Olives, healthy and versatile olive tree collective In the Netherlands, a growing olives used in our food. How is it that we can enjoy this delicacy, which is needed to make an edible olive and olive Well why are so healthy. For Olive Al 3000 years BC enjoyed those olives. The olives were spread from Palestine to countries round the Mediterranean. The Jewish people saw this tree already as a symbol of peace and happiness. Still produce Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey and Morocco, the majority of the olives. In other parts of the world such as Australia, the United States, Argentina, Brazil and Mexico are now produced olives. The olive tree bears fruit from the 6th year, the tree itself can be hundreds olive tree collective of years old. Moreover, there are more than 80 varieties of olive trees, each with their own characteristics. The blooming olive tree collective of the blossom is very short and does not always have a fruit as a result. 20 per blossoms on average one olive produced that weighs between 4 and 8 ounces. The olives are often picked by hand, a social event in which many relatives and fellow villagers of the holder of the olive grove cooperate. However, it is also possible olive tree collective to harvest the olives. Mechanically From harvest to final edible The olive harvest in late autumn. Depending on the time of picking is the olive green (unripe) or black (very ripe), olive tree collective both colors so olives come from the same tree. The newly harvested olive is very bitter olive tree collective and not even edible. By further editing Olive (washing, crushing or cutting, alkalis, olive tree collective brine, possibly with herbs, lemon and olive oil) it will taste like the olive in the store. Nutritive value
Nutritional information per 100g kJ 586 kcal 142 Protein (grams) 1 Fat (grams) 14 Of which saturates 2 Carbohydrates olive tree collective (grams) 3 Cholesterol (mg) 0 Fibre (in grams) 4 Water (grams) 75 Further, the olive sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, vitamin D, B1 and B2 Medicinal Food The fact is that people are often of Mediterranean cuisine to enjoy (lots of olives and olive oil and low in animal fat) have a lesser chance of heart disease. Research has shown that the high oleic acid content in the olive oil helps to maintain the balance between good and bad cholesterol in the blood cholesterol balance. Olive oil is ideal to raise good cholesterol and to bring down. Bad cholesterol This can accumulate in the arteries less fat, and the risk of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases reduced. Obviously delivers olive tree collective oil like other fats lot of energy, its use should not be exaggerated. Olives olive tree collective are also good for people with diabetes, constipation and gallstones. In addition, the olives and leaves would have antibacterial properties which would be effective in the prevention of, inter alia, ulcers, tooth and jaw inflammation, inflammatory olive tree collective diseases of the respiratory tract, pneumonia and bronchitis helpful. Also, there are studies on the effect of olive malaria. Using Olive Olives can be used, from appetizer to a full ingredient at dinner in many ways. There are also many recipes on the internet to find
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The pure olive oil Olive oil, as we now know, is a pure product that your body does well. The versatility of the produ ... Sources and references olive tree collective http://www.vakrecepturen.nl/actueel/thema.htm http://nl.move-eat.be/page.php?myfiche=3531&ID=15&Cat_ID=7 http:/ / nl.wikipedia.org / wiki / Olive http://www.olijfolie-olijven.nl/ http://www.iselinge.nl/scholenplein/pabolessen/99002afruit-groenten/Olijven.htm http://www.doeshealthshop.nl/index.web?target=gezondheidsinformatie.web&target2=gezondheids_artikelen/Kruid_Olijfblad.web http://www.gezondweb.be/GezondWeb/RegioMap.htm?ori=%2fgezondweb%2frubrieken%2fvoedingrecepten%2fwebdietiste%2fo%2folijfolie%2ben%2bolijven.htm
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Peter Schoenmakers, 15-05-2011 16:40 # 2 What is the best brand / type of olives which are best for the drink? olive tree collective What are the biggest olives? what brand what kind? Reply post!, 22-05-2011 Tastes differ!. There is not a comment on your question to answer because one prefer the green crispy (and sometimes larger olive) while the other enjoys the gentle salty taste of black olive. In addition, there are many ways of inmake
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