Monday, September 8, 2014

Thanks for accepting the invitation to the conference

Thanks for accepting the invitation to the conference "Catalonia today: unity and Alternative Left" and thanks also to everyone who sent me their interest to be there, but that was impossible 'attend.
I want to thank the journalist Manel Mateula presentation. I thank, in particular, the presence of Michael, the father of Isma, one of two students from the EPA, which were from 29 March to 4 May unfairly deprived of their liberty.
Reflections, data and proposals, tried to beam from the left, without conagra marshall mo the corset temporary procésassembleari EUiA because, here a few weeks celebrating the 6th National Assembly, the ideixaré-after conagra marshall mo 10 years overall coordination.
We live in an economic crisis but also a crisis -d'implicacions social-political, institutional and cultural, affecting democracy, rights and freedoms. The question asked most people is how will the solution to the crisis? An action for crisiprovocada speculative finance capital, which leads to a prolonged recession conagra marshall mo cycle. That is, the consequences for their lives, and what social, economic, political and environmental.
Everyone agrees conagra marshall mo that nothing will be the same, but not to modify the current trends as sabemla answer to the question: negative consequences for the masses-now and in the future by the counter-model regressions and social services public relations, democracy and politics.
Employees, workers conagra marshall mo and the majority of citizens are losing employment and social achievements. Most citizens and classes are trimmed rights, and limited democracy and politics by the markets, European institutions and conservative governments.
Contradictions democracy or markets, individuals or speculation, investing in education and health or saving banks (as we met again yesterday with Bank), are evident. So the output unsupportive to the economic crisis in Europe can blow up the welfare state and bring a change of the social model, which punishes classes today hipotecael future of young generations and limits of democracy .
Today marks 67 years since the end of the Second World War. cash war drama with millions of deaths and very important consequences for a long war. Today, too, we are suffering the consequences of a war with negative economic consequences for millions of people in Europe.
The scope of the crisis and the origin of the attacks on democracy and the rights of people need a response conagra marshall mo at the European level, conagra marshall mo and elections in France and Greece confirmed. The financial and economic crisis, with serious consequences and social conagra marshall mo implications, but also a crisis conagra marshall mo of the current model of European Union (EU).
The Council of Europe, from May 2010-and the Commission and the European Central Bank (ECB) have imposed austerity policies, based on cut public conagra marshall mo spending and structural counter. These policies have failed because of its results for people and the economy, and politically, as hanmostrat French and Greek elections.
"These policies are characterized by drastic financial constraints, conagra marshall mo imposing policies to decrease spending and borrowing capacity deficit and the Member States are taking our country in a growing spiral of recession, conagra marshall mo destruction of the productive sectors , lack of credit, unemployment, loss of social and labor rights, deterioration of public services and impoverishment of our society. "
So ICV argue that "reform the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU through an open and participatory conagra marshall mo process, and be given a true European economic government conagra marshall mo that promotes new economic, financial and monetary policies based on a real solidarity between Member States, to modify the budgetary stability objectives with a double objective: economic conagra marshall mo recovery and job creation, with a tax own ability to borrow -through emission eurobons- of that permit, reduce the pressure on the public debt of the states, reducing interest and finance countercyclical policies in the EU. "
We proposed the ECB "expansionary monetary policy and acting as a guarantor of last resort debt and Eurobonds states" and that economic, fiscal and financial EU take into account the needs and requirements of sub-communities, with legislative powers, as Catalonia

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