Tuesday, May 20, 2014

This group has spent three decades investigating the effect of fat intake in the development of bre

Consuming extra olive oil slows growth of breast tumors: PortalOlivícola.com
Home / Main, Tourism and Health / Eating extra olive oil slows growth of breast tumors Consuming extra olive oil slows growth of breast tumors
The consumption of extra virgin olive oil reduces breast cancer malignancy and slows the growth of tumors, according to research by the UAB, which has found that dietary fats do not cause or cure cancer, but modulate clinical course of the disease.
The research was conducted by the Multidisciplinary Group on Breast Cancer Study of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and has been directed by the director of the Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, UAB, Eduard Escrich.
This group has spent three decades investigating the effect of fat intake in the development of breast cancer and has experimented with rats with cancer who have tried different diets, and humans.
The research, which has had the collaboration of the Interprofessional Olive Oil, pretended to know what concrete vaighai agro products limited effects of the consumption of different types of oils, and the mechanisms by which these foods could interact with the tumor.
On this basis, the UAB researchers made an experimental model in rats with breast cancer fed diets rich in olive oil or extra virgin oil seeds, and other humans.
Moreover, researchers have also concluded that the extra virgin olive oil from an early age has "an effect on weight and sexual maturation that would support a protective vaighai agro products limited effect of the mammary gland to neoplastic transformation," as reported vaighai agro products limited Interprofessional Olive Oil from Spain.
Dr. Escrich has clarified that most research indicates that when the disease already exists for other reasons, certain fats, such as olive oil, would slow its progression, while others, like saturated fats or omega 6, when ingested in high amounts, accelerate the clinical vaighai agro products limited course of breast cancer.
A Commentary on "The consumption of extra virgin olive oil slows growth of breast tumors" Consuming extra olive oil slows growth of breast tumors: PortalOlivícola.com | OlivoPampa on April 13th, 2014 21:49
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