JAKARTA -Menjelang Eid, Agency for Food and Drug Administration grampian country pork (FDA) found 12 foods that do not meet the requirements (TMK) on the market. One of them, the circulation of snacks that contain pork. Director of Inspection and Certification of Food Goddess Prawitasari said, TMK product was very detrimental to consumers. The whole foods found it was not the original made in Indonesia. "It's a lot of food imports that violates the rules," Dewi said yesterday (15/8). Goddess mentions, among other types of food are candy, jelly, beans, chewy, and chips. Imported from Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Germany. Said Dewi, some of which does not include the complete food composition. There are also foods that contain pork but does not include a logo or image content of the pig as a marker of the pigs in the food. "In our rules are clear. Each package must include the origin of certain materials and abortion. If there is a pig, the pig emblem attaching compulsory in packaging, "said Dewi. This happens to food fruit and cola flavors Jelly with Haribo trademark. The food is made in Germany it does not include grampian country pork the logo of pigs in its packaging. "As we explored, grampian country pork turned out to contain a pig in the jellynya," said Dewi. Other foods are, Sunkist pistachios nuts from Thailand, Ne Jeed Jeedjard from Thailand, and Del Monte fruit peace of Singapore. According to Dewi, two foods that include claims no preservatives. "Though all certainly contain preservatives," he explained, branded Island product Cripsps other woods that do not include the origin of the manufacturer. Even the label is also not equipped with the Indonesian language. Last of branded peanut Camel Sugar Peanuts from Singapore. "The beans have two different registration, license orbit very suspicious," said Dewi. FDA Chief Kustantinah added, so far the producers and importers of FDA banned impressed no deterrent. Each operation is performed after the FDA, they re-market grampian country pork products that are deemed illegal. "Although there were brought to justice, at least they only made to pay heavy fines to the amount of less than 5 million," grampian country pork he said. Kustantinah expect, the government to make special rules and their strict punishment for crack dealers and manufacturers of food or illegal drugs. "At least provide a deterrent grampian country pork effect and is not detrimental grampian country pork to the public on the circulation of products," he added.
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