irfakdarojatii Blog Archive Festschrift Irfa 'darojat
I quite often buy a variety of software and scripts, and ebooks from various sources on the internet is usually a piece of the cd and then I moved to a flash dish, for those interested I can copy it to a flash drive costs about mentranfser rp 200,000, - including postage to Your place in Indonesia, flash disk at least 4 GB flash disk ,, contents include:
success rate
-bonus 1 attunement scientific grand master healing power, up to you
permission of Allah the permission of my true self with the permission of my true teacher permission universe highway I intend to receive attunement initiation of activation energy power shakti favor irony karomah deemed professional, there are many, thanks ,,
then do a cross-legged meditation / meditation, sitting upright, breathing regularly delicate, canning techniques diaphanous mind quiet calm, eyes closed, hand gestures / mudra, is up to you ,, science, canning techniques scientific, this, free, free
science, scientific, this, free, free
SIFATULLOH are attributes: shape, Tai Chi, Abby, mukholafatu lil hawaditsi, canning techniques wahdaniyat, qudrot, irodzat, tanning, Bashor, science, Bayan, pen, etc. (Some argue that the nature of God is in all of God's Name)
AFALULLOH is deeds or actions including creating all the diverse creatures (angels, fairies, spirits, animals, human beings, the universe layered), events / etc ,, destiny
1 US
Mantra light sulaeman canning techniques O Lord God, when the image of the prophet sulaeman in from east to west with the substance, light and power, and Gabriel and Michael Isrofil izroil government prophet sulaeman covering from east to west of the jinn and mankind, and the wind and the clouds, and also security canning techniques the welfare of the most high and almighty, the master demon devil is in the dark and the light, yeah yeah God may grant my prayer prophet sulaeman canning techniques son Prophet Dawud with mercy merciful canning techniques and loving, caring ,. permission of Allah the permission of my true self with the permission of my true teacher permission universe highway canning techniques I intend to receive attunement initiation of activation energy Essence light sulaeman canning techniques pass perfectly thanks. you could also intended to absorb energy JAG zulkarnaen, light muhammad, Subakir sheikh, sheikh red soil, ash Kenongo sheikh, sheikh yellow, song sheikh, sheikh long etc. Protestants sastro maoni, Stavros book, born Dino etc. four brothers spell / spirit companion
Bismillahir rohmanir rohim, a strong 3 x 3 x Essence strong, is fond x 3, pronunciation, sifatulloh, wujudilah, Kun Fayakuun, canning techniques 3 x tank. immune to luck, fence, etc. spiritual energy generated. mantra multifunction pronunciation sifatulloh qudrotulloh, 3 x gedruk land. Javanese ritual offerings Totocoro tell true: shollallohu alaihi wa sallam brothers canning techniques true offerings porridge / vacation holy offerings purwitosari he got to my brother's birth 1,2,3,4 when she addressed canning techniques that does beg sorry, this is not enough, is change I cukupono, must be sufficient enough, enough kodratingsun something, I actually stood nur muhammad (his own) Totocoro flush jamas: shollallohu alaihi canning techniques wa sallam brothers true I was bathing jamas holy water flowers purwitosari not to honor his brother 1,2,3,4 born when she is not Sinargalih, nowhere does that sorry I did not ask for clean bathing outdoors inside, do not flush the inside clean bathing outdoors not feeling very dated once got the feeling flush double date twice got the feeling flush three times three dates not feeling flush four dates four times during the young date four young cahyoku feeling straight day of fifteen, I was actually .. nur muhammad (his own) enclosure: shollallohu alaihi wa sallam brothers 1,2,3,4 keep body denizen that addressed inferior collection comes ojo he comes back sumomo do not necessarily return, must be returned, return me to something kodratingsun father Vaisya world, I stood gondorwo murders, I ascended the prophet sulaeman, I actually stood nur muhammad .. (his own name). spell spell / asthma chakra victorious last Bismillahir rohmanir rohim 1 x breathe through your nose hold your breath read al ḥamdu lillahi robbil Worlds 7 x then last breath through your mouth, breathe through your nose hold your breath read ALLOHUMMA canning techniques Sholli 3 x ala muhammad then last breath through the mouth , breathe through your nose hold your breath read Hayyan yes yes Qoyyum bi rohmatika astaghiits 3 x then last breath through your mouth, breathe through your nose hold your breath canning techniques read Etymologically la wa la Illa quwwat canning techniques billahil aliyyil adhim x then last breath through your mouth, please sit upright position eyes closed, do at night, quiet situation ,, 1. Laduni science must learn to think and every event or 2. after each obligatory prayer bertawasul do not forget: canning techniques bi miracle As Prophet Khidr. Al Fatihah bi barokati Prophet Khidr
