UNDERSTANDING Jewish influence
Since ancient times, Jewish populations repeatedly reached a position of power and influence within Western societies. I will discuss Jewish background characteristics that favor the acquisition of influence: ethnocentrism, intelligence and wealth, psychological intensity, aggressiveness, focusing mainly on ethnocentrism. I shall discuss Jewish ethnocentrism bahan lace in its historical, anthropological and evolutionary context and in its connection bahan lace with the three psychological processes of critical importance: the moral particularism, self-deception and the strong Jewish tendency to join together in exclusive, authoritarian groups, when the danger seems to threaten.
Jewish populations have always had a tremendous impact on the communities bahan lace they live in because of several characteristics that are central to Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy. First and foremost, Jews are ethnocentric and can work in well-organized, cohesive and effective teams. Important is also the high intelligence, which includes intelligence usefulness for achieving wealth, prominence in the media, success bahan lace in academia and the legal profession. I will also discuss two other properties, which has become less considered: the psychological bahan lace intensity and aggressiveness.
The four background characteristics ethnocentrism, intelligence, psychological intensity, and aggressiveness with the result that Jews can form formidable, effective groups - groups that are able to get powerful, transformative impact on the people they live within. In the modern world affects these properties academia and the established and leading media, whereby the Jewish efficiency has become stronger than it was in traditional societies. But Jews have repeatedly been an elite team and a powerful group in societies where they lived in sufficient numbers. It is noteworthy that the Jews generally as a small minority have been the focus of a long series of historical events. Jews occupied much patristic thinking of 300's, the century of the Christian dominion in the West was formed. I have presented the idea that the Church's strong anti-Jewish stance and legislation on 300's actually have to be understood as a defense reaction against Jewish economic power and enslavement of non-judar.1 Jews, as the name sounded convert to Christianity but retained their ethnic ties in marriage and trade, accounted for 250 years, the target of the Inquisition in Spain, Portugal and the Spanish bahan lace colonies in the New World. Basically, the Inquisition should be regarded as a defense reaction against these "nykristnas" economic and political herravälde.2 bahan lace
Jews have also been at the center of the 1900s all the important events. Jews was a necessary element in the Bolshevik Revolution that created the Soviet Union, and the Jews remained an elite group in the Soviet Union at least until after World War II. They were an important target for National Socialism in Germany, and they have been the driving forces in the cultural and ethnic revolution that began in the United States since 1965, and which entered into preface of non-white mass immigration to Europe and the Europeans populated countries.3 In the contemporary world, organized American Jewish lobbying groups and deeply committed Jews in the Bush administration and the media, which is located behind the American pro-Israel foreign policy, leading to a war against virtually the entire Arab world.
How can such a small minority bahan lace reach such enormous impact on Western history? This paper is the first in a series of three dealing with Jewish influence and seek to answer this question. The first paper in the series provides bahan lace an introduction to Jewish ethnocentrism and other background characteristics, which are of importance for Jewish success. The second paper discusses Zionism as school bahan lace jew example of ethnocentrism in the 1900s and an example of a highly influential jew intellectual and political movement. A further aim of the series of papers is to discuss a general observation about Jewish bahan lace history: that in the long run win the more extreme elements of the Jewish bahan lace community and determines the direction of the entire group. As Jonathan Sacks points out, it is the dedicated core - especially now consists bahan lace of very influential and energetic Jewish activist bahan lace organizations in the United States bahan lace and hyper-nationalist elements in Israel - governing the Community's continued riktning.4 The third and final essay should discuss neoconservatism as a jew intellectual and political movement. While I have touched on neoconservatism in my trilogy bahan lace on Jews, 5 but the influence of this movement has been the United States' foreign policy necessitates a much fuller treatment.
Figure bahan lace 1 provides an overview of the sources of Jewish influence. The four background characteristics bahan lace - as discussed more Ingae
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