Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Scientific studies have shown that olive oil is very beneficial effect for patients with heart and

Studying and documenting the work of an old mill oil reboot: blessed olive tree mentioned in the Qur'an and in the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad tree (r) is also blessed by Jesus Christ and the generosity and carrying an olive branch symbol of peace, love and brotherhood. The latest texas home health of america studies suggest that olive tree originated in Palestine, which has spread to Syria, Turkey and Iran to the north, then south through trade to Spain and Italy. The Phoenicians were interested in the olive tree and they grow and published in most Mediterranean countries, as well as the interest of the Muslims and admitted grown in North Africa, Spain and Portugal. In another study says that Syria is the natural first identified olive cultivation for more than six thousand years, where they found oil tractor in the archaeological site of Ebla. To this blessed olive tree has many uses, including: food and several forms, including the form of green olives and after sweeten the form of so-called black Atton or after the age of olives and get the oil. Therapeutics was narrated that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, he said: "Eat oil and Adhnoa do it from a blessed tree," and Umar may Allah be pleased with him, said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him "Aútdmoa oil, and Adhnoa do it from a blessed tree." [Narrated by Ibn Majah and his trustworthy ruling and corrected].
Scientific studies have shown that olive oil is very beneficial effect for patients with heart and high blood pressure as people who eat olive oil regularly in the daily diets have the level of blood pressure naturally. Many studies have shown that there is inversely proportional to the intake of olive oil and the occurrence of a number of cancers, where it was found that there is a close relationship between the intake of olive oil and the low incidence of breast and stomach cancer. And that eating oil protects against a large number texas home health of america of cancers texas home health of america such as colon cancer, uterine cancer and ovarian texas home health of america cancer. Statistics indicate that the use of olive oil in a food reduces the incidence of breast cancer 35%. Spain is the country in less breast texas home health of america cancer in women. The constantly eating olive oil in the diet, helps in stimulating the liver function and increase texas home health of america the secretion of bile from the gallbladder, as well as to mitigate the mucous membrane lining texas home health of america of the intestines, and lead to the fragmentation of kidney stones and gall bladder and ureter. How to get olive oil (olive ERA): The man for thousands of years to obtain the olive oil through the olive pressing and getting the oil it used so primitive tools that enable him to it and perhaps the oldest used to mill the mill (Garochh), which is operated by the animals and then gradually thereafter oil contemporary texas home health of america types have been updated to that we got modern contemporary texas home health of america operating centrifuged and the most important types of oil presses that have been updated: texas home health of america traditional contemporary Garochh a stone mill run by animals and is of little cost and is characterized by low productivity and low rate of oil extraction. I have found one of the old and contemporary in righteous Srajablh area in the province of Idlib, which date back to the second millennium BC. Departments: the Department of assembling the fruits before the age. Crunches section (milling) and appears in the big millstone hollow. Pressure on Article crushed section. Department of Water and oil collection.
2. Transfer the traditional contemporary vehicles texas home health of america that operate in a manner old pistons and this depends on the method of pressing using the old pistons, which become obsolete with time dropped efficiency and productivity decreased by extraction texas home health of america in addition to the need for a lot of maintenance and labor and the high proportion of the work has oil in it. 3. contemporary traditional working style pressing this contemporary and used relatively modern hydraulic pistons is a medium texas home health of america efficiency and medium-loss texas home health of america rate and the need for labor is less than for a contemporary working texas home health of america style of old pistons. 4. It is contemporary modern contemporary style that works centrifugal, texas home health of america including what works in three stages, including the latest texas home health of america two-stage type. This contemporary and characterized by low number of labor required and the high extraction rate and quality of oil extracted. The Idlib province of the leading olive cultivation provinces where the total area cultivated with olives, in Idlib / 122036 / province hectares, of which / 116 517 / ha rainfed and / 5519 / ha quenched with total number of olive trees about 14 million trees, including 11.0007 million A Tree fruitful. Consequently, the oil presses are spread widely prevalent where there is in the province of Idlib 172 pounders, including 170 modern presses operate expulsion central production capacity of 5,000 tons per day and the average daily energy each with 30 tons and Masrtan Kadimtan Aamltan only one of them in Sgayn of the area Harem city has been updated This wine press, which dates back to the old / 150 / year and has become texas home health of america one of the third kind of old contemporary any conventional manner pressing contemporary labor. And you will learn how to age and olive oil extraction by the winepress. The modus operandi of the winepress: This contemporary use in their work pressure or pressing style in addition to tablets texas home health of america called (diets) or wicker is currently made of nylon and previously was made of hair (sheep or goat). Rustic Bmahsolh of olive comes to winepress students era production of this crop usually have been completed maturity olives at the beginning of winter any November texas home health of america month and is currently stakeholders in the province (and the Executive Office of olive office texas home health of america in the province) to set a date harvest and olives. This crop may remain inside the winepress a day or two depending on the number who are customers in the winepress received by the winepress workers welcome and receive from him his crop bagged and placed this crop in a place dedicated to the customer, which is a part of a specific wine press partitions Block separating everywhere and the next is called Balmaxr. (Crushed) where to put the crop customer who wants era

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