Sunday, June 1, 2014

Lemons will stay fresh for a long time if you put it in a pot that will cover only porcelain Dish.

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Eggs can be stored in containers with lids or containers for ice. Eggs are kept always shelled and never cooked. You can separate the yolks from the whites, or to freeze beaten eggs in which you add a little salt. So frozen eggs are kept for 6 months.
Lemons will stay fresh for a long time if you put it in a pot that will cover only porcelain Dish. Pour over the lemon water to the top of the jar and place them in a cold room. Periodically pour fresh water. A half a lemon, which is left over after you use and began to dry, soak in water and let it sit for a few hours.
Raw meat, pakujte in plastic bags, and already prepared meat pakujte in plastic bags or aluminum containers. Before freezing is desirable to remove the fatty parts. Hamburger and steaks pakujte separately and chicken pre wash. Raw meat is stored 6-8 months, and heat-treated meat is kept in the freezer for 2-4 months.
Dairy products are kept in a transparent foil or plastic bags. Soft cheeses sawed off above the odds and ends, shredded cheese and white cheese that you can leave in one piece. Hard cheeses are kept 6 months, 3 months white cheese and butter are kept for 6 months.
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Ribery doubtful for the World Cup for the violation? 6 hours ago Anyone who complains about our sleeping policemen did not see this - VIDEO 6 hours ago RG: Raonic vs. Djokovic in the semifinals http://t. co/U1cXUdVXyM 8 hours ago
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