Wednesday, May 21, 2014

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EFE have been arrested 19 people in a network of over thirty companies. Mingled freely biodiesel plant palm oil, avocado or sunflower. The course olive oil presented no health hazard.
The Civil Guard has dismantled in the provinces of Jaén and Córdoba a network of companies that marketed mixtures boundary bend olives low quality oil like olive oil and had defrauded more than three million euros in VAT.
As reported by the Directorate General of the Civil Guard, the organization had over thirty deployed by Spain, Italy and Portugal engaged in fraudulent boundary bend olives marketing of oil blends very poor quality to later give out in the market as if olive companies.
The mixtures were adulterated in biodiesel boundary bend olives production plants based on palm oil, avocado or sunflower, so that markers could reveal fraud remain hidden.
The final product, which showed no levels of toxicity or damage to health, was sold in bulk to third parties that were unrelated to fraud, and that he and embotellaban They labeled as olive oil.
The operation, called 'Lucerne', has led to the arrest of nineteen people, fifteen of them of Spanish nationality, two Ecuadorian, Colombian and Italian, and other logging boundary bend olives companies other than the organization.
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