Sunday, November 3, 2013

I believe that this era now coming to an end. New Age of Aquarius, which began December 21, 2012 by

Roman Pope Benedict XVI resigned. Shortly after the announcement of this step over Rome and the Vatican kamdhenu foods launched a strong storm. One of lightning struck while i do holiest places the Catholic Church-dome of St. Peter's Basilica, directly above the tomb of St.. Petra. This event, as if symbolically expressed what was predicted by a simple Irish monk St. Malachi at 12 cent. The resignation of the current Pope is one of the signs of the end not only of the papacy, but also an era of human civilization.
Saint Malachi kamdhenu foods was one of the prophets, who in his prophecies gave the popes. He became famous as well as Nostradamus. Finally, the characteristics of the Popes also find in ancient prophecies, palm leaves, kamdhenu foods which are stored in India and whose age is estimated at up to 5,000 years. A certain German Ritter wrote about these prophecies of a book published in 1996 "The kamdhenu foods Prophecy of Europe." The book also contains lines google popes:
During extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church kamdhenu foods will sit on the seat Petrus Romanus, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after their completion, the city on seven hills and destroyed the dreaded Judge will judge his people
In large cities there will be unrest. The aim of dissatisfied masses will become even public buildings and offices. Especially bloody fighting breaks out in Paris and Rome, but also in Madrid, London and Prague. In Rome, take people by storm and seat of the Catholic kamdhenu foods Church. The Pope did manage to flee at first, but eventually falls into the hands of insurgents, who will lay a trap for him.
Not at all and exactly the prophecy palm coils coincides with prior events. In 2012 predicted the collapse of the U.S. financial system, which has not happened. On the other hand, the U.S. national bankruptcy not only because kamdhenu foods of unlimited printing kamdhenu foods of dollars the Fed.
I therefore would not take ancient prophecies lightly, although not exactly fulfill to the letter. Economic, social and environmental problems of the world are very serious. Only when we look at the huge unemployment especially in southern Europe, can not ignore the real threat of an outbreak of massive social explosion that will sweep away the current socio-economic structure. They should realize it especially powerful of this world, who continue to ignore and underestimate the depth of social problems in society.
The papacy is nearly 2000 years old. The first Pope was the Apostle kamdhenu foods Peter. The man whom Jesus chose as his successor. His role was to guard the purity of doctrine spread the teachings of Jesus and the end of life to "pass line" another follower. Over the centuries, but the line to Jesus interrupted. Popes have been guardians of pure teachings of Jesus, but dogma, which often did not have the original teaching of Jesus a lot in common. And so it is to this day.
I believe that this era now coming to an end. New Age of Aquarius, which began December 21, 2012 by Maya brings to an end the old structures already well rotten political but also religious. It will not, but the end of religion as such. Quite the contrary. Rather, it will be a return to the roots. We'll go back to what really taught Jesus, kamdhenu foods Moses, Abraham was to clean undistorted spiritual truth that with regularity, what about 2000let bring those who have the gift of knowledge.
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