In Russia, according to official data, six million women and 4 million fish processing and preservation men suffer from infertility. There is a controversial solution: married couples who can not have children may use the services of surrogate mothers, who are ready to give birth to a child for a fee. "The Russian word" presents how this process takes place in Russia and what are the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution to the problem of infertility.
Pin It According fish processing and preservation to the Russian legislation, the surrogate mother can become a woman aged between 20 and 35 years of age who have at least one healthy own child, provided that it has received a medical certificate of good health and that it has given written consent for medical intervention. Source: PhotoXpress.
Surrogate motherhood is the technology of human reproduction in which a woman voluntarily undergo the procedure of artificial insemination to a stretcher and gave birth to someone else's biological child, which will then be handed over to the biological parents. The biological parents have the right legal status of their parents, fish processing and preservation regardless of what their child is born second wife.
According fish processing and preservation to the Russian legislation, the surrogate mother can become a woman aged between 20 and 35 years of age who have at least one healthy own child, provided that it has received a medical fish processing and preservation certificate of good health and that it has given written consent for medical intervention. If you are married, it is necessary written consent of the spouse.
Surrogacy is banned in Austria, Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden, France, Switzerland and in several US states. The laws of Israel, Canada, Great Britain and several US states forbid only commercial surrogacy. In Russia, South Africa and Ukraine surrogacy is not only permitted, but may be commercially.
However, because fish processing and preservation of its ethical specifics topics surrogacy remains fairly closed, and there is no statistical data about her. Parents who are resorting to such a radical decision and the surrogate mother in most cases, careful not to say much about it. To make things work as credible in the eyes of the environment, women often imitate the state of pregnancy, fish processing and preservation taking maternity leave or go abroad.
Surrogate mother can be found in a variety of ways. People, fish processing and preservation for example, can turn to their relatives or friends for such a delicate service. They can also contact the specialized clinics that have databases of potential surrogate mothers. There are intermediary organizations that deal with the financial and legal side of the issue.
The service is not cheap. Prices vary from 15 to 50 thousand dollars - these include costs for accommodation, food and medical treatment surrogate mother and her fee. However, there is no guarantee that everything will go smoothly. Surrogate mother may refuse to hand over the child, and conflicts of this kind in Russia resolved in her favor. In order to avoid such a situation, it is necessary to clearly prescribe the obligations of the parties entered into the contract and introduce fines for its violation. It happens to the opposite situation, when the biological parents refuse to take the child, say if you were born with a blemish. And sometimes instead of one child born twins.
Aida from Ufa had already experienced complications during elections surrogate mother. She and her husband have been married for 15 years, 10 of which are spent trying to have a child. "I've lost already two surrogate mothers. One carried out the examination and treatment at our expense, and before the start of the program turned out to be a long time in connection with some, but she was embarrassed to tell us ... Another girl was for the medical parameters, but when detailed tests it turned out that she hid some information from us, "says Aida. She is now back at the stage of searching, "A lot of anxiety and concern. They are growing every day as snow snowball. We care whether the girl to follow all medical instructions before and during pregnancy, whether it will be enough to seriously deal with them. "Aida noted that Russian legislation in the field limping," the surrogate mother is not the biological mother of the child, but since she is born automatically becomes a mother in law. This is the main problem. "
Marina from Moscow last year became the surrogate mother. He is 29 years old, married and has one of its child. She does not understand why many people do not approve of surrogacy. fish processing and preservation "I do not see that absolutely nothing wrong, there are all happy - parents, surrogate mother and the child. Why I would not be able to give people the opportunity to become parents? "Otherwise, it is prior to participation in the program had serious misgivings:" I did not know how to regulate fish processing and preservation the relationship with the parents of the future child, fish processing and preservation I was afraid that I would stay with someone else's child, that I a problematic pregnancy ... "But everything went great. Marina gave birth to a healthy child per couple and continued to live his life. "They say it's impossible fish processing and preservation to meet strangers child you bore and bore. But I understood from the beginning that the child is not mine, I have a huge responsibility and that these people are counting fish processing and preservation on me
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