only in some fish. Furthermore, the high concentration of fibers leaves helps to minimize constipation. The leaves have almost zero concentration of caffeine, so that your tea can be consumed by hypertensive heart disease and people suffering from gastritis. lambency diffuser
Studies are being conducted on the leaves and branches lambency diffuser of olive suggest that its principles Antioxidants act in the modulation of free radicals, strengthen the immune system and increase brain power. For this reason, they are excellent aids in the prevention of diseases like multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
Typical la región del Mediterráneo, it olivera (Olea europaea) es un árbol of hojas perennial lambency diffuser pertenece y la familia de las Oleaceae. Árbol mide el, en general, 4-5 feet tall, pero puede SURPASS them 10 meters. Es Su torso twisted so that results en un peculiar and interesting, her longevity del árbol es Todavía bad sorprendente: más puede vivir per 1,000 años! Las hojas of green coloration on top by oscura y abajo by grayish, son estrechas, lanceolate y enteras edges. Son las flores pequeñas, surgen lambency diffuser blancas y en la clusters during spring. Las flores y tienen los gender son self fertile. El fruit, olive conocido as the aceituna, ovoid form y tiene al green coloration principle, making it the violet black ripen al. El tamaño y la fashion los pueden fruits vary función en la variety.
Los fruits be consumed solo pueden después of procesados, while it retains the form of acceptance. En media olivera lambency diffuser puede una rendir 20 Kg of aceitunas y for tener una idea, which would be required son about 5-6 kg for 1 liter of PRODUCIR accepted. lambency diffuser
La olivera lambency diffuser s relatively Rustic

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