I quite often buy a variety of software and scripts, and ebooks from various sources on the internet is usually a piece of the cd and then I moved to a flash dish, for those interested I can copy it to a flash drive costs about mentranfser rp 200,000, - including postage to Your place in Indonesia, flash disk at least 4 GB flash disk ,, contents include:
success rate
-bonus 1 attunement scientific grand master healing power, up to you
permission of Allah the permission of my true self with the permission of my true teacher permission universe highway I intend to receive attunement initiation of activation energy power shakti favor irony karomah deemed professional, there are many, thanks ,,
then do a cross-legged meditation / meditation, sitting upright, breathing regularly delicate, canning techniques diaphanous mind quiet calm, eyes closed, hand gestures / mudra, is up to you ,, science, canning techniques scientific, this, free, free
science, scientific, this, free, free
SIFATULLOH are attributes: shape, Tai Chi, Abby, mukholafatu lil hawaditsi, canning techniques wahdaniyat, qudrot, irodzat, tanning, Bashor, science, Bayan, pen, etc. (Some argue that the nature of God is in all of God's Name)
AFALULLOH is deeds or actions including creating all the diverse creatures (angels, fairies, spirits, animals, human beings, the universe layered), events / etc ,, destiny
1 US
Mantra light sulaeman canning techniques O Lord God, when the image of the prophet sulaeman in from east to west with the substance, light and power, and Gabriel and Michael Isrofil izroil government prophet sulaeman covering from east to west of the jinn and mankind, and the wind and the clouds, and also security canning techniques the welfare of the most high and almighty, the master demon devil is in the dark and the light, yeah yeah God may grant my prayer prophet sulaeman canning techniques son Prophet Dawud with mercy merciful canning techniques and loving, caring ,. permission of Allah the permission of my true self with the permission of my true teacher permission universe highway canning techniques I intend to receive attunement initiation of activation energy Essence light sulaeman canning techniques pass perfectly thanks. you could also intended to absorb energy JAG zulkarnaen, light muhammad, Subakir sheikh, sheikh red soil, ash Kenongo sheikh, sheikh yellow, song sheikh, sheikh long etc. Protestants sastro maoni, Stavros book, born Dino etc. four brothers spell / spirit companion
Bismillahir rohmanir rohim, a strong 3 x 3 x Essence strong, is fond x 3, pronunciation, sifatulloh, wujudilah, Kun Fayakuun, canning techniques 3 x tank. immune to luck, fence, etc. spiritual energy generated. mantra multifunction pronunciation sifatulloh qudrotulloh, 3 x gedruk land. Javanese ritual offerings Totocoro tell true: shollallohu alaihi wa sallam brothers canning techniques true offerings porridge / vacation holy offerings purwitosari he got to my brother's birth 1,2,3,4 when she addressed canning techniques that does beg sorry, this is not enough, is change I cukupono, must be sufficient enough, enough kodratingsun something, I actually stood nur muhammad (his own) Totocoro flush jamas: shollallohu alaihi canning techniques wa sallam brothers true I was bathing jamas holy water flowers purwitosari not to honor his brother 1,2,3,4 born when she is not Sinargalih, nowhere does that sorry I did not ask for clean bathing outdoors inside, do not flush the inside clean bathing outdoors not feeling very dated once got the feeling flush double date twice got the feeling flush three times three dates not feeling flush four dates four times during the young date four young cahyoku feeling straight day of fifteen, I was actually .. nur muhammad (his own) enclosure: shollallohu alaihi wa sallam brothers 1,2,3,4 keep body denizen that addressed inferior collection comes ojo he comes back sumomo do not necessarily return, must be returned, return me to something kodratingsun father Vaisya world, I stood gondorwo murders, I ascended the prophet sulaeman, I actually stood nur muhammad .. (his own name). spell spell / asthma chakra victorious last Bismillahir rohmanir rohim 1 x breathe through your nose hold your breath read al ḥamdu lillahi robbil Worlds 7 x then last breath through your mouth, breathe through your nose hold your breath read ALLOHUMMA canning techniques Sholli 3 x ala muhammad then last breath through the mouth , breathe through your nose hold your breath read Hayyan yes yes Qoyyum bi rohmatika astaghiits 3 x then last breath through your mouth, breathe through your nose hold your breath canning techniques read Etymologically la wa la Illa quwwat canning techniques billahil aliyyil adhim x then last breath through your mouth, please sit upright position eyes closed, do at night, quiet situation ,, 1. Laduni science must learn to think and every event or 2. after each obligatory prayer bertawasul do not forget: canning techniques bi miracle As Prophet Khidr. Al Fatihah bi barokati Prophet Khidr
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