Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Jebnij ripe olives his forehead because it niebedzie arctic air entering the hot summer Mediterrane

Lehar dangerous cyclone is coming to India. Also dangerous storm in the north of Australia | Nature, ripe olives weather, climate
Follow me on Twitter RSS Home Weather forecast for Spring and Summer ripe olives 2014 Forecast for March forecast the NAO and AO conditions biometeorological current appearance of the sun polls Weather warnings for drivers weather forecast 16 day METEOBASE MODEL - NEW! Embarrassment stinks AND ITS USERS handicapped
Satellite image of cyclone approaching to India SRC Thursday promises to be a day of extremely turbulent in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Tomorrow region falls under the influence of tropical cyclone Lehar, who arrives in Japan from his heated waters of the Gulf of Bengal. Meteorologists warn of heavy rainfall, combined with violent storms. It takes evacuate residents of the east coast of India in the moment Lehar cyclone is located about 600 km from the Indian ripe olives coast. According to information provided by the American Center for hurricanes, near the average wind speed reaches 120 km / h and gusts of 170 km / h, which is equivalent to the first category hurricane in the Saffir Simpson scale. When the eye of the storm on the night of Wednesday to Thursday approaches the east coast of India, ripe olives will begin heavy rain and strong winds in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The worst situation is to take place tomorrow in the morning, when the wave height at the coast can be up to 3 meters in height. Due to the high risk local fishermen call as soon as possible Departures to shore. Evacuated nearly 1,200 people living near the coast, where the element hit with the greatest strength. "Although it will be weaker than the cyclone Phailin, apply a high risk of weather" forecasters warned ripe olives that a new cyclone - the third in the past two months on the east coast of India - danger of serious damage to agricultural crops, problems in moving ripe olives trains, as well as to the flooding of certain areas and multi-day ripe olives outages. "You can not exclude further victims of the disaster. For two previous cyclones: Phailin and Helen lives of nearly 50 people, mainly in the area of Andhra Pradesh and the neighboring state of Orissa. The cyclone also in northern Australia rare this time of year Alessia tropical cyclone can bring heavy rainfall in the north-eastern ripe olives Australia. The storm created a week ago on the west of the city of Darwin, passed through the northern Northern Territory on Tuesday, entering the Gulf of Carpentaria. There cyclone again gained ripe olives momentum, creating a potentially hazardous ripe olives weather conditions in the area of Carpentaria next Thursday and Friday. According to meteorologist Peter Otto, "Alessia" ripe olives is located 115 km from Borrolooly and moving south at 11 kilometers per hour. Weather warnings are valid from the port of Koper to the island Karumba Mornington. The average wind speed near the cyclone reaches 110 km / h
Related ripe olives posts: India: approaching cyclone Phailin. Anxiously also in the Philippines Powerful cyclone near the coast of Madagascar. May hit the Indian satellite Reunion "Mangalyan" image shows the storm approaching over the Deccan Peninsula Dynamic weather around the Indian Ocean. Possible tornado cyclone Rustly bring serious economic problems in Australia
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Jebnij ripe olives his forehead because it niebedzie arctic air entering the hot summer Mediterranean Sea starts cyklogeneza genuanow low pressure one that will move to the Polish. On the west side of the low pressure one will be brought in arctic air and thus snowstorm
A pair of researchers from L'Ocean IPSL Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris published a paper in the journal Nature Geoscience, in which she described in detail the correlation studies within the ice cover in the Arctic in September and its impact on forecasting severe winters in Europe. Using the maximum covariance analysis on data from 1979/1980-2012/2013, researchers Claude Frankignoul and Javier García-Serrano ...
We call it climate change or global warming, the year 2013 was the sixth warmest year on the planet - according to a report released Monday by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The researchers concluded that the most important weather events of the past year were: Hayian typhoon, cyclone Phailin and extreme heat waves in Australia. More and hotter average temperature (surface waters and ...
In the United States, as was the case last year, the winter n

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