Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Mastitis: Externally, a poultice of the crushed leaves.

Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) is a very valuable conagra annual report plant, a superfood, as well as a medicinal herb known since antiquity. It grows in many parts of the world during the warm season, in orchards, fields or roadsides, conagra annual report and even easily grown in pots at home.
Unfortunately, ignorance makes many to call it a weed, as with other important medicinal plants, although it is still possible to find it in the markets of some countries to be sold as vegetables.
Purslane is particularly remarkable because it is one of the vegetables rich in omega-3 are known. A cup of fresh plant may contain 400 mg. of this essential fatty acid. But we also offer a comprehensive range of input nutrients and medicinal principles: Vitamins: A, beta carotene (7 times more than carrots), B1, B2, B3, C, E (one of the plants containing more) Minerals ...: potassium (more than spinach), calcium, magnesium (one of the best vegetable sources), iron, phosphorus ... Amino Acids Antioxidants Bioflavonoids conagra annual report as important as glutathione or betalaĆ­nas liquiritina (in their pigments) and neurotransmitters in Neurohormones the fresh plant as dopamine and l-norepinephrine (vasoconstrictor action conagra annual report antihipotensora and helps reduce bleeding)
Are edible stems, leaves, flowers and seeds. It has a mild flavor, slightly acidic, which should be called "vinegar" by which it is known in some places, you can take many forms: Fresh salad or other raw presentation. Cooked, preferably steamed or sauteed. Juice: can extract from the fresh plant with a blender, or add it to a smoothie. Daily recommendations are usually conagra annual report up to 100 gr. fresh ground liquefied, or 1-3 tablespoons of juice can be mixed with water or honey. Macerated in vinegar. Infusion, either fresh or dried plant. The maceration time is short to not spend too much oxalic acid to water. Dry ground: although fresh is as retains all its properties, we can also use it to dry and then tea, add powdered soups (served as a thickener), conagra annual report salads ... etc.. Flour: its dried seeds can make a flour which is given use in the kitchen, conagra annual report as is tradition in Kenya. Tincture; macerated in alcohol. Decoction of seeds.
If it is to be used externally, it can make a poultice pounding the ground until you have the right, or apply a compress soaked in the juice of the plant, or infusion, tincture, etc consistency.
Here are some properties that are attributed are described, conagra annual report and several examples of traditional uses against health problems. Some of these properties has now been scientifically proven, another part shows the utility that man has been given for centuries.
Neuropharmacological, antibacterial, antiscorbutic, analgesic, antifungal, anti-haemorrhagic, anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic, antitussive, conagra annual report antiulcer, bronchodilator in asthmatics, soothing, purifying, diuretic, antioxidant effect, stimulating uterine activity strengthens the immune system against certain toxic hepatoprotective, hypoglycemic , hypolipidemic, purifying conagra annual report blood, reducing insulin resistance, refreshing, relaxing muscles, regulating bowel function, vermifuge, vulnerary.
ANTIPARASITE: Consumed against pinworm, roundworm and hookworm, among others. For this purpose 100 grams juice of fresh plant liquefied by morning conagra annual report for 3-5 days is taken. Has also been used decoction seeds, cooked or dietary plant.
DEPURATIVO: For its purifying effect, conagra annual report purifying the blood, antiscorbutic, laxative and anti-bacterial, some studies suggest its usefulness in liver disease, stomatitis, spleen, kidneys, bladder, or cardiovascular system.
Mastitis: Externally, a poultice of the crushed leaves.
This plant has been part of traditional medicinal remedies in various parts of the world for centuries, here is a small collection of the uses that have occurred throughout history and in some places conagra annual report still give you.
Against ulcers, tumors, inflammation, asthma, conagra annual report leprosy, hemorrhoids, scurvy, liver and lung disease, kidney disease and bladder, constipation, diuretic, blood purifier. Roasted seeds as an anthelmintic, diuretic and against dysentery. A paste made from the seeds is applied on burns.
As a diuretic, rheumatism, gynecological problems, sedative, analgesic, cardiotonic, against fever, urinary tract problems, intestinal parasites, syphilis, gonorrhea, cancer, tonic, choleretic, against dysentery

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