Egypt Athenas Olive Olea europae L., var. europaea (MilIer) Lehr Family: Oleaceae Common name: Olive Oil-brava to europaea L. var. sylvestris monte mobile (Miller) Lehr, also called OLEASTER. Habitat and Distribution: It originated from the southern monte mobile Caucasus, the high plains of Iran and the Mediterranean coast of Syria and Palestine, later expanding to the rest of the Mediterranean and American zones of similar climate. Grown in almost any country. Part used: Leaves, branches and oil obtained from fruits (olive oil). Constituents: - Sheets: iridoid (6%) (oleoeuropeósido); choline derivatives, flavonoids and derivatives luteol olivol; bitter constituent (olivamarina); triterpene derivatives (oleanolic); saponosides, phenolic acids, minerals (calcium); mannitol; tannins; monte mobile waxes. - Oil: glyceride esters of oleic (78 to 86%), linoleic (up to 7%), palmitic and stearic (9 to 12%), phytosterols, vitamins A and E. Therapeutic Properties of Olive Oil: The health benefits monte mobile produced by olive oil are due basically to the substances it contains. The high amount of monounsaturated fat lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) and, contrary to what occurs with saturated monte mobile animal fat, is not converted into cholesterol. Thus, the regular consumption of olive oil reduces the possibility of the formation of atheromatous plaques in the blood vessel wall. This in turn leads to a reduced risk of heart disease monte mobile such as myocardial infarction, and also for strokes (stroke). Apart from monounsaturated fat, with all its benefits, olive oil is rich in polyphenols (plant chemicals which are potent anti-oxidants). By preventing the oxidation biological monte mobile polyphenols reduce the formation of free radicals. These, through the cellular damage they produce, are the great villains of aging and chronic monte mobile degenerative diseases such as cancer. Ethnomedical uses and Physicians: - Sheets: in moderate hypertension, prevention of arteriosclerosis and rheumatism. - Oil: internally in the hepatobiliary dyskinesia, constipation, and hypercholesterolemia; as a lubricant and anti-inflammatory intestine. Externally in skin disorders, sunburn or first-degree burns. Main indications: Hypertension. Aromatherapy: Has the epidermis monte mobile and regenerative action, due to its high concentration of oleic acid, is an excellent emollient. Contains lots of vegetable squalene. History: In ancient Greece there was already talk of the olive trees. Tell them that during disputes over land where today stands the city of Athens, Poseidon, with a stroke of his trident, would have produced a beautiful and strong horse. The goddess Pallas Athene, would have then brought an olive tree can produce oil to light the night and soothe the pain of the wounded, providing food rich in flavor and energy. Across the Mediterranean, the Italians say that Romulus and Remus, founders descendants of the gods of Rome saw the light of day for the first time under the branches of an olive tree. The hard fact is that fossilized remains of trees are found in Italy, North Africa, in paintings on the rocks of the mountains of the central Sahara, aged six thousand to seven thousand years between the fifth and the second millennium BC Mummies of the twentieth dynasty Egypt were found dressed in olive granules braided and Crete, records were found in reliefs and relics of the Minoan era (2500 BC). Trivia: "Cultivated in Ancient Egypt for over four thousand years ago, the Egyptians of Dynasty VII designated it for Tat, the Greeks already agricultavam the time of Homer, in Syria since the III millennium (.) King Solomon sent the I oil Hiram king of Tyre, in exchange for materials and craftsmen who designed the building of the temple, Zerubbabel and Joshua traded oil now with the people of Sidon and Tyre in exchange for timber from the cedars of Lebanon, monte mobile in Palestine, King David does it keep for special stewards and Libyan Oasis populate this tree is nutritious fruits "The olive branch is used as a Christian symbol in the Bible mention that the dove sent by Noah brought an olive branch as a preacher of the divine mercy. It is estimated that some of the trees present in Israel in the present day should be over 2500 years old, and possibly witnessed the passage of Jesus Christ for those lands. Note: The olive tree is one of the four cardinal Celtic Calendar (with oak, birch and ash).
Attention OLIVE PRODUCTS WITHOUT ORIGIN monte mobile In searches on google, is alarming amount of teas and various olive products being marketed without monte mobile make sure they really are olive trees, and are actually imported SISCOMEX is curious that there are no guides on imports of these inputs for use in capsules or tea, etc.. As already and
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