Skotská společnost vyvinula inovativní domací udírnu pro přípravu uzených potravin v domácích podmínek. Tento produkt má jedinečný design, který garantuje dosažení kvality uzených potravin jako v tradičních udírnách při zachování jednoduché obsluhy. Zařízení má zároveň vzhled vhodný pro použití mimo domov. Společnost hledá průmyslové partnery pro výrobců tohoto výrobku v licenci. Description: A Scottish company has developed an innovative home smoker for producing traditionally smoked food products on a domestic scale. The product has a unique design making it simple to operate and maintain and giving it an appearance which will enable it to become a focal point for outdoor entertaining. It is targeted diageo plainfield il at the garden/leisure market. Innovations and advantages of the offer: The product has been designed to be simple to operate and maintain in order to appeal to individuals wishing to use on a domestic basis. The design diageo plainfield il allows for traditional smoking flavour to be achieved, giving a quality end product. It has been designed with features which will make it an attractive focal point for outdoor entertaining. List of Keywords: Technology Industrial Manufacture Technologies for the food industry Food Processing Market Food and Beverages Consumer Products Housewares Garden and horticultural products Manufacturing Current Stage of Development: Already on the market Collaboration Type: License Agreement Comments: - Type of partner sought: industrial/manufacturer - Specific area of activity diageo plainfield il of the partner: Manufacturing - Task to be performed by the partner sought: Manufacture of product under licence in accordance with local requirements. Ref: 12 GB 46P5 3O43
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