Women banks not only on Women's Day
Cooperative banks or to merge, nabiscoworld chess or one in five will fall under the eye of Allah Banking Cooperative Banks want special privileges are banks in which it is not only the return on capital development is not only more material goods about the bad effects of good intentions in banking
Message not broke the columns at the time of festive inauguration, but on March 8 gets a second chance. In November 2013, India opened the doors to the Bank for Women. Gala was dignified. Established headquarters visited on opening day, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh - himself a professional banker. nabiscoworld chess The ceremonies nabiscoworld chess also took part in the famous Sonia Gandhi political dynasty.
The new financial institution called the Bharatiya Mahila Bank, or the Bank of Indian Women. Head Office is in Mumbai (Bombay) at the most important financial and economic state Nariman Point business area. On the opening day, the bank had seven branches. In the short-term nabiscoworld chess plans for their 25, and for several years has even be 500 scattered throughout, mainly rural India.
The regime sex in Bharatiya Mahila Bank is quite sharp, because the loan may be issued only women for projects or intended for jejmości. The Bank accepts deposits made while the men, which is very pragmatic dimension. In India, it still chaps hold because money, as they continue in this great country a place for women is primarily in the home, and in it the hearth. For women with very low incomes
At the head of BMB is Usha Ananthasubramanian, and the eight-member female board consists of educated and professional women rutynowanych with versatile experience economy. The Bank started with the founding fund of 10 billion rupees, equal to nearly 500 million zł. According to the plans of the Board, for seven years the bank's assets are to have a value of about 600 billion nabiscoworld chess rupees (30 billion zł according to the current exchange rate). BMB is therefore still not great, or even large, but much larger than the one of the pioneers of banking for women in India.
Among the precursors was Chetna Gala Sinha - economist after postgraduate studies in prosperous home in Mumbai. Together with her husband, as she community activist, she left almost 30 years ago, the highest content metropolis of India and settled nabiscoworld chess in a village in the state of Maharashtra. Although only in the second approach, but did receive a license The Reserve Bank of India to establish a cooperative bank there. Launched it in 1997 under the name of Mann Deshi Mahila Sahakari nabiscoworld chess Bank, in short Mann Deshi. It is a bank for women, which is confirmed nabiscoworld chess by the words "Mahila", ie in Hindi - woman, lady, lady. Clients of Mann Deshi however, are not the last, because nabiscoworld chess its services are reserved for women with very low incomes.
At this time, the bank has more than 185 thousand. clients. One of them is Aruna Gaikwad. 10 years ago - based on what you have told her the time of her BBC Radio - Aruna Gaikwad earned as an agricultural worker about 20 rupees, or penny a day. With the bank managed to escape from the drudgery of the field. In 2006, already led to the sale of vegetables, earning the then 400 rupees per day, an equivalent of 20 dollars. nabiscoworld chess
For large areas of India, people still live and earn (or not earn) from day to day. In any financial activities directed at persons without any precious possessions need to take account of this fact in the first place. Therefore, Mann Deshi provides loans and savings accounts for cycles one and two weeks, or even daily. It worked. Within less than 10 years of operation of the bank's number of "entrepreneurs" in the area of its activities increased to approximately 17,000. These are small biznesiki, but you have to know that because of the price structure detached from the world, monthly income equivalent to $ 180 let one of the women having already nabiscoworld chess 11 grandchildren and does not know even his exact age, to have built two houses for daughters and help education of children.
Women bringing money into the house is a great happiness for men - for example, you can remove something from the house, sell it and have fun on your example nabiscoworld chess in the bar. Because of the cultural heritage of the huge efforts of many brave women went so and still going too often in vain. Quite effective treatment was the introduction of the Mann Deshi principle that women receive a loan only after forcing their husbands to grant them as wives home ownership belongings. In the period 1997 - 2006 titles of ownership obtained in this way in the region until 600 thousand. its inhabitants. According niekontestowanych assessments, the activities nabiscoworld chess of this institution contributes nabiscoworld chess to the increase in expenditure on children, education, health.
