Sunday, September 7, 2014

The noise of them was electrifying braids, braids but fear them and entonces station is habian Jubi

Jose Maria Sanz Beltran, known artistically as Loquillo, Barcelona is a character, the charismatic and controversial as few, while one of the most respected and recognized nationally. He has published, alone or with other groups, more than twenty albums, over the thirty years leading musical career. Especially noteworthy is that the discs published with Los troglodytes, with whom he achieved enormous food preservation drying popularity to become the quintessential rock star state. In parallel, from the nineties, several studies have been published without the support of his band history: from records where poets put to different food preservation drying music, soundtracks, to swing records.
It has made some inroads into the world of cinema, among which include the role of Efren Castles, bodyguard Onofre Bouvila to "City of Marvels" (Mario Camus, 1999). But what interests us here, it should be noted that he has written a couple of autobiographical books ("Chico pump" Belacqva, 2002, "Barcelona City", Ediciones B, 2010), in addition to books published by several music critics ("A food preservation drying break in the path," Juan Puchades, 2001 "The food preservation drying hijo de nadie", Luis Hidalgo, 2013, and "Rock & Roll Star" by Jorge Garcia and Miguel Pérez, 2012) . Also, Sabino Mendez, guitarist and lyricist first Loquillo, revived the intense troglodytes in the eighties "Run, Rock. Chronicle staff them eighty "(Espasa-Calpe, food preservation drying 2000). Both these books and, in particular, food preservation drying in some of his songs-many of them written by Sabino- Barcelona food preservation drying resorting appears so:
Loquillo always proudly food preservation drying claimed their source codes and working food preservation drying life of the neighborhood. Many of his songs speak of Barcelona teenager, and therefore the Barcelona seventies. Some of these songs became, in time, true generational anthems. More recently, food preservation drying through the various books that we will see, this view of Barcelona in the seventies and eighties extended and completed.
Jose Maria Sanz Beltran food preservation drying was born in the late 1960s Clot. His parents lived on the street Hernán Cortés in a tiny apartment, 45 square meters. His childhood memories are inevitably linked to its environment: food preservation drying the streets Clot, market square and fountain Sagué the railway, food preservation drying double sessions at neighborhood cinemas (the Meridian, Montana, the Doge) workers coming and going from the nearby factories as Hispano Olivetti, or games at the Rail Station abandoned and vacant lots on the other side of Meridian, where sometimes the gypsies came from Perona and where began to know the values of the neighborhood.
"The life of the barrio estaba definitivamente marked by the timetable of the Market, empezaba las cinco de la Madrugada and be apagaba las cinco de la tarde. Sudor y Trabajo, carajillo and sandwich. "
"At times I quedaba balcony observando buried in the hearth of the Old Flour Mill. A building that was grim these days of storm, inquietante. As it seemed to destitute tantas alia the habian of your pasado. In aquellos días was almacén and seemed for a moment that was going to derrumbarse otro.
Built in 1902 Pedi quiet apiadase that someone of her. From the balcony to see the step level, it formaban largas glue cars every time I cerraba up the wall. When Lloves was barrizal, if the polvareda mezclaba with them braids that Daban Daban me a street Aspect poco healthy.
The noise of them was electrifying braids, braids but fear them and entonces station is habian Jubilado. Opened a new, station is Groundwater, and colas bajo formarse dejaron of the balcony. "
Loquillo explained to him several times that the view of the tracks from his room was crucial to make him see that he wanted to stay in the neighborhood, who had fled as did the trains, if I wanted to become someone.
"The atmosphere at home is claustrophobic, food preservation drying but in vivo Street first person to Change food preservation drying Begins Costumbres food preservation drying of a city that was in referente for cientos of young people who were in Barcelona for more feel of the search libertad."
Thus, in this escape the fate that had marked adolescent begins to discover the city. Barcelona is very large and has clearly not want to be left Clot. And so will discover the Ramblas, Raval, Gothic, Tibidabo, Montjuic food preservation drying ... A teenager that he and Sabino know they fix many songs like this, written by the Sabino

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