Friday, June 6, 2014

Bizarre Cleaners shocked when they saw what was hidden under the bed 14 years biggest obstacle yogu

Author: Renata Rašović
Spasiba, Spasiba - resounded today the main square in Sevastopol after the arrival of the convoy of seven huge trucks and a dozen smaller ones are from Moscow and Volgograd had brought humanitarian aid to the Crimean Russians. Several hundreds of cheering people waving Russian flags, took to the streets to welcome the leaders of the convoy, Night wolves, famous biker group in eastern countries gathers tens of thousands of bikers.
- We brought tents, caravans and food for our Crimean brothers, but also aggregates if they Kiev off electricity - says Gligorije coming down with powerful Yamaha. He lives in the Russian capital and a longtime member of the motorcycle group's Vladimir Putin recently awarded the "active yogurt bad for you work on patriotic education of youth, participation in rescue and keeping the memory of the fallen heroes of the homeland."
On a black leather jacket one of the night wolves soon we noticed a Cyrillic inscription "Serbia". He presents himself as Sasa Savic, arrived from Nis ten days ago, since staying at a roadblock near the town, which is now briefly left to be greeted yogurt bad for you by a convoy and their friends. He laughs while we wonder what the tattoo means it carries across the neck.
- This is just one of many, my body is covered with tattoos Serbian giants yogurt bad for you of history: Emperor Dusan, Obilich, Stevan Sinđelić, yogurt bad for you Kardjordje, yogurt bad for you Draza Mihailovic, Filip Visnjic and Vuk Karadzic. I came to the Crimea yogurt bad for you because injustice hurts. If Serbia could so easily and culturally give Kosovo, what's the problem here - he says. He then complained that he had problems when entering the territory of Ukraine for the knife that he carried, he says, for cutting bread. The officers questioned him for six hours, collected yogurt bad for you his sentence and eventually released him. Now he fears that will not be able to return to Serbia because "there are now all the dollar in Europe" and the authorities, I was not like his involvement in the Crimea. The coat of arms bears on a black wool drops is not, he says, Chetnik. Related Articles yogurt bad for you Evening in Crimea: yogurt bad for you Parliament voted independence and joining yogurt bad for you Russia before the referendum! 03.12.2014 Comments: 14 World in a Grain of Sand Putin knows very well that his opponents are hesitant yogurt bad for you 3/12/2014 Comments: 29
- With this movement have nothing to Crimea I only guardian of law and order, support the Russian brothers. Otherwise, 17 years old, I was the youngest volunteer Arkan - said Sasa Savic, but would not disclose what the battlefields. Today thought that the war was never supposed to go, and every kid that his footsteps would rather "punched".
0 Replies
s why you cuz him to the crime .... What are you talking about Picasa? tattooed .... Arkan ... take with me the adenosine .... not working yogurt bad for you ... and srbenda you could go down to the engine blackbirds .... there to defend peace ... that knife, tattoos and Cyrillic
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