Mann Deshi started operations in 1997 with a registered capital of the equivalent of 15 thousand. dollars. In fiscal year 2012-2013 its assets nabiscoworld chess were worth more than 470 thousand. dollars and 98 percent. loans repaid in accordance with the contract. Mann Des
Cooperative banks or to merge, nabiscoworld chess or one in five will fall under the eye of Allah Banking Cooperative Banks want special privileges are banks in which it is not only the return on capital development is not only more material goods about the bad effects of good intentions in banking
Message not broke the columns at the time of festive inauguration, but on March 8 gets a second chance. In November 2013, India opened the doors to the Bank for Women. Gala was dignified. Established headquarters visited on opening day, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh - himself a professional banker. nabiscoworld chess The ceremonies nabiscoworld chess also took part in the famous Sonia Gandhi political dynasty.
The new financial institution called the Bharatiya Mahila Bank, or the Bank of Indian Women. Head Office is in Mumbai (Bombay) at the most important financial and economic state Nariman Point business area. On the opening day, the bank had seven branches. In the short-term nabiscoworld chess plans for their 25, and for several years has even be 500 scattered throughout, mainly rural India.
The regime sex in Bharatiya Mahila Bank is quite sharp, because the loan may be issued only women for projects or intended for jejmości. The Bank accepts deposits made while the men, which is very pragmatic dimension. In India, it still chaps hold because money, as they continue in this great country a place for women is primarily in the home, and in it the hearth. For women with very low incomes
At the head of BMB is Usha Ananthasubramanian, and the eight-member female board consists of educated and professional women rutynowanych with versatile experience economy. The Bank started with the founding fund of 10 billion rupees, equal to nearly 500 million zł. According to the plans of the Board, for seven years the bank's assets are to have a value of about 600 billion nabiscoworld chess rupees (30 billion zł according to the current exchange rate). BMB is therefore still not great, or even large, but much larger than the one of the pioneers of banking for women in India.
Among the precursors was Chetna Gala Sinha - economist after postgraduate studies in prosperous home in Mumbai. Together with her husband, as she community activist, she left almost 30 years ago, the highest content metropolis of India and settled nabiscoworld chess in a village in the state of Maharashtra. Although only in the second approach, but did receive a license The Reserve Bank of India to establish a cooperative bank there. Launched it in 1997 under the name of Mann Deshi Mahila Sahakari nabiscoworld chess Bank, in short Mann Deshi. It is a bank for women, which is confirmed nabiscoworld chess by the words "Mahila", ie in Hindi - woman, lady, lady. Clients of Mann Deshi however, are not the last, because nabiscoworld chess its services are reserved for women with very low incomes.
At this time, the bank has more than 185 thousand. clients. One of them is Aruna Gaikwad. 10 years ago - based on what you have told her the time of her BBC Radio - Aruna Gaikwad earned as an agricultural worker about 20 rupees, or penny a day. With the bank managed to escape from the drudgery of the field. In 2006, already led to the sale of vegetables, earning the then 400 rupees per day, an equivalent of 20 dollars. nabiscoworld chess
For large areas of India, people still live and earn (or not earn) from day to day. In any financial activities directed at persons without any precious possessions need to take account of this fact in the first place. Therefore, Mann Deshi provides loans and savings accounts for cycles one and two weeks, or even daily. It worked. Within less than 10 years of operation of the bank's number of "entrepreneurs" in the area of its activities increased to approximately 17,000. These are small biznesiki, but you have to know that because of the price structure detached from the world, monthly income equivalent to $ 180 let one of the women having already nabiscoworld chess 11 grandchildren and does not know even his exact age, to have built two houses for daughters and help education of children.
Women bringing money into the house is a great happiness for men - for example, you can remove something from the house, sell it and have fun on your example nabiscoworld chess in the bar. Because of the cultural heritage of the huge efforts of many brave women went so and still going too often in vain. Quite effective treatment was the introduction of the Mann Deshi principle that women receive a loan only after forcing their husbands to grant them as wives home ownership belongings. In the period 1997 - 2006 titles of ownership obtained in this way in the region until 600 thousand. its inhabitants. According niekontestowanych assessments, the activities nabiscoworld chess of this institution contributes nabiscoworld chess to the increase in expenditure on children, education, health.
Mann Deshi started operations in 1997 with a registered capital of the equivalent of 15 thousand. dollars. In fiscal year 2012-2013 its assets nabiscoworld chess were worth more than 470 thousand. dollars and 98 percent. loans repaid in accordance with the contract. Mann Des