Terminals diarrhea, dates back to the time of Hippocrates. Diarrhea syndrome is defined as having three or more bowel movements a day of faecal with altered texture, color, odor, presence or not of pathological impurities of mucus and / or blood. Each year in the world get sick from diarrhea 500 million children and five million of them die mainly in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Diarrhea due mostly to enteric infections. Approximately finchaa sugar factory 50% and in some countries, 70% of infectious diarrhea in children are caused by viruses. The occurrence, frequency and spread of infectious diarrhea important are the following factors: finchaa sugar factory poor sanitation, dirty hands and consumption finchaa sugar factory of inappropriate bacterial contaminated food and water. finchaa sugar factory A main concern for the danger of diarrhea is dehydration due to loss of body fluids. Treatment of patients with acute diarrheal diseases involves the following four main groups of therapeutic agents: fluid and electrolyte, diet, antidiarrheal and antimicrobial agents. Pathogenetic therapy is to restore the deviations in water - electrolyte balance finchaa sugar factory and maintain vital functions, and treatment of complications. Most children with diarrhea can be safely treated at home. In this respect, important is nutrition in infancy Diet is an integral part of the therapy of patients with acute diarrheal diseases. When choosing a medical food for conducting finchaa sugar factory dietary treatment in acute diarrhea should be given the following circumstances: healing food must not contain lactose; should provide the maximum amount of protein of high biological activity; offering easily digestible in optimal fat, providing enough energy density of the diet; to satisfy the daily needs of the optimal trace elements, vitamins and biologically active substances.
Healing food HUMANA NN is a dietary food, suitable as the sole infant feeding for diarrhea, dyspepsia, celiac disease. It is also used as a supplementary food in the designated physician diet for infants, children and adults with digestive disorders finchaa sugar factory of different genesis. Contains all the minerals, trace elements and vitamins to satisfy the needs of growing children finchaa sugar factory organism in quantities consistent with daily needs. Prepare as liquid food or mash depending on the preferences of the child. finchaa sugar factory No preservatives, colorants and fragrances, and gluten. Healing Humana HN is enriched with prebiotics. Prebiotic fiber are non-digestible food ingredients that stimulate the growth and activity of intestinal microorganisms. Found in breast milk and in some plant species. Unchanged reach the colon where potentiate bifidogenic microflora. Acute enterocolitis, finchaa sugar factory and recommended compliance with a diet with a gradual increase finchaa sugar factory in the quantities of milk according to the appetite of the child - to normalize intestinal flora, which typically requires 4-7 days.
Humana HN is not used in intolerance finchaa sugar factory and allergy to cow's milk proteins in galactose intolerance to lactose, fructose and sucrose, in those cases the specific dietary protocol after consulting a doctor.
Healing food HUMANA NN has proven efficacy in dietary treatment of acute diarrhea finchaa sugar factory in children. From a practical standpoint, any acute or prolonged diarrhea in children should apply dietetic treatment HUMANA NN.
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