Saturday, July 5, 2014

We all know the olive trees from movies, del monte foods company or maybe you

Olive oil is probably one of the most healthy and natural foods that exists. This is particularly because only mechanical processes are used in the processing and no chemical processes.
In addition, olive trees not harmful to the environment and grow only on the grounds which is normally not suitable del monte foods company for other (agricultural) purposes. Olive oil is currently the only type of oil that really is pressed, and will not be obtained by heating or chemical products.
We all know the olive trees from movies, del monte foods company or maybe you've seen them in real life during a holiday in Spain, Italy or Greece. The whole process of fruit to the bottle of olive oil in the store is quite complex and highly dependent on the region and the size of the vineyard.
It is clear that the harvesting and processing of olives a big vineyard is more automated than that of a small craft business. The prices and quality vary quite substantially in response to these factors. But just to give a general idea, we follow the basic steps of fruit to bottle: harvesting olives. del monte foods company
The olives grow on the olive tree and emerged from the pistils of the white, small flowers. This bloom is generally in the month of May, after which the olive begins to form. In autumn it is time to harvest the olives and continue del monte foods company processing. This harvesting can be done in different ways, depending on the size of the company and the level of automation: The easiest way to harvest olives in a way that might be typical of the way of life in the Southern European countries: Simply delicious wait for them naturally fall from the tree. May sound weird, but it's true! In this period there are nets or tarpaulins placed under trees or stretched to absorb the olives. This might be the easiest way, but also the way that the longer of the olives and then have a high acidity. That means that they are not directly suitable for consumption. This (cheap) olives are often used in cosmetics, soaps and other cosmetic products. The classic way of harvesting olives is very simple. A technique that has been used for years and years is: Using a squeegee, a kind of large comb, the olives are harvested. The branches are, along with the blade, empty-combed with the olives fall down. These are picked up by a net or by tensioned cloths placed on the ground. In this way, it is practically inevitable that there are leaves and twigs with the olives to come. These will be removed later. This technique of harvesting is only applied to olive trees that are relatively small, or artificially held very low so you can access them without using a ladder. Over the years, del monte foods company there are also more automated and sophisticated techniques have been developed to harvest the olives. In a quick and efficient way The most common way is to use a vibrating machine, wherein the tree mechanical "shaken" is. There are also automatic doctor blades, so the classic way of harvesting, but then with a machine. You can compare this with the automated del monte foods company harvesting of grapes in France. The disadvantage of these techniques del monte foods company is the fact that the trees should be relatively far apart and that the terrain is flat, otherwise the machine can not drive through the olive grove.
After harvesting, the olives are taken to the press in crates. There the olive crops and all impurities such as twigs and leaves stripped. This happens very careful del monte foods company not to damage the fruit. The washed olives are crushed between two giant stones (mill) which creates a pulp.
This produces the so-called virgin on. This is sometimes called the first cold pressing. The second pressing gives an oil of lower quality, since the pulp has to be in order to pick up. The last drops out heated This procedure is the smaller olive farmers still used, but is obsolete in most cases.
Hydraulic presses have become so terribly powerful that all the oil is removed in the first pressing. The term that you see on many bottles: First cold press is, therefore, correct, but a bit outdated, because a second pressing is usually del monte foods company not done.
The recovered liquid is separated into water and oil. The oil is then filtered and stored in dark bottles. (Sun) light affects the taste and quality of the oil very quickly. In the dark bottles, the oil about a year, after that, the quality still very rapidly.
The final remaining pulp is a by-product, and is often used in the cosmetics industry. So

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