Friday, September 27, 2013

Read: Sobolewski, BSE: Scholarship must reform its market malanpur industries segment for small Sob

Bursa become stars in their own market: malanpur industries doing nothing, Sobolevski push the highs of BSE shares
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Investors flocked to buy shares of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) after the Polish malanpur industries Ludwik Sobolewski was endorsed by the ASF to take over as CEO of the market malanpur industries operator. Yesterday, BSE titles were among the most traded and reached the highest level in a year.
Sobolevski's appointment was greeted with enthusiasm in market shares BSE closing session on Thursday at a price of 24.02, up 2.2%. Shares of stock last time they managed to overcome the psychological barrier of 24 was in September 2012.
"It seems that investors have confidence in the chances of success of the new director and this is reflected in the evolution of stock shares. Hopes are high, but the disappointment will be as great if it fails. Most likely to purchase entered and retail investors, in addition to BSE shareholders who trade usually these actions, "says Marcel Murgoci, director of the company's brokerage trading Estinvest.
Read: Sobolewski, BSE: Scholarship must reform its market malanpur industries segment for small Sobolewski wants minimum 55% of the shares to be listed on BSE ROMGAZ Ludwik Sobolewski, the new CEO of the Stock Exchange comes from conference "Entrepreneur, looking for finance"
Earlier this month the stock has recorded malanpur industries two sessions in which cumulative shares BSE increased by 13%, due to significant volumes, most likely generated by the orders of the company's shareholders.
Ludwik Sobolewski holds a Ph.D. in law and was President of the Executive Board and CEO of the Warsaw Stock Exchange in the period 2006-2013, when it became the largest stock exchange in Central and Eastern Europe.
Previous experience of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Ludwik Sobolewski was executive vice president of Polish National Depository and Clearing House. He also serves as Chairman of the Supervisory Board in several institutions such as the National Depository for Securities, malanpur industries the Polish Power Exchange and BondSpot, a company that manages trading malanpur industries government bonds.
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