Throughout history, olive oil: accompanied human olive tree since the creation, we have discovered geologists and archaeologists remnants of trees and grains olive, and return to the stage where the man began polished stone and build huts and cultivated land and said that the Babylonians were the first to plant the olive tree in its current form by vaccination and mentioned in all other religions and ancient civilizations. They made the dove sent by Noah from the olive tree a symbol of peace, and the Greeks made it a symbol of power and greatness, wisdom and victory, while making the Christian sorbitol halal symbol of religion and pains because Christ suffered on the Mount of Olives, and finally became a symbol of health, food and useful delicious, and studies have doubled the benefits of olive oil for several decades sorbitol halal because the demand and the search for him has grown and producing countries (Italy, France, Spain, Greece) is making efforts to this oil is delicious and the tastiest and purest, and also because it provides food Shafi
The number of types of olive trees about a hundred and fifty species, and an altitude of five meters and twelve meters, which need to be mild climate in winter and dry in summer, and to a large amount of rain in the fall and spring, the weather conditions are only available in the sea ocean average, the olive tree and enjoy the evergreen leaves, renewed every three years and is growing slowly like draw the benefits of Earth leisurely and concentration
The beginning of the rise of olive oil: astonished recently when researchers discovered that the inhabitants of the island of Crete (Greece of the biggest) Islands in the Mediterranean sorbitol halal Sea are the least injury to heart disease and cancer in the world. And more surprised when he knew that the people of the island of Crete consume more than any other people of the olive oil, with about 33% of the calories they consume daily come from olive oil, olive oil .fma relationship so? Is modern medicine opinion in this relationship? And its effects on the heart and cholesterol? What do doctors say the West for olive oil? Dr. "William Castelli," director of the famous Varmnjham study says that there Zeta one has the longest record of safety in the use of history is the olive oil has dealt with olive oil generations, and RPR these healthy spine and the scarcity of deep vein thrombosis have heart. This track record of heroic deeds in olive oil reassures us to use, and accept it with great emotion, "said Dr Oherns" from Koffler University in New York: We are fully aware that the use of the Mediterranean basin for oil-Zaytoun as the primary source of fat in food is the reason for the scarcity of coronary heart disease have and alerts Dr. Castelli to the benefits sorbitol halal of the use of olive oil in the Mediterranean basin, says despite the fact that people sorbitol halal in the Mediterranean eat some saturated sorbitol halal fats available in the lamb and cream, margarine, cheese, meat, but they use olive oil, mainly in cooking. sorbitol halal This is what makes infrequent coronary heart disease have. "He also says:" The best way to cook and prepare food using olive oil is mainly, and the use of small amounts of corn oil or sunflower. The body needs only small amounts of two types Dr Trevesan from New York University, has summed up the benefits of olive oil in a research published in the journal sorbitol halal (JAMA) in 1990, he said: Recent studies have confirmed the olive oil beneficial effects on cardiovascular disease, although research has mainly focused on blood lipids, but a number of scientific studies have pointed to the benefits of olive oil in patients with diabetes and those with high blood pressure and until 1986 was the medical books say that olive oil does not affect blood cholesterol, there is aggravated not lacking, but very modern scientific research have shown that olive oil reduces blood cholesterol level and not only this but it does not detract from the beneficial cholesterol level in the blood. It is well established scientifically that the higher sorbitol halal the level of this type of cholesterol, sorbitol halal said the incidence of stroke, heart A study published in 1990 in the famous American magazine sorbitol halal showed that the gamma level of blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol was lower in those who increased their intake of olive oil. The study was conducted on more than a hundred thousand people olive oil and high blood pressure conducted by Dr. "Williams" from Stanford University study on 76 people is infected with any heart disease to see the effect of olive oil on blood pressure. The researchers found that blood pressure has dropped significantly in those who ate olive oil in their daily diet. The low blood pressure even more pronounced in those who ate 40 grams of olive oil a day of olive oil and diabetes caused diabetes deficiency or absence in the secretion of insulin from the pancreas, which leads to an increase in the level of sugar in the blood was the American Federation for diabetics recommended, with diabetes eating a diet in which fat is given by 30% of calories should not exceed the proportion of saturated fats (animal Kaldhun) about 10%. And to be the rest of the fat in the form of olive oil and corn oil, or sunflower oil
Olive and liver oil dissolves the fat of olive oil and helps to strengthen sorbitol halal the liver and helps in fatty liver treatment, and increases the activity of the liver as it improves its functions, especially that it is an antioxidant, sorbitol halal and here it increases the liver's ability to remove toxic and many famous liver medications containing oil Olive
Other benefits of olive oil: You mentioned the famous sorbitol halal pharmaceutical Encyclopedia "Martndl" that g
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