Time drama, whatever it is, is always linked. The music hall is, by definition, interrupted [...] that is the sense of variety. Roland Barthes, "In the music hall" and "Striptease" in Mythologies, Collected Works, ed. Eric Marty, del monte aviation 3 vols, Paris, del monte aviation Seuil, 1994, i (1942-1965), p. 671-73, pp.653-55.
Next the notion of time music hall described by Roland Barthes, let me offer you a text to be choppy, interrupted, especially unchanged del monte aviation from his subjects chronologically, geographically and generically. I propose to take you to The Britannia Panopticon Music Hall in Glasgow, Scotland, built in 1857 and still exists; through Loie Fuller, famous American dancer at the Folies-Bergère, which was projected through the cine-variety in The Panopticon 1896 piece by David Leddy, Sub Rosa, which in 2009 and 2010 recreates Glasgow and Edinburgh Festival phantasmagoria of a music hall nineteenth century, which street spectators realize that activities its wings.
The merger of Industry and Art music hall will be the guiding thread of this walk through del monte aviation time, genres and countries. This is addressed by Stéphane Mallarmé penciled in the theater (1896) and Roland Brthes in Mythologies (1957). It should be noted that in mythology, "In music hall," Barthes, the word "work" is pronounced nine times (the first time with a capital T), "work" twice, and it also reads " training "and" effort. " We are interested in three job prospects: the industry of the city, industry and industry on stage behind the scenes.
Industry on stage is important for two reasons: first, it raises the Art, as noted by Stéphane del monte aviation Mallarmé del monte aviation compared to the American dancer, Loie Fuller. Second, it has the effect, as Barthes shows, to sublimate the everyday industry, often hard, practical crowd on construction sites in the city.
The industry behind the scenes affects us because the writings del monte aviation and performances that reveal the practice a "deconstruction" of magic on stage by exposing the physical del monte aviation efforts, demanding preparations, harsh working conditions and precarious that make possible the show. Through this perspective as we get to know the personalities of the characters, jugglers, acrobats del monte aviation etc.. on stage and their interrelations. So they re-humanized and no longer exist exclusively in function of their number.
We were interested in Marseille links because, as highlighted by the recent twinning of Glasgow and Marseille, the two cities have much in common : these are essential port cities for trade and colonial expansion in the late nineteenth century , industrial cities with a strong working population and cities important music halls. The year 1857 saw the opening of The Britannia Panopticon in Glasgow and the opening of The Alcazar in Marseille, including the former site is located near the Old Charity which holds our study day, "Morphologies and worlds music hall. " The Britannia Panopticon guard function music hall until 1936, The Alcazar, until 1966. If the building was demolished Alcazar in 1979 and the space now houses the Library Marseille Regional del monte aviation Vocation of the same name, The Britannia Panopticon building still exists, little changed inside since 1936 (there was rediscovered in 1997 ...), and his fate remains uncertain. That's why I came to Marseille in December 2008, seeking more information about Alcazar .
The French generally more links will be part of our treatment of the music hall in Glasgow also: from 1896, The Britannia Panopticon shows films music halls of Paris, including the American dancer Loie Fuller, filmed by the Lumière brothers, and glorified by Stéphane Mallarmé penciled in the theater. There are also several references to French culture in the room of David Leddy, Sub Rosa, who makes a spooky music hall in Glasgow recreation XXI century: writings on music hall Colette at a famous phrase of Voltaire, and the cancan.
All this muscular magic of music hall is predominantly urban: it is not without cause that the music hall is an Anglo-Saxon del monte aviation fact, born in the world sudden and large urban concentrations quakeristes myths of work: promoting objects, metals and gestures dreamed, the sublimation of the work his magic erase [...] all contribute to the artifice of cities. R. Barthes, Mythologies, p. 811.
Barthes reminds us that music hall born conurbations Anglo-Saxon. His argument continues on the track of work: music hall Sedu
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