Legislative project NSC: Radacele choose which market to trade will
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National Securities preservation of fruits Commission (NSC) has decided to send a proposal to the Finance Ministry draft law on restructuring Rasdaq. The most important point of the new law gives companies the choice Rasdaq market or alternative trading system that will be transferred.
NSC notes that the proposal reflects the consultation process conducted with market participants, operators, custodians, issuers, associations, preservation of fruits investors, and has as main objective preservation of fruits the protection of investors in companies traded on Rasdaq.
"The project initiated by NSC offers preservation of fruits the right and opportunity Rasdaq preservation of fruits traded companies to choose the market operator or system, or market or alternative system that would be traded after exercising preservation of fruits the option of the shareholders of these companies in general meetings of shareholders "reads a report of the NSC.
"We emphasize that through this law, NSC intentionally framing Rasdaq in current legal systems architecture trading in the capital market, established by the European standards in the field and noationala into law with respect for shareholders of companies in this market without prejudice the legitimate interests of these companies, "the statement said.
Established in 1996 with the status of regulated market Rasdaq become a problem in recent years after it no longer met the standards of European Directives lay down. In these circumstances, Romania could receive a warning from the European Commission if Rasdaq status will be clarified in that it is a regulated market in accordance with EU directives or alternative trading system.
Lucian Anghel, BSE president said last month that the Exchange sent a request that requires authorization by CNVM Rasdaq as alternative trading system. The request was met with hostility by the Association of Capital Market Investors (AIPC), which demanded their resignation due to "occult preservation of fruits and illegal initiative to transform Rasdaq in its alternative trading system (ATS)."
Items similar to "legislative Project NSC" Radacele "what the market will choose to trade" Finance: ceiling remains unchanged consequences for micro health insurance contributions for Cat rental income invested in software and IT Finance Ministry in last two years People with rental income will pay up to 611 euro / month contributions to health fraud scheme preservation of fruits minimis? When the first accusations of favoritism
Sisu Ionut writes for Wall-Street.ro in 2011, after he began work in the media business five years ago, the daily Business Standard. Although the press came just a month before preservation of fruits the collapse of financial markets in autumn 2008, Ionut remained a supporter of the investments preservation of fruits and the Romanian capital market, preservation of fruits it covers areas further from Wall-Street.ro.
Our readers opinion is important to us, Wall Street encouraging publishing your comments. The site will find their place only relevant comments on-topic, presented in a civilized language, no personal attacks / institutions. We reserve preservation of fruits the right to remove any comment that does not comply with these principles, and to restrict access to comments serious or repeated abusers.
Weekly top SIF Banat-Crisana jumped 12% in the last seconds of the session BSE stock like a sales team to attract companies and investors SIF Oltenia wants to pay 38 million for 44% of Argus SIF Banat-Crisana have low and Tuesday preservation of fruits in an apathetic market shares of the Fund, a new historical preservation of fruits record Stock
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Quizzes Product Wall Street Journal Wall Street Lunch My Top business on the move Transform IT Business Profile Emblem Wall Street Lunch buildings in Romania Romania preservation of fruits Romania preservation of fruits Trade Exchange Online Discover war in my rack your new Office Business All About Offshore A place holiday, a manager EcoBusiness New Generation in Business
National Securities preservation of fruits Commission (NSC) has decided to send a proposal to the Finance Ministry draft law on restructuring Rasdaq. The most important point of the new law gives companies the choice Rasdaq market or alternative trading system that will be transferred.
NSC notes that the proposal reflects the consultation process conducted with market participants, operators, custodians, issuers, associations, preservation of fruits investors, and has as main objective preservation of fruits the protection of investors in companies traded on Rasdaq.
"The project initiated by NSC offers preservation of fruits the right and opportunity Rasdaq preservation of fruits traded companies to choose the market operator or system, or market or alternative system that would be traded after exercising preservation of fruits the option of the shareholders of these companies in general meetings of shareholders "reads a report of the NSC.
"We emphasize that through this law, NSC intentionally framing Rasdaq in current legal systems architecture trading in the capital market, established by the European standards in the field and noationala into law with respect for shareholders of companies in this market without prejudice the legitimate interests of these companies, "the statement said.
Established in 1996 with the status of regulated market Rasdaq become a problem in recent years after it no longer met the standards of European Directives lay down. In these circumstances, Romania could receive a warning from the European Commission if Rasdaq status will be clarified in that it is a regulated market in accordance with EU directives or alternative trading system.
Lucian Anghel, BSE president said last month that the Exchange sent a request that requires authorization by CNVM Rasdaq as alternative trading system. The request was met with hostility by the Association of Capital Market Investors (AIPC), which demanded their resignation due to "occult preservation of fruits and illegal initiative to transform Rasdaq in its alternative trading system (ATS)."
Items similar to "legislative Project NSC" Radacele "what the market will choose to trade" Finance: ceiling remains unchanged consequences for micro health insurance contributions for Cat rental income invested in software and IT Finance Ministry in last two years People with rental income will pay up to 611 euro / month contributions to health fraud scheme preservation of fruits minimis? When the first accusations of favoritism
Sisu Ionut writes for Wall-Street.ro in 2011, after he began work in the media business five years ago, the daily Business Standard. Although the press came just a month before preservation of fruits the collapse of financial markets in autumn 2008, Ionut remained a supporter of the investments preservation of fruits and the Romanian capital market, preservation of fruits it covers areas further from Wall-Street.ro.
Our readers opinion is important to us, Wall Street encouraging publishing your comments. The site will find their place only relevant comments on-topic, presented in a civilized language, no personal attacks / institutions. We reserve preservation of fruits the right to remove any comment that does not comply with these principles, and to restrict access to comments serious or repeated abusers.
Weekly top SIF Banat-Crisana jumped 12% in the last seconds of the session BSE stock like a sales team to attract companies and investors SIF Oltenia wants to pay 38 million for 44% of Argus SIF Banat-Crisana have low and Tuesday preservation of fruits in an apathetic market shares of the Fund, a new historical preservation of fruits record Stock
Catalogue Wall Street Consulting (924) ICT (851) Advertising (790) Professional Services preservation of fruits (594) Industry (465) Real Estate (454) Shipping & cargo (347) Tourism (296) Auto (280) Finance and Insurance (243) Office & furniture (237)
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