Tuesday, July 1, 2014

It is for this reason that Julia Bacha film about nonviolent resistance in the Palestinian village

Tonight organized the Ecumenical Women's Group Twente jesons Bethlehem and foundation Peace and Sustainability Activities Netwerkstad (Vedan foundation) jesons in Remonstrant church jesons in Hengelo (O), an information and discussion meeting on the olive tree campaign "Keep Hope Alive". This in Twente jesons kicked off the tour that the Palestinian coordinator of the Olive Tree Campaign, Muhanad Qaisy, from today until the end of May, the Netherlands under the supervision of the Dutch coordinator Brechtje Bergen.
The evening began with the showing of a video of the presentation that the filmmaker Julia Bacha at TED Global 2011. She held her audience that Palestinians often get to hear why there is no Palestinian Gandhi and why Palestinians do not commit violent resistance. Her answer is invariably desperate that just a lot of nonviolent movements in Palestine, but that no one outside of Palestine, there seems to have attention. The problem is not so much that there is no Palestinian Gandhi's, but that there is no international journalists who do extensive report and that the rest of the world does not see.
It is for this reason that Julia Bacha film about nonviolent resistance in the Palestinian village of Budrus made. A low-budget, by the individuals themselves twisted film. It is because of this film, which in September 2012 on the initiative of the Ecumenical Women's Group-Bethlehem Twente in Enschede, the cinema is turned so that the outside world at all about this village and these actions came to know. Julia Bacha is still surprised that the events in Budrus at that time, were completely ignored in 2003 by the international media. And while Budrus a very successful jesons action has been and the villagers have been given by their violent opposition to each other to the route of the separation barrier that through their lands initially walked to the internationally recognized border between Israel and Palestine (the Green Line) moved to receive. jesons That would still be allowed to have some news value but foreign media have mentioned anything at all about. Not the alleged ignorance of nonviolence in Palestine, but the actual ignorance of Palestinian nonviolent jesons initiatives in the great outdoors is a major obstacle to the further development of non-violence in Palestine. Violent and nonviolent resistance must, to be effective, both have a piece of theater. But if only the theater of violent resistance continues to be displayed, then it is very difficult for nonviolent movements to prove they can be successful and develop further. It is, according to Julia Bacha similar to the behavior of small children to get attention. Their parents They also have the choice of their behavior determined by the extent to which this will yield the desired attention. That Budrusfilm nonviolent resistance actually stimulates illustrates Julia Bacha on the basis of two examples. In the immediate vicinity of Jerusalem, a group that has long two years but heavily committed nonviolent resistance became discouraged by the total lack of attention was. By seeing the Budrusfilm became motivated again and they managed to organize.'s Largest and most successful action in a long time The second example is the new Israeli peace movement "Solidarity" which was inspired. jesons Precisely the Budrusfilm
After this impressive presentation Muhanad Qaisy turn to the olive tree as a nonviolent action campaign of the "Joint Advocacy Initiative" (JAI - Palestinian divisions of the YMCA and YWCA) to present. The reason for the campaign was the destruction by the Israeli army of more than 600,000 Palestinian olive trees since September 2000 in response to the second Intifada. These trees were cleared for the construction of the wall, which was then begun. JAI when the campaign began in 2003, the objective was to plant 50,000 olive trees back, but now there are 100,000. When planting is all about defending threatened areas. This requires some explanation. The conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is not primarily conducted with physical violence between individuals, but has the form of a struggle for land which steal Israelis piecemeal land of the Palestinians. The initial capacity of which is the separation wall with a length of 709 kilometers is about twice as long as the internationally recognized border between Israel and Palestine. This is the wall deviates frequently from this so-called Green Line, and sometimes a bit but also kilometers deep into Palestinian territory runs. The Palestinian region that comes to lie on the Israeli side of the wall, the Palestinian owners lost. Actually The wall is not completely afgebou

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