Monday, October 28, 2013

When traveling vimal dairy to the sea always remember to taste the specialties of the country in wh

When traveling vimal dairy to the sea always remember to taste the specialties of the country in which you head on holiday. You will learn so much about the lives of its people and their tastes. Italians, Greeks, Spaniards and Portuguese swear by olive oil, which is the basic ingredient of almost all their national dishes. vimal dairy No wonder that the Mediterranean olives failed. Have Ovid claimed that olive oil has supernatural properties, as well as honey is the food of the gods. One Greek proverb says that friends are like salted olives - the older the better. With both can agree without any major objections, olive trees are for many residents of coastal vimal dairy states indeed sacred plants. If the chocolate in the realm of gourmet considered brown gold, then gold olives vimal dairy are green, as the already proclaimed Homer. Olives are simply in the history of southern Europe and its culture its place. Are you interested in the role played in the founding vimal dairy of Athens? Zeus myth by launching the new patron of the warring gods: Poseidon emerged as a source of salt water, Pallas Athena gave the people as a sacred olive tree. And won. READ ALSO: good olive oil? The one that smells, experts say most of today's consumers know olive green and black, the difference between them is not, however, in variety, as it might seem, but in the degree of maturation. Green olives are harvested unripe, while the black by contrast, are fully ripe to overripe. There is also a special way of treatment, which originally unripe green olives vimal dairy in brine to black, the plate will be modified, however, so the fetus gets rarely. During the ripening of the fruit of the olive tree to tree gradually becomes yellow, red, blue ... to black. Designed vimal dairy to eat olives are harvested by hand in principle, nasolují in large containers vimal dairy and then loaded into the prepared specially flavored brine. The average Greek consumes per year and 23 liters! One resident of Greece consumes per year whopping 23 liters of olive oil, it is said that the Greeks fundamentally not stowed "oliváč" in the glass, but in a metal bowl (do not get him to the sun). The actual olive fruit ripens from October to December, maturation lasts 140-180 days, most oils contain olives just before ripening. It is strongly recommended fresh olives stored for longer than seven days - if you happen to want to bring some home. The quality of olive oil affects the country of origin, location, altitude, climate, time of harvest and, last but not least, the method of treatment. From one kilogram of olives can produce almost three liters "liquid gold". Olive oil is extra but still one peculiarity: the oil is extracted from the whole fruit, not the seed. Special processing method then requires extra virgin olive oil that is pressed from the fruit straight cold, which it managed to maintain maximum beneficial substances. Among virgin olive oil is the real KLAS or hesitate. Classic olive oil is mostly a mixture of refined and virgin oil (refined is added to hot water, so the oil loses its typical dense flavor).
Why is it that the oil from olives so healthy? The main reason they are called polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are for pick overall vimal dairy metabolism, reduce blood cholesterol and protect the body against the effects of free radicals. In layman's terms, vimal dairy olive oil has the ability to carry out your body's blood vessels and flush out a lot of bad substances, such as causing inflammation or long-term fatigue. vimal dairy Residents of the southern European countries and regularly reported in statistics lowest incidence of cardiovascular disease. Cretans believe that those who used olive oil in the kitchen, living longer. One tablespoon by them can cancel a negative impact on cholesterol levels in the blood after eating two eggs. Olive oil does not increase blood pressure, as the only oil used for heat treatment. All other overheating after your heart hurt. If your arguments, why not use olive oil, seem still insufficient, believe that when you use it will be quite difficult to get fat. Unlike other fats had also contains fewer calories. Southerners simply know very well why it poured into dishes of all kinds, is particularly popular for its taste and cold in the kitchen, especially in the fresh vegetable salads.
What can olive oil * lowers blood cholesterol and blood pressure * total preventive effect against atherosclerosis and heart attacks * protects the lining of the stomach and intestines * helps improve the function of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas * favorably influences the regeneration of the skin, prevents premature aging Photo: vimal dairy www .
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