Stakeholders, of course you have heard of Prof. Henry Louis Gates, del monte fruit cup Jr. Harvard del monte fruit cup University police arrested trying to enter his home. Police vyomkamata had entered his home and liwaonyesha tags! He says that this act of his arrest is discriminatory (racial profiling). I agree with him! We have a few blacks who remained del monte fruit cup in the house common in Cambridge, Massachusetts, we stayed on top soul! Our neighbors are Europeans see everything we do and do not hesitate to call the police if they think you've done anything. An example is a walking dark streets can call the police, "THERE'S A BLACK MAN WALKING DOWN MY STREET!" And the police are going to have to show identification or else go to jail sleep! You are afraid to go to a nearby store without identification! Two weeks ago I was naedesha my car, I was with my friend in the car. I stood on a street toward us but nicheki GPS to know where you are. Europeans were out of the house and write plates of the car!
These houses usually del monte fruit cup have been gentrified and whites live with yuppies and their dogs! Dogs and cats are their children. Blacks have been expelled flawed. Walipandishiwa taxes, or no group went through a house owned by black ziliokuwa to buy their homes at reasonable prices. del monte fruit cup But their intention was cleared there was no purpose for blacks. CAMBRIDGEPORT area it resides between the universities of Harvard and MIT, the former was black but is now white. If you see it now you do not know! In yesterday I was passing on the sidewalk nearby house where I go I asked with anger and some white. I am wearing a winter coat, so he did not see me well. Realising a hundred saw this and claim that he did not! Barbarous typewriter! Another older white kaniuliza Why am I naosha my car in front of the house it resides. I told him that is all ages residing here today plaque that speaks to me! Let's go away! And our young men do not pray membrane. If you hear no theft has occurred what we tell kids they turn into immediate, meaning the Cambridge police do not hesitate to arrest them even if they are guilty. You hear the police are looking for, black male, 5'8 wearing a sweatshirt! Not everybody can be anyone! And poor you remember the case of our boy Justin Cosby was vyouwawa at Harvard. That was just, they were asked what he was doing to Harvard! del monte fruit cup There are days my son and his friend were walking from their primary school close to Harvard. And they claimed Harvard Yard. Black young as seven were all under the age of 13, they were laughing and talking laugh out loud as normal teenagers. White boy was overcome del monte fruit cup with fear and say there is a group of black supposedly wants to rob the police del monte fruit cup were called! After that day the young men they claimed Harvard Yard called again for fear they will not. And many who stayed Cambridge wesui have no desire to read the Harvard counsel who witnessed discrimination.
The other day we made on the bus, the girl was white flashbacks begin assaulting a black girl had sat him on a chair. Police mkamtaa black man who first attacked until we told you it was myemshambulia black white! KHAA! However, white was released. We umshmabulie del monte fruit cup black, white, without reason or a reason and you will find a wood carver!
Discrimination exists to primary schools and the Cambridge Rindge & Latin School which is the only high school government here Cambridge. Loh, I have a story to kuwasimulia but one sad is that the KKK were present here Cambridge, and was made Master Chief of Agassiz School (now Baldwin), Peggy Navarette run and leave everything, after threatening del monte fruit cup to kill him and burn his car in front of the house he was staying near and Harvard! My son was studying there at the time and I struggled violently with them racists. But you'll niwasimulie other day! Prof. Gates Cambridge has great respect here and the whole world has done research on the history of black people. Now if he can be arrested, we just settle makamchape only! By now you may know, Racism IS STILL ALIVE AND WELL IN CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSSETTS! Yes stakeholders, we have a black president but discrimination still exists USA! ************************************************** ********************* A black Harvard professor, WHO has been named by Time magazine as one of the top 25 most INFLUENTIAL Americans, accused police after he frame of Racism Trying del monte fruit cup to Get Into arrested his own home. Henry Louis Gates arrested for disorderly conduct frame after police Said he "exhibited loud and tumultuous Behaviour". He later released frame. The head of Harvard's WEB DuBois Institute for African and American Studies, shouted del monte fruit cup to a police del monte fruit cup officer "this is what happens to a black men in America" del monte fruit cup according to a police report. The incident did happen last Thursday after a call to police That "Two Black Males" Were breaking INTO Gates's home near the university campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Later Gates refused to discuss the incident. But he's Said His lawyer
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