Tuesday, February 4, 2014

But all this would not be possible without the decisive influence automatic cashew shelling machine

ALBION: from Latin alba, which means white. The writer Pliny the Elder mentions this name in his book "Albion and Albiones." According automatic cashew shelling machine to Celtic legend, the name Albion would Albina, eldest Danaïdes condemned to wander at sea after killing their husbands automatic cashew shelling machine and failed in English soil. Another explanation attributes the name to a giant Albion, son of Neptune. England called the "daughter of the sea" will then personified in the character of Britannia, which is the Latin name for Britain, the country of Brittany, automatic cashew shelling machine like Marianne, feminine personification of the French Republic. But why the goddess Britannia perfidious Albion?
Many political and historical facts show that England has not always had an attitude of fair play if you can say ... just to mention a few examples, among others, at the Battle of Agincourt in 1415 the execution of French prisoners automatic cashew shelling machine by the English on the order of Henry V in 1801 Horatio Nelson, ignoring orders from his "boss" Admiral Hyde Parker undermines the Danish fleet at the Battle of Copenhagen.
In 1940, the catapult operation developed at the initiative of the British to neutralize the French navy at Mers-el-Kebir, under the pretext of preventing it from falling into enemy hands, causes the death of hundreds of sailors and the virtual destruction of French warships present, while the armistice was signed between France and the Third Reich ...
Franco-British relations have never been rosy, and it will confirm when General de Gaulle, twice, will strongly oppose the entry of Britain into the Common Market (EEC) in 1963 and in 1967, knowing and fearing the mindset linking it to the United States. General foresaw - and will thereafter he was fully justified-that something unusual going on in the eagerness manifested by the Anglo-Saxon trust in the place of the European construction. For the "story", Jean Lacouture, General biographer writes: "De Gaulle had to establish a position of undeniable force in Europe to counteract the freedom of trade in the UK which was a new world and imperial order. For this reason it was necessary that France is one of the three pillars of the free world, as opposed to its role as the European pillar temple. ". It was Georges Pompidou, who will ensure that the UK will eventually join the EEC June 23, 1971 ... (He was general manager of the Rothschild Bank from 1954 to 1958 and then from 1959 to 1962, probably just a coincidence !)
Today, in 2001, could still deny that the European Union is the fruit thoughtful, calculated, developed jointly by the United States and England, and since the 50s, according to two main objectives: automatic cashew shelling machine
1) Require European nations geopolitical and military vision in their best interests (Anglo-Saxon nations) 2) Impose economic and trade policy in the interests of the financial oligarchy, represented by the Rockefeller family (United States) and Rothschild (England).
The ultimate goal, we have already noted, the financial elite, is to train and impose a one-world government and establish a Marxist-Communist gasoline politico-economic system based on the exploitation of layers the lowliest of society as "tools of production" to meet the ambitions and demands a totally decadent aristocracy and without qualms.
But all this would not be possible without the decisive influence automatic cashew shelling machine societies and occult groups automatic cashew shelling machine who work tirelessly for decades to the emergence of this "world state." We already know the Bilderberg Group as we mentioned in previous articles, which annually brings together a hundred of these the world's most influential figures finance, industry and major international trusts. They are responsible for the current collapse of the economy of European automatic cashew shelling machine countries (Greece, Spain, others waiting for their turn ...) and continue the sacking and destruction of the U.S. economy. They control the UN and its military arm of NATO. The Round Table
This quintessential English secret society was founded automatic cashew shelling machine in 1909 by Alfred Milner (1854-1925), a wealthy diamond epigones of colonialist Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902) who dreamed, among other things, create a gigantic railway line between South Africa and Cairo to exploit and plunder the best minerals and various riches of the African basement.
Historically, the Round Table is linked to the adventure of the Knights of the Round Table set off in search of the "famous" Holy Grail, the mythical object of the legend

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