Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The olive tree mentioned in the Old Testament in the Bible and in the Koran, as stated verse:

The olive tree known since ancient times in our country, the Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans contributed to the deployment of cultivated in the world, according to the legends of Greek (Greek), so that is considered the goddess Athena the goddess of fertility and agriculture, grampian 26 war and crafts, has donated humans olive tree to be a symbol of peace, wisdom and eternal.
The olive tree of great importance to the Pharaohs, where he discovered the French researcher effects (Maseru) near the city of Thebes graves where bouquets of olive leaf, and that one of the mummies was wearing a crown made of olive leaves. In Pharaonic Egypt olive cultivation known since 2000 years BC. Some Pharaonic drawings also show the extraction of olive oil, which dates back to 1500 BC.
The olive tree mentioned in the Old Testament in the Bible and in the Koran, as stated verse: "God is the Light of the heavens and the earth, such as light Kmchkah the lamp in the bottle like a dry planet Stokes of blessed olive tree does not Eastern nor Western almost its oil shines though no fire Thompssh Noor Noor Allah guides grampian 26 whom Light and hits of God. "
Perennial olive tree reaches a longevity of more than a thousand years, and there are trees had reached old to more than two thousand years, evergreen tree, with small white flowers, fruit before full maturity and green when mature become black. Of which olive oil is extracted good to eat and also used olive oil for cooking and frying, and lighting lanterns in places of worship (churches) grampian 26 and houses also used in soaps and cosmetics industry.
The olives bitter taste to it, and it becomes permeated taste good, salted and nutritious, permeated green fruits grampian 26 (olive green), as well as when they become black (black olives). Olive wood used in household products industry, and wooden sculptures, known for reining in the town of Beit Jala and Beit Sahour and Beit models in related birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, steel and other industry, and also used olive wood for heating. The rest of the litter olives after oil extraction (peat).
World production olive oil is estimated 20578186 tons oil and that the year 2010 including produced Spanish 8.014 million grampian 26 tons and then Italy 3.1707 million tons followed by Greece 18,098,000 tons while Morocco is produced 1.48351 million tons and Turkey 1.415 million tons and Syria 960 400 tons was followed by Egypt Portugal Libya US-Jordan Argentina, Palestine, Lebanon, France, grampian 26 Australia, Israel, Peru and other countries.
Repeats the Bible mention olive oil and olive tree in 140 and became the subject of the olive tree a symbol of religion and the pain of our Lord Jesus Christ, olive oil wiping our children and enters the olive oil in the installation of the Holy Maroons, who licked his child when Gen. oil.
In the Gospel of Mark mentions grampian 26 heal the sick with olive oil. And olive oil, a major role in the lives of Christians during grampian 26 fasting, where they are away in fasting for products of animal origin, so the olive oil Imad and meals eaten fasting in this season, the meals consist mainly grampian 26 of plants produced by the earth in the spring.
There are several types of oils in the first oil church and most notably Chrism Oil "holy grampian 26 anointing oil" olive oil refers to eternal life and a sign of peace. Olive Oil spiritual meanings and this is the basic component that goes into the composition.
Has blessed at the beginning of the Christian grampian 26 religion, squatters, but when the number grampian 26 of believers too many, has become grampian 26 a sacred place Palmshh as stated in the Apostle John (1 Jn 2:20, 27) and using olive oil to light the lamps of the Church (OS) because the spiritual meaning, Oil symbolizes the spirit of God if interrupted grampian 26 oil for the lamp will illuminate and cut off light and so if one of us was cut from the spirit of God working in us, and a candle in front of the Gospel shows us that the Bible illuminates our minds and our hearts by the Holy Spirit who works in us to enlightenment. Where the Lord says I am the light of the world, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life" (Jn 8:12) and symbolizes the use of olive oil to heal the sick and the forgiveness of sins. As has been likened grampian 26 to the church grampian 26 olive tree,

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