Sunday, March 23, 2014

Of course the best solution would be to abolish all subsidies. Quite apart from the question WHY us

Talk about Ukraine Forum drifted on CAP-a (unfortunately, you do not logged in will not see this discussion tamarind seed removal machine ...). As far as I know, the forum does not have a separate thread only issue poświęceonego ago - and at the same, the theme is both associated with the farm, so it fits this blog, and not to the "dark corner internet" and may also be interesting for you - I decided a little about agricultural policy pofilozofować. And what the hell ..!
Many people already see that the so-called fee. "Direct", the area of arable land, leading to pathology. Even such as Rytomoczydłach, where the owner (reasonably) more profitable to bring fortune to ruin than anything in it to do. What is, otherwise, a mild case and on a small scale. Because I've heard about a lot absurdalniejszych "scams" ...
These costs have already risen. I just increased the price of essential goods for agricultural production - and, moreover, many farmers bears the additional cost of maintaining equipment or buildings that were not urgently needed can, but since it was a grant, it had been bought tamarind seed removal machine or built - and now stand and demand of fuel, oils, spare parts, electricity, repayment of loans ... About that already had written. tamarind seed removal machine
If you make "payments for production" is 99.97% of the farmers treat them as additional revenue, encouraging them to increase production tamarind seed removal machine regardless of its cost-effectiveness. Farms will be so expensive that no payments would have never occurred, and the remaining increase production beyond the current "equilibrium level". This means permanent "swine hill", "milky tamarind seed removal machine hill" and all - up the hill, because who is selling and where ..? I assure you that the prices for the final consumer SURE will not fall! And even if - how many pig chops more you are able to eat ..?
Of course the best solution would be to abolish all subsidies. Quite apart from the question WHY us at all any "agricultural policy" (what kind are right - economic or political tamarind seed removal machine - that there was a rather "agricultural policy" and not a "policy of publishing" - after press paper market dies, and the number of unemployed journalists will soon equal the number of "redundant" according Jewrosojuza and ungracious us gosudarstwa reigning farmers ..?) - this fee is simply the dumbest possible utility of such a policy, we can only imagine.
So, for example, from the time of the Empress Anna, "regulated" market was the military horses in the Russian Empire. You to define the known in advance, tamarind seed removal machine for many years ahead of the price at which it intends to buy "kirasjerskie horse", "horses Uhlan", etc. - and the breeders, knowing it would provide more than enough supply sufficient. These prices were initially slightly higher than the cost of buying similar horses abroad - but sometimes, though very slowly decreased. "Added value", which the government sought was not here anyway tamarind seed removal machine savings, but certainty tamarind seed removal machine of supply - in case of war, cutting off Russia from foreign markets.
The question is whether this theme is still out any sense? Is Europe could threaten hunger? Because I have a feeling that quite the contrary - Netherlands alone would probably nursed half the world - and it is such a tiny kraik ...
The complicated name, I wanted to show off that difficult words I know - but the reality was very simple. The (almost) every province of the Russian Empire in the second half of the nineteenth century took place - usually once a year - some "agricultural exhibitions." At the exhibition tamarind seed removal machine was designed as a budget gold imperiałów. And yes, the owner of the bull dostawł highest rating, for example, 100 rubles in gold. And a beautiful gold medal for good measure. It was the fortune of a few, if not several such bulls.
No wonder that there were many takers. In practice, their investment tamarind seed removal machine in improving the quality (cattle, horses, tamarind seed removal machine sheep, etc., etc.) are many orders of magnitude higher than the budgets spent on prizes and organizing exhibitions.
The same act, moreover, to this day horse racing tamarind seed removal machine (with the exception of Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan, perhaps - but the specific places where many horses is racing, tamarind seed removal machine and little - training ...). The sum of money paid to the owners and jockeys is many times lower than the cost of breeding and training horses. In other words, the industry as a whole is permanently gross deficit - and there is only thanks to the constantly attracting new capital encouraged tamarind seed removal machine by the hope of winning. tamarind seed removal machine
What happened in the way of "start" of the capital (which in practice has been wasted on the construction of the large, tamarind seed removal machine to do anything unnecessary, brick-storey houses and consumed) after the political transformation tamarind seed removal machine in such a way as was done for the Tsar ..?
Well, and now - now it is too late. The village, despite tamarind seed removal machine the subsidies (and just - DUE payments!) Is drained tamarind seed removal machine of capital and remains its only selling off the land or selling below cost when you need to cover the necessary expenses ...
It was once much easier than today. tamarind seed removal machine Star

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